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  1. #41
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosen1
    If women want to be equal to men, FINE. Enlist for the military draft like men. I bet there's more men in Iraq now than there are women. Forget about maturnity leave, as men can't get them. Every woman with whom I've worked would go on maturnity leave and never return to work. When can us guys do that? There is no such thing as having to leave work early to "tend to the child/children". Hire a damn nanny, for Christ's sake.
    I'm not sure what company you work for but most companies offer paternity leave. I know mine does.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosen1
    FUCK GAY PRIDE celebrations: How about fucking American Pride damn it? Why is it that everytime someone "comes out of the closet", they have to exploit their "gayness" to the public? If they want to be accepted so damn bad, DON'T EXPLOIT IT or throw it in everybody's face so much. Since 2 same sex individuals cannot conceive a child, why the hell should there be same sex marriages?
    Since when is marriage about having children? I know plenty of people who get married and do not have children. Same sex marriage is about having the same protections, rights and privileges under law as straight married couples. If a straight or gay couple cannot conceive children, they can always adopt.

  2. #42
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    TheChosen1- I take it you don't have kids huh? My company offers maternity leave for men, in fact I took 2 weeks when both of my kids were born. As for no need to taking time off for the needs of the children, who the hell do you think you are? Try having some kids before you mouth off about something you know nothing about. Besides some of us poor white trash (as you probably think we are) can;t afford to hire a nanny, besidesd why pass off the responsibilty of raising my child to someone else?!?!?!?!

  3. #43
    bermich's Avatar
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    If you people ONLY KNEW how many law suits are settled out of court EVERY DAY you would lay off LORD. You all would love to have 5k in your pocket and admit it. Sure the price of the gym might go up but that is inflation. The price of the gym membership there will go up anyway regardless. Im not sure what you guys are really upset about. I dont hear you complaining about the price of BIG MACs since that hot coffee spill law suit. IT HAPPENS EVERYDAY get over it.....

  4. #44
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    If you people ONLY KNEW how many law suits are settled out of court EVERY DAY you would lay off LORD. You all would love to have 5k in your pocket and admit it. Sure the price of the gym might go up but that is inflation. The price of the gym membership there will go up anyway regardless. Im not sure what you guys are really upset about. I dont hear you complaining about the price of BIG MACs since that hot coffee spill law suit. IT HAPPENS EVERYDAY get over it.....
    This is the attitude that keeps lawyers rich, and honest people paying for it. Oh, and I did think about the hot coffee law suit when this thread was created.

  5. #45
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    It just goes to show how f***ing lazy people are today, they'd rather steal, yes steal, whether it's legal or not I call it stealing from hard working individuals. People today look for the easy quick buck, instead of working hard and earning what they get. Lazy S.O.B's!

  6. #46
    gym sweat is offline Junior Member
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    i hear you bro... I got 3 jobs... two of them are easy but still work none the less...

    hey carlos...i would like to add that marriage is a sharing of lives, not only the sole purpose of are just a beautiful bonus.

  7. #47
    sin's Avatar
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    god, i really dislike most lawyers

  8. #48
    usualsuspect's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    If you people ONLY KNEW how many law suits are settled out of court EVERY DAY you would lay off LORD. You all would love to have 5k in your pocket and admit it. Sure the price of the gym might go up but that is inflation. The price of the gym membership there will go up anyway regardless. Im not sure what you guys are really upset about. I dont hear you complaining about the price of BIG MACs since that hot coffee spill law suit. IT HAPPENS EVERYDAY get over it.....
    Sure, thousands of lawsuits are settled out of court everyday but there's a huge difference between compensating for one's loss and exploiting someone for a lazy buck. It's called MORALS my friend. And yes bogus lawsuits happen everyday, but does that mean we should accept it or as you said, "get over it."

    Some people just don't get it and never will...

  9. #49
    TheChosen1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    Just make sure you put a lil tabasco sauce in the condom before you throw it in the trash
    Bro, there are so many times when I wanted to call the show and tell Leykis my guaranteed prevention, in addition to his Tabasco sauce technique. My fool proof way? After you're done, most of the time you need to go take a wizz later, right? I excuse myself to the bathroom, take a wizz and clean myself up, and flush my potential "bitch trap" down the comode. Of course, I will stand there until I see it gone and, to be safe, do a 2nd flush.

    Unless my girl intends to do some deep sea swimming in the city sewage, I don't see any entrapment happening.......LOL. And yes, I even had a woman ask me about it once and replied, "You could have given IT to me, I would have disposed of it for you." YEAH, RIGHT!!!

  10. #50
    palme's Avatar
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    Would i like 5k in my pocket, hell yeah! Would i do this to get it, hell no! I have to much pride and respect for that. In my eyes you are nothing but shit.

    I hope noone ever tryes that shit on me. It wont be settled in the court i promise you.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    TheChosen1- I take it you don't have kids huh? My company offers maternity leave for men, in fact I took 2 weeks when both of my kids were born. As for no need to taking time off for the needs of the children, who the hell do you think you are? Try having some kids before you mouth off about something you know nothing about. Besides some of us poor white trash (as you probably think we are) can;t afford to hire a nanny, besidesd why pass off the responsibilty of raising my child to someone else?!?!?!?!
    Ummm, here's a thought.....Make a decision, if you need to be home to raise your child (and don't get me wrong, I respect that) either don't work or get a home job. LORDBLITZ & I were discussing this DJ whom we listen to and there is never a time when women would call this guy's broadcast and bitch about how they need to take off of work for maturnity purposes. Now this may not be a problem for someone who works as a cashier, waitress, or service attendant of a company. But what about female lawyers, doctors, accountants? In other words, a profession where individuals rely ONLY on that person to handle their affairs. The DJ, Tom Leykis, told a story of how his female attorney never had time to handle his affairs that he was paying her to handle, would never return his calls for a week, and would never notify him of their matters all because she had to tend to her child at home or school. So he fired her and hired a male lawyer. Is it discrimination? It depends how you look at it. The fact is that his lawyer could not be responsible to tend to the job that she was hired to do so he hired someone who can do the job without any personal discrepancy.

    We all know that being a respectable parent (and this does not include your typical "deadbeats") requires 24 hours/7 days a week. But why should other coworkers be responsible to carry the other load of an employee who has to bring Jr. to his softball game or little Sally to the dentist?

    And before I am flamed any more, you won't believe all of the women who called the DJ's show and agreed with him. Some even bitched about how they are able to tend to their children, husband, and household and still hold a full time job and that the women who need to take off of work or change their schedules to part time are only "spoiled bitches".

    BIG TEXAN: I'm not opposed to maturnity leave, persay. The problem is, as I've seen too often, is that women will take their maturnity leave and either never return to work or return on a part time basis. Hence, putting all of the burden on their coworkers. At my job, we recently had a coworker take a week off to be with his wife as they had his daughter. Granted, that is a special occassion for anybody. But he returned to work. My point was that no one ever sees a man take maturnity leave and decide to resign without notice.

    If anyone is interested in learning a little more about the program that LORDBLITZ & I mentioned, you can go to He's California and Seattle, Wash. local "Howard Stern".......LOL
    Last edited by TheChosen1; 07-12-2003 at 01:48 PM.

  12. #52
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I agree with you! And so would the professor.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Sexual Discrimination-screenhunter_001.jpg  

  13. #53
    TheChosen1's Avatar
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    Well, I see no other responses since my previous post from this morning, so on that note........I REST MY CASE.....LOL

  14. #54
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    Oh please let me respond. Those women that take maternity leave and never come back do so because they realize staying home with their child is by far more important than any damn job that's out there. When it comes to my children.... to hell with my co0workers and any parent will tell you this. If I could afford to stay home with my kids I would, if I had the oppurtunity to work from home.... I would. But since that won't happen, I will take off of work whenever I need to, to take care of my children. Since you don't have any, why don't ya quit talking about something you know nothing about, because if and when the day comes you have kids, I gaurantee you will be singing a different tune. I rest MY case.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN
    Oh please let me respond. Those women that take maternity leave and never come back do so because they realize staying home with their child is by far more important than any damn job that's out there. When it comes to my children.... to hell with my co0workers and any parent will tell you this. If I could afford to stay home with my kids I would, if I had the oppurtunity to work from home.... I would. But since that won't happen, I will take off of work whenever I need to, to take care of my children. Since you don't have any, why don't ya quit talking about something you know nothing about, because if and when the day comes you have kids, I gaurantee you will be singing a different tune. I rest MY case.
    Actually, I do have a child. Unless my ex-wife tells that it is an utmost emergency (natural disaster, accident, etc.), I don't see any reason to leave work early and put the burden on everyone else. When I was in law enforcement, I remember alot of times when one of our female officers needed to be re-assigned to desk duty so that she can bring her kids to the job. Needless to say, our rank often got on her ass for it but I explained to him, "Sarge, let's be happy that she's at least here at work and getting her work done." As I stated, if a woman holds a service profession, then that may not be as big of a problem. But if she holds a professional position like a doctor or lawyer, then her services cannot be substituted while she's off doing some back to school shopping for the kids.
    But don't get me wrong, BIG TEXAN. I admire you for being a good parent and I won't deny that you are. But hypothetically speaking, doesn't an employer have the right to fire an employee if that employee cannot find a way to manage her job duties and her personal life? Take my word, it's happening out here.

  16. #56
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosen1
    Unless my ex-wife tells that it is an utmost emergency (natural disaster, accident, etc.), I don't see any reason to leave work early and put the burden on everyone else.

    That could be the reason why she's your Ex wife. (you don't see any reason to leave work early unless there's a natural disaster). I'd dump you to.

  17. #57
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    That could be the reason why she's your Ex wife. (you don't see any reason to leave work early unless there's a natural disaster). I'd dump you to.
    That's uncalled for carlos. Don't be a dink.

  18. #58
    chicamahomico's Avatar
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    Excellent thread LordBlitz. It never ceases to amaze me how many people know absolutely nothing about the legal system, law and logical argument construction.

    People who get all emotional and bent out of shape about a drastically different viewpoint than their own......are truly weak minded IMO.

  19. #59
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    That's uncalled for carlos. Don't be a dink.
    It was intended as a joke, hence the . It was not intended as a flame.

  20. #60
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
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    chica- I'm not weak minded at all, if I was I'd blindly agree to everything he ahd to say, but I do have my own opinion and that is what I've been stating..... my opinion.

    Chosen1- It's plain to see we don't see eye to eye, but I will agree with you there, if a person cannot keep there family or personal life in order and it "repeatedly" keeps causing problems at work than yes they do have a right to fire that employee, but don't discredit those that feel their family is more important than some job. Can you at least give me that one, cause I know that since you do have a kid, you can't sit there and say if you had to choose, that you would choose your job over your child, or at least I hope you wouldn't.

    So with this said I'm through with this post, if I piised anyone off.... sorry. I didn't and don't want to start arguing with anyone.

  21. #61
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I know of no black organizations that wear hoods, hide their identity, or hold hanging and cross burnings. Name one please.
    Just because there was a white organization doesn't mean that they would have to be the KKK you narrow minded prick.

    "Affirmative" action is what pisses me off... A black/hispanic/asian student gets scholarship money because of their race? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't giving someone special treatment because of their skin color discrimiation? So we're fighting discrimination with discrimination, but as long as its against whites its okay?

    I had to work my ass off in school to get the scholarships I have now, when I could have just gone to the tanning booth for 3 months strait and gotten "hispanic" and then I would have college paid for by some hispanic organization because of the color of my skin. What bull shit.

  22. #62
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    "Affirmative" action is what pisses me off... A black/hispanic/asian student gets scholarship money because of their race?
    If that is your issue then why don't you attend a predominately Black, Hispanic or Asian school so you can receive a minority scholarship. Or did the thought never cross your mind.

    I agree with chicamahomico. "People who get all emotional and bent out of shape about a drastically different viewpoint than their own......are truly weak minded."

  23. #63
    usualsuspect's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    "you narrow minded prick."
    This is getting out of hand. This is not only disrespect to a well-respected member but more importantly to the board. These childish remarks have got to stop. Seems like since school let out the board has been overrun with minors posting nothing but irrelevant and inappropiate replies. I'm beginning to feel like a fuckin babysitter around here.

  24. #64
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    FYI AandF6969...

    Most of the people that benefit from affirmative action are white women. Read the following.

  25. #65
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    i'm only going to say this once..............keep this civil, or this thread is history. i'll give everyone a chance to cool off, and post like mature adults. if this dosent happen, its gone.

    peace I4L

  26. #66
    chicamahomico's Avatar
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    2,769 like mature adults
    Notice none have posted since you put this condtion on the thread....

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by iron4life79
    i'm only going to say this once..............keep this civil, or this thread is history. i'll give everyone a chance to cool off, and post like mature adults. if this dosent happen, its gone.

    peace I4L
    Okay, I just come from getting a breath of fresh air, mixed with marijuana stinch ......LOL.
    You're right, iron4life.

    The problem here is that we've somehow drifted off of the subject of the thread. I have no idea how the thread was highjacked and got detoured to affirmative action.

  28. #68
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    MY BAD

    I was just bothered by the fact that Carlos assumed any white organization would have to be racist and sadistic like the kkk

    My apologies

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    Would i like 5k in my pocket, hell yeah! Would i do this to get it, hell no! I have to much pride and respect for that. In my eyes you are nothing but shit.

    I hope noone ever tryes that shit on me. It wont be settled in the court i promise you.

    Everyone is so tough on here. Always promising a beat down to people whom they have never seen nor met. All the talk is kinda funny.
    "It wont be settled in the court" Does that mean you are gonna physically kick that persons ass? Im just a little confused....

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    Everyone is so tough on here. Always promising a beat down to people whom they have never seen nor met. All the talk is kinda funny.
    "It wont be settled in the court" Does that mean you are gonna physically kick that persons ass? Im just a little confused....
    Well i might brake a few fingers on the person trying that on me...
    You dont do shit like lordblitz and his friend did. It makes me sad to see how some people lack total respect and have no morals what so ever.

    And i didnt say i was going to kick lordblits ass i said if ANYONE did that to me it be him and me. I dont care who it was. You dont scam people! And if you scam me and i can get my hands on you i sure as hell am going after you! Im not a "internet tough guy" it´s what anyone would do. Atleast around here.

    Did you understand what i meant now bro?

  31. #71
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    MY BAD

    I was just bothered by the fact that Carlos assumed any white organization would have to be racist and sadistic like the kkk

    My apologies
    If you read Catamount's original post he referenced "white supremecy" groups. I know of no white supremecy groups that are not racist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Catamount
    Another point I want to bring up is something that I watched on tv. It was a discussion on racism. Members of the white supremecy complained that they are called racists and are looked down upon for speaking there views.
    Here is a definition of white supremecy:

    "White supremacy is an historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and oppression of continents, nations and peoples of color by white peoples and nations of the European continent; for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and defending a system of wealth, power and privilege."
    Last edited by Carlos_E; 07-15-2003 at 08:20 AM.

  32. #72
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kc
    i can't even comment on this one without gettin pissed so, congrats your boy got the expense of people like US who pay through the nose for gym memberships!

    But then again, the owner could have just changed his policy to comply with the law. So, in a manner of speaking, the owner is passing the costs of his illegal operations on to the members; not the sort of thing I think they would appreciate. I suppose if the members could show that they suffered because of the way he concealed his crime (price increases or reduced services), they could probably get a slice of that $10,000. Of course, they'd have to pay legal fees to get it . . .
    Goes to show ya how crime does not pay . . .

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by usualsuspect
    No wonder the family owned-and-operated mom and pop stores can no longer compete with the corporations of the's people like LORDBLITZ that put the small guy out of business by kicking him in the nuts with some bullshit lawsuit. Thats really great LORD, that you and your buddy discovered a way to make a quick buck. Next time, why don't you just sell your soul to the devil for a lousy $10,000. Or better yet you can start selling fake bottles of test to members on the board. Let's face it there's not a difference...your screwing someone else one way or another. Nuff said...US

    I agree, it's a BS lawsuit . . . there are bigger problems in the world today . . . But had the owner merely complied with the law--and it would have been simple to do-- he would have saved himself that $10,000. Probably would have made good business sense to convert that unused ladies area to unisex purposes, too.
    So, LordBlitz isn't the heavy here, it's the business owner.

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