View Poll Results: Do you believe in fate

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  • I believe in Fate

    5 31.25%
  • I control my future

    4 25.00%
  • sh*t happens

    4 25.00%
  • coincidence

    2 12.50%
  • Dont know

    1 6.25%
Results 1 to 16 of 16
  1. #1
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
    wrstlr69sdnl is offline Senior Member
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    Do you guys believe in fate

    I was just wondering do you guys believe in fate or is everything a coincidence. Or do you control your future or does sh*t happen.

    I personally believe in fate everything happens for a reason that’s just my opinion

  2. #2
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    I believe fate is little more than coincidence we tend to appreciate, acknowledge, or otherwise impart signficance upon. My father and mother met by sheer accident, cosmically speaking. My mother was at a b-day party and mistakenly assumed he was the b-day guy for some reason...gave her wishes and the rest was history. She had just moved to the area from new york as "fate" had transferred my grandfather to boston. Prior to that, who knows how many infinite strings of "fate" had to occur for me to be born. Every single person in your life, every single moment, is the result of a coincidence upon a coincidence upon a coincidence, ad nauseum. The slightest variation...hell, maybe even the meal you decided to eat at ten years old on august third might have dramatically altered your life in a way you could never understand. If, however, you could comprehend that somehow, we'd all call it fate, most, once again, I am of the opinion that "fate" is simply coincidence accorded significance.

    Though, admittedly, I like to entertain the notion of fate....I'd like to believe there is a reason why the girl of my dreams moved across the country when we were kids and then was recruited to play college sports at a school not far from mine, where we met up once again.

  3. #3
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I believe everything is already writen and you can't do anything about it.

  4. #4
    ColdSore's Avatar
    ColdSore is offline Banned
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    I belive in Faith, and the shit happens theory. I guess truely when good things happen its "fate", but when bad things happen its "shit happens".....just my own little theory.

  5. #5
    BimBamBoom's Avatar
    BimBamBoom is offline Associate Member
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    I believe everything is a reaction of something that has previously happened that led up to that event. Also, that the timing and the decisions we make will affect our future.
    So that sorta leaves me inbetween and to wonder if we really have the abliity to make those choices, or if everything is already "planned out".

    To say the least, i'm divided, because I don't know what to fully believe.

  6. #6
    Strut99GT's Avatar
    Strut99GT is offline Member
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    I think I control my own destiny.

  7. #7
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    I think its all just random. Every event is conected, but I dont think there is a plan behind all the events.

  8. #8
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
    wrstlr69sdnl is offline Senior Member
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    Actually I was thinking about it I think fate is part of your life but you are able to chose which way you go like a fork in the road to at least help you along

  9. #9
    chicamahomico's Avatar
    chicamahomico is offline Respected Member
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    I believe fate is little more than coincidence we tend to appreciate, acknowledge, or otherwise impart signficance upon. My father and mother met by sheer accident, cosmically speaking. My mother was at a b-day party and mistakenly assumed he was the b-day guy for some reason...gave her wishes and the rest was history. She had just moved to the area from new york as "fate" had transferred my grandfather to boston. Prior to that, who knows how many infinite strings of "fate" had to occur for me to be born. Every single person in your life, every single moment, is the result of a coincidence upon a coincidence upon a coincidence, ad nauseum. The slightest variation...hell, maybe even the meal you decided to eat at ten years old on august third might have dramatically altered your life in a way you could never understand. If, however, you could comprehend that somehow, we'd all call it fate, most, once again, I am of the opinion that "fate" is simply coincidence accorded significance.
    And the Chair of the Philosophy Department speaks.....

  10. #10
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    A good book to read if your interested would be the Celestian Prophecy<<spelling??? it talks about coincidences.

  11. #11
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
    wrstlr69sdnl is offline Senior Member
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    huh? might look for it

  12. #12
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    There is actually to books now, one is the one i said before and the other one is called " The Tenth Insight" both by the same author

  13. #13
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
    wrstlr69sdnl is offline Senior Member
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    Bump thats it 11 votes

  14. #14
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BimBamBoom
    I believe everything is a reaction of something that has previously happened that led up to that event. Also, that the timing and the decisions we make will affect our future.
    So that sorta leaves me inbetween and to wonder if we really have the abliity to make those choices, or if everything is already "planned out".

    To say the least, i'm divided, because I don't know what to fully believe.

    Hah . . . pretty smart guy . . . of course, I happen to wholeheartedly agree.
    The philosophy behind Materialism (check out the Catholic Encyclopedia's explanation of it at --they don't like it, but can't really speak against it) makes the most sense to me. Yah, any given event is the consequence of the conditions immediately preceeding the event.
    The nature of human conciousness leads us to beleive that we have "free will" and can influence our destiny, but it's only an illusion. Hah . . . there's no way you can decide to "do something" if you are unprepared to do it (can't decide to say anything in Russian if you don't know anything in Russian; can't decide to bench press 400 lbs if you haven't worked up to it). And if you are capable of doing something, whether or not you will do it depends on whether or not preceding conditions have provided sufficient reason for you to do it.

    "Fate" implies a predetermined arrangement, which implies an "arranger" of some sort who set everything up. I have no reason to suppose things have been pre-arranged; it makes more sense (to me, anyway), as I previously mentioned, that an event is the consequence of conditions immediately preceeding the event, and that's how things in the universe have always been. So, I go with Materialism as the most reasonable explanation of why things are the way they are . . .

  15. #15
    Yung Wun is offline Member
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    i believe everything is written already and were just following a script, in my opinion i see it like this you cant beat fate its always ahead of you. and when you think you control you own fate by doing a certain action, i believe that was alread written by fate and you were juss following the path it made for you

  16. #16
    big daddy k de's Avatar
    big daddy k de is offline Senior Member
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    i think fate is what we make of it. evrythig we do efects ourselfs one way or the other..... deep question

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