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  1. #1
    rxarms's Avatar
    rxarms is offline Associate Member
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    Thumbs up Getting into porn business

    My friend and I are thinking about getting into the porn business. I never knew how much money those porn sites made. My GOD. Are we in the wrong line of work. Any porno stars out there, part time, weekends. Web site owners. How do you like it. I just thought porn and cycle made a good combo. Yah know.

  2. #2
    SilverSiR's Avatar
    SilverSiR is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah I started a porn site when I was 15. It was pretty easy money back then, 1000-2000 a month doing 2-3 hours work a day. But good luck getting into the business right now, there are so many free sites out there that it is hard to make money unless you come up with a fresh new idea. Can't expect to make any money if you put up a "Teen" or "Asian" website because you can go to all those free sites and get your fill for the day, you need to find a niche. And now most of those niches are filled up, so you are pretty much SOL.

    There are just too many big players out there, not enough room for the small guy to startup and prosper. Things like Kazaa and free websites like The Hun make it hard for a porn site to get members, why pay when there's so much free out there. You needed to start back in 99 or so to have any chance in succeeding.

  3. #3
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    live cam shows are the new big thing, imo. I "know" (not really, but we've chatted a few times...she's an ex girlfriend of a friend) a girl who does those and she'll make 1500-2000/week just putting in some night hours. Basically along the lines of the same money you can make stripping but without having to be in a nasty club where the guys can actually touch you. That's the sorta niche you need to provide.

  4. #4
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    I spoke with the good DR EVIL a bit ago and he is doing rather well in the skin "accessory" game - and about to get heavy on the online biz - well, you knew it had to be his eventuall calling when you saw the shape of "preparation H" in the movie

  5. #5
    Slypknot's Avatar
    Slypknot is offline Member
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    Not sure - move a lot.
    I currently own several porn websites... non of which are picture, all retail - all of which have been around long enough to stick near the top of search engines and pull in some decent cash.

    A few years ago it was simple. You find a nitch where there are only 3-4 other competitors and WHAM! you're busy as fuck! Nowadays, it's a challenge finding that one thing that very few others are selling/offering. If you can you'll make a killing!

    I'd recommend you stay away from pictures...there are too many out there already and all it takes is one guy to upload all your content to the newsgroups and boom - you've just lost your edge. Stick to retail or consumables...much easier and people will keep coming back.

    JUST BEWARE OF THE FEDS. You will experience all KINDS of bullshit (if you get big) from harrasing letters, rediculous law suits, christian hackers, etc.... it's a lot of work so make sure you retain a good lawyer just incase. Not saying it'll happen, but the bigger you get the more people notice you.

    Good luck bro!

  6. #6
    SilverSiR's Avatar
    SilverSiR is offline Junior Member
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    Also check out , it's a message porn related to the porn industry. I do not know if there's other that are better cuz I've been out of the game for a few years.

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