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Thread: Ultimate Warrior passed away

  1. #41
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    54.............!!!! unless your older than 40 you don't realize how close that is, and he would of fdefinitely lived another 20 yrs if he hadn't been pumping himself full of steroids and stuff.
    People do have fatal heart attacks at that age. If I recall, I don't think his father lived to be much older than he was. But before we start blaming steroids , let's look at his family history for heart disease. And also his diet.

    What I bet probably happened is he figured since he exercises and keeps himself in good shape that he didn't have to worry about what's going on inside him because for all he knew, he was healthy. The people who have to worry about their cholesterol and blood pressure are the fat and out of shape people.

    I'm also willing to bet a good number of people on this site think the same way as that. And instead of getting regular checkups to make sure they're healthy inside, just assume so because they're in shape and try to eat healthy.

    From the sound of the cause of death, I bet this death could've been prevented had they caught the signs sooner.
    Chicagotarsier likes this.

  2. #42
    redhawk01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong

    People do have fatal heart attacks at that age. If I recall, I don't think his father lived to be much older than he was. But before we start blaming steroids , let's look at his family history for heart disease. And also his diet.

    What I bet probably happened is he figured since he exercises and keeps himself in good shape that he didn't have to worry about what's going on inside him because for all he knew, he was healthy. The people who have to worry about their cholesterol and blood pressure are the fat and out of shape people.

    I'm also willing to bet a good number of people on this site think the same way as that. And instead of getting regular checkups to make sure they're healthy inside, just assume so because they're in shape and try to eat healthy.

    From the sound of the cause of death, I bet this death could've been prevented had they caught the signs sooner.
    My brother in-law had a near fatal heart attack. He was about that same age. No drugs, alcohol, didn't smoke, decent shape, no family history of heart disease. Artery was 95% blocked. I don't know his medical history, but it took all of us by surprise.

  3. #43
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    UW was not a wrestler I followed or liked in character because he played that supernatural spirtwalk thing...just not attractive to my 10 yr old mind at the time lol. So many things we take for granted. I am 42 and have had a stroke in my life...due to elevated stress and helped to by low testosterone . I only found out..even after the stroke..I had low test by accident (treating ED). Having big muscles and walking like the hulk does not make us invincible. The moment we are born we are dieing.

    I am glad he got his moment of peace in front of his fans and everyone. RIP big guy.

  4. #44
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    UW was not a wrestler I followed or liked in character because he played that supernatural spirtwalk thing...just not attractive to my 10 yr old mind at the time lol. So many things we take for granted. I am 42 and have had a stroke in my life...due to elevated stress and helped to by low testosterone . I only found out..even after the stroke..I had low test by accident (treating ED). Having big muscles and walking like the hulk does not make us invincible. The moment we are born we are dieing.
    I am glad he got his moment of peace in front of his fans and everyone. RIP big guy.
    Hell of a way to look at life.

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