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Thread: 13 Year Old Rips Obama!

  1. #1
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    13 Year Old Rips Obama!

    I like what this little guy says!

    I really hate this website, but what he the kid says needs to be heard by the President himself.

    I really like the part where he talks about the people that Obama has invited over, and the people he has not.

    ยป Video: 13-Year-Old Black Kid Lays The Smack Down On Obama In Epic Rant Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
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  2. #2
    djgreen's Avatar
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    he speaks the truth even a kid can see through the BS lets be honest here Obama is a non American citizen Muslim that hates America he couldn't give a birth certificate till after he was in office (if any one can falsify an American document the president surly can) and for the ones that say that's not true he can recite every word and prayer of the Koran (the Muslim bible) he as even bowed before the Muslim supreme leader something that is unheard of for a president to do visits holy Muslim sanctuary's and will not say to the people what he believes in he will only say he believes in god which is just political word games because almost all religions believe in god

  3. #3
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen View Post
    he speaks the truth even a kid can see through the BS lets be honest here Obama is a non American citizen Muslim that hates America he couldn't give a birth certificate till after he was in office (if any one can falsify an American document the president surly can) and for the ones that say that's not true he can recite every word and prayer of the Koran (the Muslim bible) he as even bowed before the Muslim supreme leader something that is unheard of for a president to do visits holy Muslim sanctuary's and will not say to the people what he believes in he will only say he believes in god which is just political word games because almost all religions believe in god
    I haven't watched the video yet since I'm at work, but what difference does it make what religion he follows? I, personally, am very disappointed in Obama as a President, but I couldn't care less if he was a Muslim...or Christian/Hindu/Atheist/Jew.

  4. #4
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    lol Obama is an American Christian...

    Fewer police are dying under Obama:

    Cop Killings Are Way Down During Obama Presidency | Tom Mullen

    And Obama has recognized police on multiple occasions and even proclaimed a Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week.
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  5. #5
    djgreen's Avatar
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    Obama is not Christian his whole family is Muslim and his mother raised him to be show me a video of him saying that he believes in a specific religion he will just say god and Muslims believe in god as well and if he is an American then how come he couldn't provide a birth certificate until he was elected if any one can make a false certificate and a nice little back stories it would be the most powerful man in the world
    Last edited by djgreen; 09-17-2015 at 03:55 PM.

  6. #6
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    I really don't understand what this kid is talking about in the video.

    Designing and then building a working clock is amazing engineering feat for anyone.

    The kid who built it was 14 years old. He was then racially profiled, hostilely interrogated, and then arrested.

    If we really want to make America great again we need to be encouraging young brilliant minds to build the future.
    Last edited by numbere; 09-17-2015 at 06:54 PM.
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  7. #7
    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen View Post
    Obama is not Christian his whole family is Muslim and his mother raised him to be show me a video of him saying that he believes in a specific religion he will just say god and Muslims believe in god as well and if he is an American then how come he couldn't provide a birth certificate until he was elected if any one can make a false certificate and a nice little back stories it would be the most powerful man in the world
    Dj, my man, c'mon. That video is just a series of cherry-picked clips; each one is presented with zero context. If you don't like Obama, that's your business. But that video is zero evidence of anything apropos your point.

  8. #8
    djgreen's Avatar
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    that's iis his own words not being edited to be taken out of context there are many more videos of him reciting the words and prayers out of the Koran with perfect accuracy Click image for larger version. 

Name:	muslim.png 
Views:	246 
Size:	99.7 KB 
ID:	159518Click image for larger version. 

Name:	muslim 2.png 
Views:	231 
Size:	87.2 KB 
ID:	159519 here is him bowing to the Muslim king (that has never been done by anyone before except other Muslims)and another pic of him wearing Islamic garb that ONLY Muslims wear some people believe anything they see on the news or take Obamas word for it when he says something even though Obama has been caught in many lies if you support him then that's your own fault for not being able to see through the BS his mother and family raised him to be Islamic since birth plane and simple
    Last edited by djgreen; 09-18-2015 at 08:26 AM.

  9. #9
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    I guess I just fail to see the problem if he's Muslim or not. Am I missing something?

    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen
    that's iis his own words not being edited to be taken out of context there are many more videos of him reciting the words and prayers out of the Koran with perfect accuracy <img src=""/><img src=""/> here is him bowing to the Muslim king (that has never been done by anyone before except other Muslims)and another pic of him wearing Islamic garb that ONLY Muslims wear some people believe anything they see on the news or take Obamas word for it when he says something even though Obama has been caught in many lies if you support him then that's your own fault for not being able to see through the BS his mother and family raised him to be Islamic since birth plane and simple

  10. #10
    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen
    .. him reciting the words and prayers out of the Koran with perfect accuracy. ..mother and family raised him to be Islamic since birth..
    My mother raised me Southern Baptist until we switched to a Pentecostal church. I can recite The Lord's Prayer and the Twenty-third Psalm with perfect accuracy (New International version or King James). I'm an atheist. Over the weekend, I could learn to recite Islamic prayers, as well. That doesn't make me a Muslim. I hope you realize that, if science had the same loose requirements for proof as do these theories, people would still be dying from the plague.

    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    I guess I just fail to see the problem if he's Muslim or not. Am I missing something?
    The problem would be that he lied about his religion, which would raise a lot of questions about "why lie, unless you're up to no good?!!"

    Islamophobia is the bigger reason and divide-and-conquer has been executed somewhat successfully here. I find it interesting that otherwise intelligent people believe that someone sympathetic to terrorists has been able to successfully infiltrate the White House (and they have stood by and done nothing, btw). I find it even more interesting that the ramblings of 13 y-o about topics like foreign policy, hidden agendas, White House operation, etc., are taken to heart by grown-ass men. What you rarely hear/read is a fact-based, critique (economic or otherwise) of any of Obama's policies/philosophy. There just a lot of filling-in the blanks with some pretty wacky shit.

  11. #11
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    So I guess George Bush was a homosexual muslim then... since he both kissed and held hands with the "Muslim King":

    Except George Bush is not a homosexual muslim...

    And if Obama was a secret Muslim, he's not a very good one since he drinks beer, eats bacon, is pro choice, pro women's rights, supports equal marriage... all of those things go against King Abdullah's beliefs.
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  12. #12
    djgreen's Avatar
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    the man slams Christianity every chance he gets defends Islam bows to the Muslim king was raised Muslim speaks Muslim if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck then its a damn duck there is no way to prove for certain what religion he is because it is in his brain all you can do is use common sense
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  13. #13
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    he touched cheeks that is an accepted greeting in many countries that doesn't make him gay as far as holding hands that doesn't qualify as gay given the circumstance he was leading him it was a photo op every leader of a country like to get an authoritative photo with the other leader he is meeting with to make it look like he is in control every country try's to do that when bush met with putin in Russia they had almost a hand wrestling match for a second because they both wanted their hand to be in position of power during the handshake photo that's just politics

  14. #14
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen View Post
    the man slams Christianity every chance he gets defends Islam bows to the Muslim king was raised Muslim speaks Muslim if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck then its a damn duck there is no way to prove for certain what religion he is because it is in his brain all you can do is use common sense
    100% true. He is not a Christian by God's standards.
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    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  15. #15
    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    100% true. He is not a Christian by God's standards.
    Matthew 7:1

    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen
    the man slams Christianity every chance he gets
    Then you should have NO PROBLEM providing numerous examples of this. Please do.

  16. #16
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    Obama Slams Christians...Again - Katie Pavlich

    Watch Obama's Speech Slandering Christians... Again... Just as a Typical Muslim Would - Walid Shoebat

    OK here are a few there are many many more examples on the net if need to my favorite is one I saw myself on the news I cant find it though, where he said that Muslims are not that violent compared to the Christian crusades and that Christians are violent themselves so people need to stop labeling Islam as violent

  17. #17
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    You don't find it odd that EVERY SINGLE REPUTABLE NEWS SOURCE has just totally missed this? Or, are they all in on it too? Are you going to cite, too?

    You haven't presented any credible evidence to your point. It seems to me that you don't think have an opinion (that you can argue) here; you have a *suspicion* that you're confusing for an opinion. You're listening to anyone who confirms your suspicions, even if it means hearing 100 no's to get one yes.

    Scoundrels abound, DJ; don't be their mark. Let me ask you this: what would it take to change your mind?
    Last edited by bloodchoke; 09-18-2015 at 03:47 PM.

  18. #18
    BG's Avatar
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    Buddy your so wrong in every way. I have to go train but I will reply later. Mathew 7, thats for non Christians, we are not to judge none believers because they dont know the Gospel, but we as Christians are to examine ourselves and other Christians.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG
    Buddy your so wrong in every way. I have to go train but I will reply later. Mathew 7, thats for non Christians, we are not to judge none believers because they dont know the Gospel, but we as Christians are to examine ourselves and other Christians.
    You stated earlier that Barack Hussein Obama is not a Christian. So it does apply, buddy. Or is Barack Hussein Obama a Christian now? Also, consider "judge not your brother for having a speck in his eye when you have a plank in your own eye." That sounds like exactly what Barack Hussein Obama was doing when he said that Christians shouldn't forget the atrocities that were committed by Christians in during the Crusades, when Christianity was young, like Islam is now. That "Muslim" just might do this Bible stuff better than you Christians!

    Sort of on that topic, how does a fundamentalist Muslim reconcile helping the "gay-agenda?" We've all heard that one, too.
    Last edited by bloodchoke; 09-18-2015 at 04:39 PM.

  20. #20
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    yes the news has covered this before that's where I saw it first on tv and the words coming out of his mouth you asked for proof and you got it that's what I found in 5 mins of search if you want sources that make you happier then find them there out there fox and CNN are not going to waist there time reporting this over and over because it cannot be proved like I said before its all in his brain and no one can look in there and see what he really thinks all we can do is judge him by his actions he doesn't bow his head during prayer he talks about how great Islam is and christens are just as bad as terrorist use common sense man not just what you are told I didn't watch a youtube video to come to this conclusion BTW

  21. #21
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    the Muslim faith is as old as Christianity? I don't know what you mean by it is young

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I really don't understand what this kid is talking about in the video.

    Designing and then building a working clock is amazing engineering feat for anyone.

    The kid who built it was 14 years old. He was then racially profiled, hostilely interrogated, and then arrested.

    If we really want to make America great again we need to be encouraging young brilliant minds to build the future.
    I just read an article about an engineer who decided to reverse engineer the clock that was built, and he found that it was a digital clock from the 70s gutted and placed in a box. The boy didn't really design or build anything but a different case for an existing clock and then claimed it to be an invention. It's starting to seem more like an incident that was purposely blown out of proportion and the kid may not be honest or being put up to it.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen View Post
    the Muslim faith is as old as Christianity? I don't know what you mean by it is young
    It's about 1400 years-old. Fair point. "Young" was a poor word choice. But Christianity has 600 years on it, still. Think back to how Christianity has changed since the 1400's.
    Last edited by bloodchoke; 09-18-2015 at 04:44 PM.

  24. #24
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    Im not even going to get involved in this anymore, but when Obama said " You Christians need to get off your high horse", to me that says he is not.
    Second by hating Gods people "Jews" he can not be a Christian. He wont even recognize them as a state.

    As far as the "Lords prayer" please read this, its as simple as an explanation I could find.
    What is the Lord's prayer and should we pray it?
    Third paragraph

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Im not even going to get involved in this anymore, but when Obama said " You Christians need to get off your high horse", to me that says he is not.
    Anyone interested in using a lick of objectivity would reasonably conclude that "you Christians need to.." means "you [judgmental] Christians need to.." Further refined: "you particular Christians who happen to be judging.."

    Quote Originally Posted by BG
    Second by hating Gods people "Jews" he can not be a Christian. He wont even recognize them as a state.
    OOOOH, he hates Jews, too. A real sumbitch, that guy!!

    Have a good weekend, BG!

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    I'm just glad the worst president in US history (Obama) will be out of the whitehouse soon...This kid is 100% right and it goes to show when a kid isn't brought up in a shitty, broken environment and isn't taught from a young age that he's a victim and the only way for the country to be great is to cater to him instead he was brought up with a more logical point of view and realizes the importance in which Obama's devilish mind is shaping our youth...Fvck that kid with the clock...Now when someone actually brings in a bomb the same people complaining now will be complaining about how the security wasn't good enough in the schools...You see the common theme here? This is the generation of constant talking and complaining with no action and this is all thanks to Osama

  27. #27
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by btpolak View Post
    I just read an article about an engineer who decided to reverse engineer the clock that was built, and he found that it was a digital clock from the 70s gutted and placed in a box. The boy didn't really design or build anything but a different case for an existing clock and then claimed it to be an invention. It's starting to seem more like an incident that was purposely blown out of proportion and the kid may not be honest or being put up to it.
    That practice is referred to as reverse engineering.

    This is how any curious mechanic or engineer develops an understand of unknown machines.

    It's an important skill to learn because it shows one how components are designed, manufactured, and work together.

    If we want our country to have a successful future we need to encourage more young people to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).

  28. #28
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    You really don't get it do you? I can already tell you want to come across as an intellectual and create an argument. I myself have been tearing into things and rebuilding when I was in my teens, however I never gutted something, placed it in a different case, and claimed it to be an invention. I give him props for being interested in perusing things like this, but to say he was racially profiled is stupid. There are kids who were treated the same for toy guns and a ****ing pop tart of all things, but it did not create national outcry from the left because it didn't fit their political agenda. In the grand scheme of things, if it's not a class project or assignment, don't take it to school!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen
    he speaks the truth even a kid can see through the BS lets be honest here Obama is a non American citizen Muslim that hates America he couldn't give a birth certificate till after he was in office (if any one can falsify an American document the president surly can) and for the ones that say that's not true he can recite every word and prayer of the Koran (the Muslim bible) he as even bowed before the Muslim supreme leader something that is unheard of for a president to do visits holy Muslim sanctuary's and will not say to the people what he believes in he will only say he believes in god which is just political word games because almost all religions believe in god
    Biggest bs ever.

  30. #30
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by btpolak View Post
    You really don't get it do you? I can already tell you want to come across as an intellectual and create an argument. I myself have been tearing into things and rebuilding when I was in my teens, however I never gutted something, placed it in a different case, and claimed it to be an invention. I give him props for being interested in perusing things like this, but to say he was racially profiled is stupid. There are kids who were treated the same for toy guns and a ****ing pop tart of all things, but it did not create national outcry from the left because it didn't fit their political agenda. In the grand scheme of things, if it's not a class project or assignment, don't take it to school!
    Of course I want to come off as an intellectual. I'm an intellectual lol.

    Anyone familiar with my post history can attest that I don't come to this forum with the goal of creating arguments.

    None of us were present when this scenario occurred. All we can do is interpret the news reports as best as possible and deduce our own understanding.

    At the end of the day the kid is the real winner. He received scholarships to attend private schools where his curiosity and out of classroom projects will be encouraged.
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  31. #31
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    Prove me wrong then DREPDOM

  32. #32
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    djgreen, YOU made the claim; the burden of proof is on YOU.

    If I say "Ronald Regan was a hermaphrodite," and you then say "bullshit!," for me to say "prove me wrong, then," is silly. Also, there is NO way that you could prove me wrong. That doesnt make Ronald Regan a hermaphrodite.

    "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." I like how you guys think that Barack Hussein Obama is powerful enough to destroy America from the inside, but cant have the youtube videos detailing his evil plot removed.

  33. #33
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    I have already gave proof and I shouldn't need it it is common sense and I gave more examples than you tube look it up your self if you don't like those sources I cant spoon feed you everything you should already know and as far as the DREPDOM don't come here and drop as bullshit ass line with nothing to back it up

  34. #34
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    You do not understand anything about burden of proof. Cheaply produced, carelessly edited youtube videos devoid of journalistic ethics are not proof, sir. You've only presented propaganda pieces, shoddy ones, at that. "I don't like Obama" is a irrefutable statement that no one can argue with. I wouldn't reply "YES, YOU DO!!" But, you're making refutable statements (pretty wild ones) that require more evidence than "Come on, it's common sense."

    We clearly disagree here. You have an idea that you're not going to let go of and I encourage you to be more skeptical in the future.

  35. #35
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    I said it before and ill say again you cannot prove what someone believes in just judge them by there actions so you are asking me to do the impossible everything iv shown are statements that came out of his own mouth not he said she said
    Last edited by djgreen; 09-19-2015 at 01:51 PM.

  36. #36
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    Since I personally do not like Obama and the negative effects his policies have caused on my business it is nice to see someone else share my views. If you like him, great and good for you. But, you should understand that for every good thing you believe he has done for this country, he also had to screw another group; and one on them happens to be in my field.
    I own a small medical company. When I started (pre Obama) our country supported new medical technologies by allowing their first technology be approved through the FDA for free! This ins pired new medical companies to pop up and investors were eager to get on board.
    But then, Obama changed everything. Now, medical companies must pay thousands of dollars every year just to register their company through the FDA which includes nothing more than a name, address, phone number and products sold.
    But, because this is the case with all medical companies, the price to produce devices in the US went up too. So I was forced to go abroad to manufacture since I could not even sell my products for what it costs to make; since Obama has and still is lowering what Medicare can even pay for these technologies. And, now we also must pay thousands of dollars for every company outside the US that makes our products as a penalty for going abroad.
    He also created new taxes based on sales, on top of taxes based on profits.
    Before you think that I simply created or improved some piece of junk, I would like to say that my invention has been seen on the History Channel's show called Modern Marvels and has been showcased in the United States Patent and Trademark Museum as well as the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Yet, I am fortunate that our government has not put me right out of business.
    Medical companies were selling for more than 10 times their annual sales before Obama, and now they sell for less than 3 times their annual sales, which makes them less desirable to investors. What once was an amazing country to start, run and grow medical companies have become one of the worst countries in the world; which includes some of the highest corporate tax rates in the world.
    So who Obama is as a person, what religion he follows or anything else is really of no concern to me. What does bother me is that my life and my families life, my employees lives and my investors lives have all been negatively affected by what he believes to not be important. Whereas I believe that promoting medical companies could provide many people with high paying life long jobs, providing they are not raped from every direction.
    Rant over. Ha ha.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by btpolak View Post
    I just read an article about an engineer who decided to reverse engineer the clock that was built, and he found that it was a digital clock from the 70s gutted and placed in a box. The boy didn't really design or build anything but a different case for an existing clock and then claimed it to be an invention. It's starting to seem more like an incident that was purposely blown out of proportion and the kid may not be honest or being put up to it.
    Yup I just read the same thing. I wish we could go back to the good ole days when conspiracy theorist wore tin foil hats instead of people who actually found facts and were whistle blowers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    Since I personally do not like Obama and the negative effects his policies have caused on my business it is nice to see someone else share my views. If you like him, great and good for you. But, you should understand that for every good thing you believe he has done for this country, he also had to screw another group; and one on them happens to be in my field.
    I own a small medical company. When I started (pre Obama) our country supported new medical technologies by allowing their first technology be approved through the FDA for free! This ins pired new medical companies to pop up and investors were eager to get on board.
    But then, Obama changed everything. Now, medical companies must pay thousands of dollars every year just to register their company through the FDA which includes nothing more than a name, address, phone number and products sold.
    But, because this is the case with all medical companies, the price to produce devices in the US went up too. So I was forced to go abroad to manufacture since I could not even sell my products for what it costs to make; since Obama has and still is lowering what Medicare can even pay for these technologies. And, now we also must pay thousands of dollars for every company outside the US that makes our products as a penalty for going abroad.
    He also created new taxes based on sales, on top of taxes based on profits.
    Before you think that I simply created or improved some piece of junk, I would like to say that my invention has been seen on the History Channel's show called Modern Marvels and has been showcased in the United States Patent and Trademark Museum as well as the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Yet, I am fortunate that our government has not put me right out of business.
    Medical companies were selling for more than 10 times their annual sales before Obama, and now they sell for less than 3 times their annual sales, which makes them less desirable to investors. What once was an amazing country to start, run and grow medical companies have become one of the worst countries in the world; which includes some of the highest corporate tax rates in the world.
    So who Obama is as a person, what religion he follows or anything else is really of no concern to me. What does bother me is that my life and my families life, my employees lives and my investors lives have all been negatively affected by what he believes to not be important. Whereas I believe that promoting medical companies could provide many people with high paying life long jobs, providing they are not raped from every direction.
    Rant over. Ha ha.
    I'm just curious what the GOOD would be that someone believes (good choice of words because it takes faith to believe, not proof) he has done.

    I often say and yes have said to several Obama supporters that if he was standing in front of them pissing on their head and told them it was rain they would believe him.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 09-19-2015 at 08:02 PM.
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  38. #38
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I'm just curious what the GOOD would be that someone believes (good choice of words because it takes faith to believe, not proof) he has done.
    Since Bush's last year in office:

    Unemployment is down from 7.2-5.1%.

    The average Price of gas is down from $3.24-2.31.

    Amount of people without health insurance has dropped from 15-9.2%.

    We are more energy independent than ever before. We use to import 11 million barrels of oil per year, now only 4.5 million.

    Teen pregnancy was 40.2 per thousand and is now down to 26.5 per thousand.

    The number of Iran's nuclear centrifuges will down from 19,000 to under 6,000.

    GDP growth went up from -0.3 to 3.7%.

    Dow Jones went up from 10,365-16,384.

    I'm a registered republican but have to admit Obama's administration has brought a lot of good to our country.
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  39. #39
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere

    Since Bush's last year in office:

    Unemployment is down from 7.2-5.1%.

    The average Price of gas is down from $3.24-2.31.

    Amount of people without health insurance has dropped from 15-9.2%.

    We are more energy independent than ever before. We use to import 11 million barrels of oil per year, now only 4.5 million.

    Teen pregnancy was 40.2 per thousand and is now down to 26.5 per thousand.

    The number of Iran's nuclear centrifuges will down from 19,000 to under 6,000.

    GDP growth went up from -0.3 to 3.7%.

    Dow Jones went up from 10,365-16,384.

    I'm a registered republican but have to admit Obama's administration has brought a lot of good to our country.
    The healthcare reform sucks asshole I'm sorry. The uninsured number has only fallen because of the imposed fines. Healthcare costs have gone up and it is by far NOT affordable for me and I have a daughter who just lost her coverage. I'm in tough spot because I denied state coverage for her, my ex wife can't pay for coverage because I'm the custodial parent. I'm fvcked at the moment
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  40. #40
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    What about national debt? Home values? Welfare? Food stamps?
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


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