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  1. #1
    dusted411's Avatar
    dusted411 is offline New Member
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    Personal trainer certification? Which one is the best?

    Quick question that I think probably a lot of you guys are well suited to answer for me, I have been looking into getting certified as a personal trainer in the very near future. I'm a construction worker by trade and in New England the winters are ugly so right now if I'm not out plowing I'm in the gym or home eating and thinking of ways to make at least some $ doing something I don't absolutely hate everyday, don't get me wrong construction is alright and the $ is really good sometimes but it does get old always having your job site change. There have been sites so far away we just broke down and rented rooms nearby after adding up the fuel costs of driving our trucks 120miles each way.
    But back to the question at hand, I see many different kinds of certifications with many different costs, I mean these things vary from $60.00 all the way to $7000.00 and I'm sure even more if I kept looking and as far as I know there is no real regulation I copied this {(note : there is currently no governing body on personal trainer certifications in the U.S.) so does anyone have a recommendation on one worth looking into that might be excepted in more places then one of the 60$ five minute online things?
    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated thank you for taking the time to read this.

  2. #2
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    New England winter there isn't a dam foot of snow outside my door now with another foot coming Satuarday- can't do roofing in this crap

  3. #3
    dusted411's Avatar
    dusted411 is offline New Member
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    I know bro it's never ending, and to top it off my girl sold my Navigator and bought a mazda 3, I feel like I'm putting on a black tube top every time I get in the stupid thing, she's already gone off the rd twice and had to have triple a come pull it out of snow banks at the end of the driveway because she refuses to actually slow down before pulling in. I now know almost every tow truck driver in the Merrimack Valley on a first hand basis at this point and it's only the beginning of Feb, it's going to be a long winter.

  4. #4
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    I have IFA and it's all I need. $100.......

  5. #5
    pitweiler is offline Member
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    I'm in the same area and same business. I'm looking for a way out myself. I don't think there's much money in it. Attest around here anyways. I've thought about doing it also but it seems like most of the gyms I've been to just hire some joe shmoe to do it and go through the motions. Rather than someone knowledgable like us

  6. #6
    evander87's Avatar
    evander87 is offline Senior Member
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    Ever watch some personal trainers train? Many suck and i see them as a lawsuit waiting to happen.

    As far as certs go get just about any and you can get on at a local gym and train. If you work for a big chain you're not going to make a whole lotta money.

    The real money is in running your own studio and having clients that way. My old trainer, a competitive bodybuilder has has his own studio and NO certificate. He's been training for decades and at this point no one asks because his client are all most always referred by word of mouth.

    Now I know many trainer that have a cert and are looking to improve and have some previously unopened doors open for them and they usually go for the CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) This will allow you to coach at most university level teams. This is the cert I'm going for right now. Its a bitch but I think it will be worth it in the end. BTW to get a CSCS you have to have a bachelors degree. Doesn't matter what it's in you just have to have one.

  7. #7
    dusted411's Avatar
    dusted411 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input guys, and watching the clowns at my gym was one of the things that inspired me to look into it. Just tonight I was doing chest and one of the trainers was in the area to my right having his client do what I think were supposed to be deadlifts and the entire time he sat there playing with his phone while this poor guy was trying to do reps without any bend in his knees whatsoever and no collars on the bar, I just watched in amazement as the plate slid farther and farther and this guys eyes were bulging out of his head as he used his lower back and bis to try to move the weight. It was ugly and the list goes on and on definitely a law suit in the making like you said.
    I went online and took the test for the I.F.A one today I'm going to grab my credit card and have them mail me the card tomorrow. Thanks again.

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