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Thread: "bad" dealers

  1. #1
    fast's Avatar
    fast is offline Associate Member
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    Angry "bad" dealers

    Finnish bodybuilder was cheated by company (people) who sell DNP at U.K. They selled him DNP capsules that should have contained 190mg/capsule but they had 380mg/capsule. This guy used them twice a day and ended up in hospital. GRR :/


    Too bad it`s only in finnish :/

  2. #2
    mammoth's Avatar
    mammoth is offline Member
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    Georgia @ 6'8"/290lbs
    I have never done DNP and probabaly never will. I also don't know what kind of side effects that DNP has. If it is anything like other drugs that raise body temp and heart rate, I would think that the guy should have noticed the substantial increases. I feel for the guy though and hope he gets better!

    On a side note, this should be a reminder to everyone that we should try to stay in-tune with our bodies as much as possible. Mainly for the reason that we don't want to have to bury any good bros but also when something like this happens it brings unwanted attention to the bb community.

    Stay safe people!

  3. #3
    fast's Avatar
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    the capsules are yellow and are in plastic bag which reads "TESCO"

    Just saw that in news. Police is investigating it etc..

  4. #4
    jleighty17 is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by mammoth
    I have never done DNP and probabaly never will. I also don't know what kind of side effects that DNP has. If it is anything like other drugs that raise body temp and heart rate, I would think that the guy should have noticed the substantial increases. I feel for the guy though and hope he gets better!

    On a side note, this should be a reminder to everyone that we should try to stay in-tune with our bodies as much as possible. Mainly for the reason that we don't want to have to bury any good bros but also when something like this happens it brings unwanted attention to the bb community.

    Stay safe people!
    DNP is the most dangerous drug out there and the effects cant be noticed right away and if you take too much your body litteraly burns up from the inside and there is nothing to do about it

  5. #5
    mammoth's Avatar
    mammoth is offline Member
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    Georgia @ 6'8"/290lbs
    Originally posted by jleighty17

    DNP is the most dangerous drug out there and the effects cant be noticed right away and if you take too much your body litteraly burns up from the inside and there is nothing to do about it
    I have heard some pretty bad horror stories about it. Thanks for the info!

  6. #6
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
    wrstlr69sdnl is offline Senior Member
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    how can I make it english?

  7. #7
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Can someone please, please PM me the name of the company involved.

  8. #8
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    My finnish really sucks but i cant see any company name in there, only that he BOUGHT! them online.
    Fuck man double the dosage...insane!

    Edit - How the fuck could i spell bought, both?
    Last edited by palme; 06-04-2003 at 02:20 PM.

  9. #9
    fast's Avatar
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    It`s not in the site but it was seen in news at tv, the tesco name.
    They also showed site of uk steroid dealer. Im not sure if its okay to post name of the company they showed in tv but I know it anyways

    Here goes, Ill do my best with translating from finnish to english:

    Eteläsuomalainen mies joutui äskettäin tehohoitoon syötyään kapseleita annostusohjeen mukaan. Hän oli tilannut aineen Internetin kautta Britanniasta. Internet-sivuilla kapseleiden DNP -pitoisuudeksi ilmoitettiin 200 milligrammaa/kapseli. Elintarvikevirasto tutkii kyseisten kapseleiden koostumuksen ja ottaa yhteyttä Britannian viranomaisiin sekä kaikkiin EU-maihin.

    "A male living in southern Finland was taken to "critical treatment" (emergency?) for eating capsules (DNP) as it was written on the instructions. He had ordered this drug trough internet from UK.
    In the internet site it was told that capsules would consist 200mg/capsule DNP. Finnish blabla(dunno the word) is investigating on the capsules and takes contact to UK authorities and all EU countries."

    DNP on hyvin vaarallinen aine, joka häiritsee vakavasti elimistön solujen energiatuotantoa. Ainetta on käytetty lähinnä jäteveden puhdistuksessa ja torjunta-aineena. DNP:tä ei luokitella lääkkeeksi, mutta se kuuluu sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön ylläpitämään haitallisten aineiden luetteloon.

    "DNP is a very dangerous drug that disturbs highly systems cell energyproduction. DNP isn`t classified as a medicine, but it belongs to the social and health ministrys list of hazardous drugs."

    Tulli on aikaisemmin takavarikoinut ja analysoinut Britanniasta tulleen vastaavanlaisen kapselipaketin sisällön. Tammikuussa löydetyt keltaiset kapselit oli pakattu minigrip-pussiin, ja paketin päällä oli ollut merkintä Tesco.

    "Customs have earlier seized and analyzed a package similar to this one from UK before. In January capsules that were found were packed in minigrip plastic bag and bag had marking "TESCO"."

    Tullilaboratorion tutkimuksissa kapseleiden DNP-pitoisuudeksi ilmeni 380 milligrammaa/kapseli eli lähes kaksinkertainen määrä ilmoitettuun verrattuna. Laboratorio tutkii parhaillaan suomalaiselta potilaalta saadun kapselierän koostumusta

    "Customs laboratory investigations showed that capsules contained 380mg DNP per capsule, almost twice as it was told on the page.
    Laboratory is currently investigating the consistency of capsules taken from patient."

  10. #10
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    OK well just to put the record straight for legal purpose's TESCO is a reputable chain of stores in the british Isles which wouldn't sell DNP or anything else dangerous or illegal.

    Anyway the offer is still there, please PM me the UK site for further action please.

  11. #11
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Ok sorry I had to lock the thread for a night. But I was afraid someone would name the company whose name was PM'd to me withouth my making representations to them first. It turns out to be someone I use on a regular basis and who has never let me down. I won't print the whole reply here, but here's a part of his email to me...

    " have heard this from a friend out there. I know for a fact it was not from me for 2 reasons.I dont send anything in Tesco bags... I mean DOH!!!... and I only have 2 customers in Finland and neither have ever bought DNP from me, Not to mention its a bit nuts double dosing the caps.

    My guess is the media looked on the web and came up with my site. Bit of a fucking nightmare really! Its not the sort of publicity one wants.".

    I can personally voach for the fact that this guy NEVER packs anything labelled 'TESCO'. And would have to agree with him about the media taking a look at the net and coming up with his site.

    Thats about it. The company named in the Finnish site has provided me a good service for some time now and I'm glad to clear this up for anyone who's managed to learn to read Finnish in two days, lol.


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