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Thread: What ever happened to some of the members from this board?

  1. #201
    system admin is offline Owner
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    My input on this:

    The bottom line about forums is that they are dying on the vine in just about every niche in the world. Social media has taken over in place of forums. People know how to SEARCH and uncover information MUCH better than in the past because the recent generation has been RAISED on the internet and on forums. Forums have been replaced with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and those social outlets will be replaced in the future as well.

    We just have to always be evolving.

    Important Point: The topic of "Anabolic Steroids " is not something that you can add to Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc... All of our accounts and others accounts get terminated when they get discovered by the power that be. FORUMS will ALWAYS have a place when discussing this topic, however MANY people are researching our posts by using our new search feature, more than ever.

    Fact: Steroid .com's traffic HAS NEVER EVER been as high as it is this year. Traffic is unbelievable actually.... People are just searching our more than 6 million posts and the thousands of pages on the main site for their answers.

    Note: Do you guys remember when I started the "Live Chat" feature on this site about 6 months ago? The result of that was SHOCKING.... Out of all of the people that visit daily, we only had several hundred people who desired to ask our live help a question. I was willing to provide that service to the world and pay for that to be maintained, however it was NOT used or desired by the viewers. Not only that, they questions they asked were NOT to answer their questions, it was 70% about where to buy steroids or where they could find the answer on the site. I think people take their time researching about anabolic steroids because they enjoy learning and reading about it. Shocking ... but TRUE

    Final Thought: We are going to be here and LOOOOONG time and the forum will always be active, its just that it will not be as active as it was several years ago when social media was new. Steroid related websites are going to be squeezed to death by the stopping of research chemicals, sarms and peptides in the very near furture. (that is why I stopped advertising them) This will make it very hard for these websites to pay for themselves other than by sourcing and when they is their only revenue stream.... they will be a massive target.
    bass likes this.

  2. #202
    system admin is offline Owner
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    You know... i think I posted this shit already on this thread in the past! Sorry guys! haha

    Im getting old (40 is a bitch!)

    almostgone, bass and BG like this.

  3. #203
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin View Post
    My input on this:

    The bottom line about forums is that they are dying on the vine in just about every niche in the world. Social media has taken over in place of forums. People know how to SEARCH and uncover information MUCH better than in the past because the recent generation has been RAISED on the internet and on forums. Forums have been replaced with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and those social outlets will be replaced in the future as well.

    We just have to always be evolving.

    Important Point: The topic of "Anabolic Steroids " is not something that you can add to Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc... All of our accounts and others accounts get terminated when they get discovered by the power that be. FORUMS will ALWAYS have a place when discussing this topic, however MANY people are researching our posts by using our new search feature, more than ever.

    Fact: Steroid .com's traffic HAS NEVER EVER been as high as it is this year. Traffic is unbelievable actually.... People are just searching our more than 6 million posts and the thousands of pages on the main site for their answers.

    Note: Do you guys remember when I started the "Live Chat" feature on this site about 6 months ago? The result of that was SHOCKING.... Out of all of the people that visit daily, we only had several hundred people who desired to ask our live help a question. I was willing to provide that service to the world and pay for that to be maintained, however it was NOT used or desired by the viewers. Not only that, they questions they asked were NOT to answer their questions, it was 70% about where to buy steroids or where they could find the answer on the site. I think people take their time researching about anabolic steroids because they enjoy learning and reading about it. Shocking ... but TRUE

    Final Thought: We are going to be here and LOOOOONG time and the forum will always be active, its just that it will not be as active as it was several years ago when social media was new. Steroid related websites are going to be squeezed to death by the stopping of research chemicals, sarms and peptides in the very near furture. (that is why I stopped advertising them) This will make it very hard for these websites to pay for themselves other than by sourcing and when they is their only revenue stream.... they will be a massive target.
    Ahhh totally makes sense now... I was thinking along these lines as well(w/lots of RC getting busted)! Thumbs high, BC

  4. #204
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin View Post
    You know... i think I posted this shit already on this thread in the past! Sorry guys! haha

    Im getting old (40 is a bitch!)

    Damn Brian you got old !!!!

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  5. #205
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin View Post
    You know... i think I posted this shit already on this thread in the past! Sorry guys! haha

    Im getting old (40 is a bitch!)

    ha, just wait. I felt the same at 40 as 30. 42 almost to the day was a different story..

  6. #206
    Thyroid_cursed77's Avatar
    Thyroid_cursed77 is offline Junior Member
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    This seems like a good thread to vent this. I see this thread a lot, and I imagine people have departed this forum to find a place not so full of high minded anabolic experts. Between creepy stalker, fxjuiceman, sending PM's talking poop (seriously, those who talk crap through a forum need help). Or so called vets flipping out if you say you had a bad experience with the so-called gold standard of research chemicals, at-r, people are probably finding somewhere else to go.

    Just because of that, I decided to stay. There are many cool people here, but some on here take this forum hierarchy too serious. It's comedic at best.

  7. #207
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thyroid_cursed77 View Post
    This seems like a good thread to vent this. I see this thread a lot, and I imagine people have departed this forum to find a place not so full of high minded anabolic experts. Between creepy stalker, fxjuiceman, sending PM's talking poop (seriously, those who talk crap through a forum need help). Or so called vets flipping out if you say you had a bad experience with the so-called gold standard of research chemicals, at-r, people are probably finding somewhere else to go.

    Just because of that, I decided to stay. There are many cool people here, but some on here take this forum hierarchy too serious. It's comedic at best.
    TC you really need to get over the fact that Jimmy called you out. That was like 3 weeks ago.

    This is the second post of yours I read today about your gripes with this forum.

    In any forum when a vet or mod smells bs they they say something.

  8. #208
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thyroid_cursed77 View Post
    There are many cool people here, but some on here take this forum hierarchy too serious. It's comedic at best.

    Imagine how it would be if there were no form of hierarchy here?
    BG, almostgone and marcus300 like this.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #209
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thyroid_cursed77 View Post
    This seems like a good thread to vent this. I see this thread a lot, and I imagine people have departed this forum to find a place not so full of high minded anabolic experts. Between creepy stalker, fxjuiceman, sending PM's talking poop (seriously, those who talk crap through a forum need help). Or so called vets flipping out if you say you had a bad experience with the so-called gold standard of research chemicals, at-r, people are probably finding somewhere else to go.

    Just because of that, I decided to stay. There are many cool people here, but some on here take this forum hierarchy too serious. It's comedic at best.
    Get over it already. Seriously getting tired of reading your BS. If you dont like it leave. If you can get over it- stay. That being said top posting your BS acting like some persecuted victim. The fact that you have been allowed to remain speaks volumes about the character of this forum, that being said you may want to consider not pushing it because your welcome is wearing quite thin.
    marcus300, almostgone and BG like this.

  10. #210
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
    Hoggage_54 is offline Suspended or Banned either way gone!
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    Whatever happened to Anthony Roberts...

  11. #211
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Interesting reading and thinking about some of theses names. Some of you guys who have a decade under your belt have seen some crazy shyt in here Im sure.

    For those that inquired about Ink..he is well and we speak weakly. He took a job that requires an incredible amount of travel and even more hours. To say he is meeting himself leaving is an understatement. I often still wonder of CDP and fear the worst as I recall vividly his last posts.

    I miss Gixx and often wonder what came of Pan as well.I assume he may have gotten back into contract work but who knows. There have been some great guys in here over the years. Guys who I would love to meet and share a beer or 12 with.

    I wonder if Swifto and Atomini are still running a forum after the axe fell. The soap opera never ends if you keep tuning in.

  12. #212
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Tell MI I said hello please!
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  13. #213
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    I used to talk to MI off line quite a bit, but haven't in some time. Please tell him I said hello as well.

    Hope you're doing well Lunk.

  14. #214
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
    Hoggage_54 is offline Suspended or Banned either way gone!
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    Where's Euro?

  15. #215
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    Where's Euro?
    Well according to a reporter this morning Euro was going down. We just don't know where. And who will benefit from going down.
    Last edited by Shol'va; 08-18-2015 at 10:47 AM.

  16. #216
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Tell ink i also said hello!

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