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Thread: Louie Simmons

  1. #1
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2015

    Louie Simmons

    So I watched his podcast with Joe Rogan the other day and thought it was pretty good. Louie clearly has a lot of experience and has been through a lot. You can't argue with results and Westside Barbell has some seriously strong people along with unique training methods that seem to work.

    That being said I couldn't help but hear some of his thoughts/ideas that are a bit out there. Maybe I can get some of your thoughts on them.

    He said that he has been on steroids with no break for 40+ years, taking no AI, HCG , never doing PCT or anything (I don't see why he would lie) and never had any negative side effects. He also stated that many people he knew did the same with no ill effects. He went on to say that the negative effects that many people report were guys that exhibited "low testosterone " type characteristics. He used a low amount of body/facial hair as an example for low testosterone .

    Obviously that is very anecdotal evidence but isn't that untrue? Body hair is largely genetic and the same with facial hair. There are plenty of people on gear with not much hair lol. Would that mean that certain ethnic groups, say for instance middle eastern people, that have great beards and a lot of body hair, have inherently higher testosterone or would handle steroids without any AI, PCT? We know that isn't true. Seems far fetched to me or is there any truth to that and the hair examples he used were maybe not the best?

    That's the problem I had with a lot of his information. It seems solid and he is touted as an expert but some of his examples are completely unbelievable and affect his credibility.
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  2. #2
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    Marsoc is offline Productive Member
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    I mean I think I have a fair amount of mass , I'm natural and never cycled ever. I'm 6' 210lbs pretty solid other then some fat around my side N rear lower back love handles and between my chest and arm pits but i Juan started dieting and training again and I'm coming along pretty nice I think. . Probably around 13% bf roughly give or take. And for the life of me I can't grow much facial hair on my cheeks. I'm polish.... My old man can produce a full beard. Unsure why. I also have patchy chest hair but my ass and arm pits and nuts are hairy as Fk jk lol. So yeah I have no clue If it's a factor. I def wanna get my levels tested though

  3. #3
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    I mean I think I have a fair amount of mass , I'm natural and never cycled ever. I'm 6' 210lbs pretty solid other then some fat around my side N rear lower back love handles and between my chest and arm pits but i Juan started dieting and training again and I'm coming along pretty nice I think. . Probably around 13% bf roughly give or take. And for the life of me I can't grow much facial hair on my cheeks. I'm polish.... My old man can produce a full beard. Unsure why. I also have patchy chest hair but my ass and arm pits and nuts are hairy as Fk jk lol. So yeah I have no clue If it's a factor. I def wanna get my levels tested though
    Haha I'm almost in the same boat as you. Natural, 5'11, 203lbs with relatively low bf, Russian, little body hair. I have had my levels tested and my testosterone is at the top of the normal range so I can say for sure that the information he gave isn't always true. Not sure if you listened to the podcast, but he gives a lot of info that is from his personal experience that seems suspect.

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