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Thread: back pain

  1. #1
    DAAS's Avatar
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    back pain

    Like a true jack wagon I pulled/ tweeked my lower back while doing dead lifts. Ive been taking Advil and sitting in the hot tub for about 20 minutes then the cool pool for about ten. I just rotate that and use one of those rollers and roll my back gently. Its been about a week and the pain is still pretty intense.

    any help on ideas of what to do?

  2. #2
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Lower back muscle pulls can be a b*tch. A lot of weight is supported by your lower back and, its very easy to re-injur due to a variety of factors, including the way you walk and even the way you sleep.

    I tweaked mine a few weeks ago doing the same thing and its felt better in the last two days since I bought a new mattress. My old mattress was killing it and it hurt like hell especially in the mornings. I'd have to sleep on my side.. sleeping on my stomach and back was out of the question.

    You're doing the right thing rotating cold and heat, the roller can be helpful as well. Try doing light cat stretches and resting it (allowing it to heal) is important. I'd lay off dead lifts for a while (obviously) until you build up strength in the lower back again.

  3. #3
    DAAS's Avatar
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    I do need a new bed. Not in the budget right now though. Maybe get some icey hot patches? I never thought those worked because it just gives you the sensation of cool but the actual temperature isnt cold. is my logic flawed?

  4. #4
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Icy hot is okay for minor muscle strains, IMO.. doesn't work on anything major in my experience. The 'icy' part is intended to 'dull the pain', while the 'hot' part is to relax the muscle and should theoretically allow the muscle to repair.

    So, although you 'feel cold and hot', its not a temperature thing, but rather a nerve receptor stimulation thing.

  5. #5
    DAAS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Icy hot is okay for minor muscle strains, IMO.. doesn't work on anything major in my experience. The 'icy' part is intended to 'dull the pain', while the 'hot' part is to relax the muscle and should theoretically allow the muscle to repair.

    So, although you 'feel cold and hot', its not a temperature thing, but rather a nerve receptor stimulation thing.
    I also have some muscle relaxers I got when I injured my shoulder but I always found those to make things worse. Like you get soe relaxed when youre asleep that your bones end up in positions they arent normally in and then when you wake up your muscles tighten again and then youre all ****ed up. Thats my bro science. idk what actually happens but they made my shoulder worse so..

  6. #6
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Right, muscle relaxers are to aid with pain relief and to reduce 'spasticity', which is that tightness and pain you feel from when you pull the muscle.

    Sucks when you're asleep and your body thinks everything is okay so you flip and flop without regard to the pain, and end up making it worse. Happens all the time.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Stay out of the hot tub. Its not the same as contrast therapy. That has to be done quickly dunking into ice water then hot back and forth for 20 seconds or so.

    Stick with ice if its a strain.

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