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Thread: American Tax Dollars

  1. #1
    Rwy's Avatar
    Rwy is offline Productive Member
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    American Tax Dollars

    I know we have some pretty smart people on this forum and figured I could get some answers. I was trying to find this online but I could not figure out if I had the right numbers.

    I was under the impression that we are handing out money to everyone nowadays and this person was disagreeing with me.

    Does anyone know how much money we spend on poverty (welfare) and disability a year. I group disability in there because I would guess a large % of people game the system...

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What ever the number reported you can safely multiply it by 4 or 5x That would be fine if the money was actually going to help the people but you know as well as me it's all going to the wrong places.

    The average taxpayer in the United States paid $11,715 in federal income taxes in 2013. See where that money went.

    The average taxpayer in the United States paid $11,715 in federal income taxes in 2013. See where that money went.

    Military $3,174.25
    * Includes $81.50 for Nuclear Weapons

    Health $2,662.58
    * Includes $1,139.00 for Medicaid
    * Includes $42.86 for Children's Health Insurance Program

    Unemployment and Labor $1,146.58
    * Includes $72.05 for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
    * Includes $30.78 for Job Training and Employment Programs

    Veterans Benefits $592.00
    * Includes $22.32 for Pensions

    Food and Agriculture $591.12
    * Includes $28.53 for WIC

    Government $532.94
    * Includes $53.50 for Border Protection
    * Includes $29.72 for Federal Corrections

    Housing and Community $467.70
    * Includes $27.38 for Community Development Block Grant
    * Includes $15.84 for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

    Education $237.97
    * Includes $146.39 for Pell Grants, Work Study, and other Student Aid
    * Includes $1.90 for Corporation for Public Broadcasting

    Energy and Environment $217.25
    * Includes $6.56 for National Forest System

    International Affairs $177.29
    * Includes $109.35 for Foreign Aid (non-military)

    Transportation $159.35
    * Includes $4.66 for Emergency Aid for Public Transportation

    Science $131.29
    * Includes $74.03 for NASA

    Interest on Debt $1,624.68
    TOTAL $11,715
    Last edited by lovbyts; 08-09-2014 at 10:08 PM.
    OdinsOtherSon likes this.

  3. #3
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    We are practically handing out money in a literal generalization. It's just the causes we give it to are questionable among many people.

    I believe unemployment should have stricter guidelines, but that's a topic for another day.
    lovbyts likes this.

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Maybe no Obama phones for one???

    Hell not only are we handing out money left and right while also giving away F18, tanks and money to build tunnels for terrorist.
    Daniel h and RaginCajun like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    We are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on terrorists and they're using our own weapons against us. We have the worst politically spoken president of all time.
    Daniel h likes this.

  6. #6
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    What ever the number reported you can safely multiply it by 4 or 5x That would be fine if the money was actually going to help the people but you know as well as me it's all going to the wrong places.

    The average taxpayer in the United States paid $11,715 in federal income taxes in 2013. See where that money went.

    The average taxpayer in the United States paid $11,715 in federal income taxes in 2013. See where that money went.

    Military $3,174.25
    * Includes $81.50 for Nuclear Weapons

    Health $2,662.58
    * Includes $1,139.00 for Medicaid
    * Includes $42.86 for Children's Health Insurance Program

    Unemployment and Labor $1,146.58
    * Includes $72.05 for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
    * Includes $30.78 for Job Training and Employment Programs

    Veterans Benefits $592.00
    * Includes $22.32 for Pensions

    Food and Agriculture $591.12
    * Includes $28.53 for WIC

    Government $532.94
    * Includes $53.50 for Border Protection
    * Includes $29.72 for Federal Corrections

    Housing and Community $467.70
    * Includes $27.38 for Community Development Block Grant
    * Includes $15.84 for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

    Education $237.97
    * Includes $146.39 for Pell Grants, Work Study, and other Student Aid
    * Includes $1.90 for Corporation for Public Broadcasting

    Energy and Environment $217.25
    * Includes $6.56 for National Forest System

    International Affairs $177.29
    * Includes $109.35 for Foreign Aid (non-military)

    Transportation $159.35
    * Includes $4.66 for Emergency Aid for Public Transportation

    Science $131.29
    * Includes $74.03 for NASA

    Interest on Debt $1,624.68
    TOTAL $11,715
    ^^^ Wow. You pretty much nailed it on what I paid in last year.

  7. #7
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    I know we have some pretty smart people on this forum and figured I could get some answers. I was trying to find this online but I could not figure out if I had the right numbers.

    I was under the impression that we are handing out money to everyone nowadays and this person was disagreeing with me.

    Does anyone know how much money we spend on poverty (welfare) and disability a year. I group disability in there because I would guess a large % of people game the system...
    That will be a very fluid number...depends on who gets to define what welfare/poverty and disability are. And believe me, there are those who will have a vastly different definition of those terms in relation to how you or I would define them.

  8. #8
    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
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    i would like to see how much money we give away to all the 'unfortunate' countries and other crisis aid situations. i mean we can't even keep illegals out!

  9. #9
    Kozmo's Avatar
    Kozmo is offline Associate Member
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    Doesn't matter the money isn't real. It's not backed by anything any more. Federal reserve owns you.

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