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Thread: Curious about LEO

  1. #1
    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    Looking for people with direct law enforcement experience here. How do those guys get away with juicing? Is it similar to the military where if officers are super fit it makes their superiors looks better, so it gets swept under the rug.

    I'm sure it's been asked before but the search function on the app sucks.

  2. #2
    PrettyPlease? is offline Banned
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    Hear no evil see no evil. Just don't draw attention to yourself and keep it to yourself. To get tested for gear one would either have to be singled out or in a situation where they were involved in something like a shooting.

  3. #3
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    No experience here but having talked to some who are in the field (in NJ) here's what I know.....

    NY tests or steroids (big scandal happened)
    NJ state troopers are getting tested (big scandal happened)
    Town and county officials don't seem to get tested at all.
    NJ also is one of the only states that doesn't give a life-style lie detector prior to being hired.

    It seems to be one of those things where you won't be tested for looking like you use them. Especially with TRT movement now. If you open your mouth and make enemies..... I suppose you would leave yourself open for scrutiny.
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  4. #4
    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    They give you a lie detector to become a cop? How does anyone get hired? So many people have smoked weed before.

  5. #5
    PrettyPlease? is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    They give you a lie detector to become a cop? How does anyone get hired? So many people have smoked weed before.
    Smoking weed is not a disqualification. Lying about it is...

  6. #6
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    They give you a lie detector to become a cop? How does anyone get hired? So many people have smoked weed before.
    Half of my friends are fire fighters. Cops and firefighters get lie detectors. Everyone passes just by being confident with your answrrs. Friends denied everything and passed.

    Half of all fire fighters say their fellow workers all do drugs, AAS, and whatever else.

    Only thing u have to pass the test before u get highered. After that is like pretty please said. Don't draw attention to yourself. And hope u never get an injury on the job. Once an on the job injury happens...they do test for drugs at least...

  7. #7
    manstrom's Avatar
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    I spent 6 years in the military and have been contracting for about a year (went civilian LEO for a few months but contracting is way better money).
    Knew several who used in the military (AAS, Pot, ETC) and they never got caught even when they did get tested. Then again the military tests everyones piss in one big batch and if something pops up they narrow down from there (I.E. Plenty of time to clear you system after the initial test).
    The interesting thing about testing for AAS vs. most recreational stuff is the sample has to be analysed by a lab as they're looking for higher concentrations of something that is naturally in the body. That opposed to looking for a foreign substance makes it a more hands on job than just running a regular piss test. Only a handful of labs actually do the AAS tests and the cost is rather high so you have to bring attention to yourself to get that kind of "special treatment"(once again, 6 years in I saw some monster troops on gear that never had more than a regular piss test ran on them).

    In the contracting world they don't do the military style "random" tests, just the initial hiring test... you have to give them a reason. Same goes with the civilian LEO world. Hell, the department I got on with back home just had a dude caught redhanded using and selling cocaine and the asshole is still on the force. With that said, I wouldn't worry too much about it but I also wouldn't be stupid about it...

  8. #8
    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by manstrom
    I spent 6 years in the military and have been contracting for about a year (went civilian LEO for a few months but contracting is way better money). Knew several who used in the military (AAS, Pot, ETC) and they never got caught even when they did get tested. Then again the military tests everyones piss in one big batch and if something pops up they narrow down from there (I.E. Plenty of time to clear you system after the initial test). The interesting thing about testing for AAS vs. most recreational stuff is the sample has to be analysed by a lab as they're looking for higher concentrations of something that is naturally in the body. That opposed to looking for a foreign substance makes it a more hands on job than just running a regular piss test. Only a handful of labs actually do the AAS tests and the cost is rather high so you have to bring attention to yourself to get that kind of "special treatment"(once again, 6 years in I saw some monster troops on gear that never had more than a regular piss test ran on them). In the contracting world they don't do the military style "random" tests, just the initial hiring test... you have to give them a reason. Same goes with the civilian LEO world. Hell, the department I got on with back home just had a dude caught redhanded using and selling cocaine and the asshole is still on the force. With that said, I wouldn't worry too much about it but I also wouldn't be stupid about it...
    Contracting would be cool. I would like to do that after this next stint in the military.
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  9. #9
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    They don't test where I live. I have experience in the military, as a sheriff, and I am still currently a member of a fire department. It is essentially the same for all of these places. They will test if you give them probable cause but most do not care as long as you do not flaunt it. My fire department actually knows but they are much more relaxed about it. Come extrication and forcible entry time they are more than glad that I do.

  10. #10
    manstrom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    Contracting would be cool. I would like to do that after this next stint in the military.
    It's definitely interesting to watch the military as an outsider now haha

    You still get a little bit of the BS depending on where you're at (I'm in Kuwait so it's very dog and pony show but the Iraq/Afghan gigs are a totally different monster). We get bag drags daily, uniforms have to be pressed... etc

    Then again for the money and the freedom off duty I'm not complaining.

    Still trying to hitch onto one of the Balad gigs since I was Air Force Security and they're needing guys to work with the Iraqi security guys... $400+ a day, hots/cots, free gym and get trigger time... sign me up!

  11. #11
    APIs's Avatar
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    NYS randomly tests its Troopers in groups to cut down on testing costs. They combine a number of individual samples and if the group sample turns up dirty they then move to individual testing. Individuals are rarely singled out & TRT is not always a free-pass.

  12. #12
    Mitch535 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    They give you a lie detector to become a cop? How does anyone get hired? So many people have smoked weed before.

    When I was younger I considered joining the local city police department. One night I was doing a ride along and I asked the officer about the lie detector test, and told him that I had smoked pot when I was in high school. He let me know that smoking pot in the past wasn't a disqualifier, and that "the deparment doesn't want angels, it wants honest people".

    Take that for what its worth.

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