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Thread: Suicide Squad

  1. #1
    Zodiac82's Avatar
    Zodiac82 is offline AR's Scrapple Lover
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    Feb 2012

    Suicide Squad

    Had anybody checked it out yet?? I thought it was pretty decent.... didn't feel like I was sitting in a 2hr10min movie..
    It had a a lot of good action...and even though they did an last min edit on the film to make it more comical/humerous...they didn't go overboard with it..
    Will Smith was surprisingly good and exceptible as Deadshot...and Harley was well played...pretty much straight from the animated tv show....and I also personally like the depiction of The Joker

    And for a movie with no "real" villian...I thought it was pretty damn good

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    yea, at first i thought it would suck then i heard production was delayed and then i saw the official tailor and now i'm interested. there is already Harley porn you know? did killer croc get a lot of screen time? him and the joker are my favorites

  3. #3
    Zodiac82's Avatar
    Zodiac82 is offline AR's Scrapple Lover
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Tlolec View Post
    yea, at first i thought it would suck then i heard production was delayed and then i saw the official tailor and now i'm interested. there is already Harley porn you know? did killer croc get a lot of screen time? him and the joker are my favorites
    Croc got some time and had his moments

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