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Thread: Tax confusion

  1. #41
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    The end result is the system implodes and we become Russia. A few very rich and a lot more poor with no government assistance and no middle class.
    Awesome...good times.

  2. #42
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    Well then. I hope we can avoid that, but unfortunately, I think you are right.

    Too far gone?

  3. #43
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ78 View Post
    So a totally hypothetical question:

    If we made a whole bunch of new deductions than we did last year, will that throw up red flags?

    i.e. church, charity?
    Last year was the first time we hired a CPA, and he is a lawyer as well. Because we got married and she started getting commision based and w2. I thought that we did all of the possible deductions, and still paid out the ass.

    Its fuc** cause my brother has 3 kids, no income, no job, gets EBT assistance, and still gets $8K+ back everyyear.
    NO. no red flags. the IRS, over 10 or 15 years ago, adopted to use a kinder, gentler, machine gun hand when it comes to scrutinizing the little fish. Yes brother, you are the little fish, and so am I. the IRS has a finite supply of field auditors, and the new policy is for them to only go after the big fish. Joe six pack hasn't been audited in years. the caveat to that statement, is individuals utilizing a variety of schedules, including C.

    If you do not exceed any thresholds on charitable contributions, you are fine. only when you start claiming large amounts, and it substantially impacts your tax liability, will someone even look up from reading the sunday funny papers.

    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    Now you know why Obama won! There are more people that live in your brothers situation and like it vs working hard like you and your wife.
    really? this is what you think? reality check. Obama has zero to do with tax law or the 14 amendment. I'm not an Obama supporter, but let's try to be factual and not turn this into a political mud slinging event, ok?

    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    This country needs a low "Flat Tax" that "everyone" pays, without exception. Take out all the ambiguity.
    we had one once. it's called the 14th amendent, which gave birth to what? INCOME TAX! and the initial tax code was fairly flat. The problem with calling for a flat tax, which is a good idea imho, is that the politicians have the power to add to and change the tax law. so what starts out flat, eventually turns out to be anything but flat.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    No it was about 3 years ago but since then I have grossed to much for it to help or give me additional refund.
    if the information you gave is accurate, then something else is going on. I'm thinking reducing your taxable income ALSO allowed you to escape from the additional tax referred to as AMT.

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