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  1. #1
    Beefbucket's Avatar
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    Is Kazaa a crime now?

    I was at work last night, and a Co-worker said that he got a letter in the mail about being a Kazaa user, saying that what he was doing was illegal and he could get fined etc. I have heard this for about the last month, that there the music industry is going to start issuing fines to user via mail...Has anyone had any experiences with anything? If this is true I am going to be in big trouble...

  2. #2
    lloyd_cannon's Avatar
    lloyd_cannon is offline Associate Member
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    it is only illegal to share your files you can download however but no sharing. in the settinjgs make it to where your mp3's can not be downloaded by anyone else.

  3. #3
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    I dont see how he got a letter in the mail... you don't even have to give them any info to get on KaZaa. The only thing anyone can see is your ** address for your computer

  4. #4
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefbucket
    I was at work last night, and a Co-worker said that he got a letter in the mail about being a Kazaa user, saying that what he was doing was illegal and he could get fined etc. I have heard this for about the last month, that there the music industry is going to start issuing fines to user via mail...Has anyone had any experiences with anything? If this is true I am going to be in big trouble...
    I think it was a bulk letter. Unless they provide you with the files that you have shared they're full of shit.

  5. #5
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Actually, my father read me an article from the Houston Chronicle about how they are going to start cracking down on the users of Kazaa who are doing the file sharing / downloading. He mentioned something about it starting as soon as August. Something about 500 bucks a song ?? I dunno. Any Houston bro's come across this article ??

  6. #6
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    I don't use kazaa at all so I don't follow the ordeal too much. BUT, the only thing I watch is news and I've seen stories on this twice about fines going out. Wasn't paying total attention so I didn't catch if they specified downloading or sharing, but I hears 500 on one report and 1200 on antoher about fines

  7. #7
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    A little over a year ago, Sony and Korn tried to sue me for downloading a song i downloaded off of Kazaa.
    It really just wasted my time, and really pissed me off! Nothing ended up happening, just got interrogated, and mind fu*ked by the police....

    But this just goes to show, they CAN find out who you are, and where you live, etc...

    Be carefull!

  8. #8
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    The recording industry is gay. Did you guys know how much money they make off every cd? It's something outrageous like half the price. They have the breakdown for the cost of a cd and a bunch more cool news and info at

  9. #9
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Can someone show me a law where its says it's illegal to share a CD i bought?

  10. #10
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    Sueing over Kazaa...they're losers!

    They're a bunch of low life fucking slime balls that can suck my ass hairs after I take a shit after eating prunes and drinking draft beer!

  11. #11
    sublang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    Can someone show me a law where its says it's illegal to share a CD i bought?
    I agree. I have hundreds of tapes that I want on CD. Kazaa is the perfect place to get it. I have already bought the copyrights, so I should be able to download it.

  12. #12
    Terinox's Avatar
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    Well I think they are pretty stupid for wasting so much time/resources on busting ppl over the net. They got much better things to do with their time.

    Look at Napster, they shut that program down, and there is still as much file transfering going on as always. No matter how many programs they shut down, a new one will pop up, Peer 2 Peer downloading, etc... and each time they shut one down, a new one will start, so they have to understand it's pointless. Not to mention, the internet is so big and wide, there is no way they can get ALL the methods. I mean getting it off of P2P programs is just one way. There is still downloadable website links, FTP's, IRC channels, F-Serve's, it's fucken ridiculous.

    Someone needs to make them understand they are STUPID for wasting valuable time on this shit, when they could invest that time and money on making steroids legal

  13. #13
    tony1leg's Avatar
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    Use Kazaa Lite They Will Never Catch You, It Blocks The ** So They Can't See Where You Are From!! If

  14. #14
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony1leg
    Use Kazaa Lite They Will Never Catch You, It Blocks The ** So They Can't See Where You Are From!! If

    Once you download K-lite, can you transfer your files from the old kazaa?
    Ive been meaning to download it, but have been too lazy....

  15. #15
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    Sueing over Kazaa...they're losers!

    They're a bunch of low life fucking slime balls that can suck my ass hairs after I take a shit after eating prunes and drinking draft beer!

    how did i miss this comment! haha
    Tell us how you really feel MBH!!!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    Once you download K-lite, can you transfer your files from the old kazaa?
    Ive been meaning to download it, but have been too lazy....
    Yes of course...

    Kazaa is just a program, the file sharing is done over an "amateur" peer to peer network, Kazaa (and K-Lite) just uses this "network".

    As for turning off your file sharing, DONT! If everyone does that, how the heck can a SHARING NETWORK like kazaa possibly work?


  17. #17
    bermich's Avatar
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    KAZAA along with another site got sued. They could not touch Kazaa because they were located in Austria or something. They found a loop hole able to sue Kazaa because they had an affiliated site in US. KAZAA can not afford the lawyers so they just plead no contest. So in Aug they are shutting down their site so download as much as you can now. KAZAA will just make another site with a new name and start over. All the record industries can do is try to track the file in transit and currupt it. Takes a lot of time.

  18. #18
    jammergsxr's Avatar
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    Kazaa is a wonderful thing but as a songwriter I can understand the upset.Lets say you have a company that sells bread but suddenly the public has found a way to get bread for free not only bread but your bread for free.See how it works?As for the cost of a CD you have to relize the amount of money thats broken down.Publisher gets a cut,songwriter gets a cut,studio producer gets a cut,AR gets a cut,These are called mechanical royalties.By time everyone gets thier little pinch the artist gets so many cents per song,times the number of albums sold.The artist get alot of thier money from performance royalties,Radioplay,concerts,media play and so on.So when everyone is just down loading new albums (and you know how many millions of people do)This hurts a whole chain of people.

    Now as for what Sublang stated as buying the copyright....WRONG!You buy music,thats it,you do not own or have the right to any copy rights what so ever.Even if the artist cuts a song he/she didn't write the only person that owns the copy right is the songwriter 50% and his/her publishing company 50% unless your on a co-pub wich you own 75%,wich means you pitch your music to the artist as well as the company.Please don't get me wrong I love Kazaa and I do use it for very old songs that are hard to find but the whole system is pretty shady.Remember music isn't easy to produce and it's a long heart breaking career,Try to think of a world with no music(that would suck).These people work very very hard to entertain you and deserve to be paid.Peace out Bro's.

  19. #19
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    I can see where youre coming from on the ethics of copyright law, but everyone is going to have to realize some hard truths. There is no way to stop file sharing completely unless they ban the internet because even if KaZaa offices get shut down, the program is still out there and it just connects one user's computer to another.

    Also, even if people in music deserve all of the money from the retail price of a cd, who is going to pay $15 for a cd when they can just get it on Kazaa? It's hard to compete with free. I think the record companies are fucked.

  20. #20
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I don't mind buying a CD if the whole CD is good. I hate these one hit wonders that have one good song but the rest of the CD is just shit! I don't know anyone who will spend 15 bux for one song.

  21. #21
    jammergsxr's Avatar
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    I think whats going to end up happening is they will design the CD to where it cannot be downloaded onto a computer.Don't ask me how but they'll come up with something.But don't get me wrong I love Kazaa and think it's the best thing since sliced bread I was just offering an explanation.

  22. #22
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jammergsxr
    I think whats going to end up happening is they will design the CD to where it cannot be downloaded onto a computer.Don't ask me how but they'll come up with something.But don't get me wrong I love Kazaa and think it's the best thing since sliced bread I was just offering an explanation.
    What will happen to mp3 players then? Also, if bill gates can't stop people from making copys of his software, i don't think anyone can.

  23. #23
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    I believe they already have some CD's that are encrypted so that you cannot burn them.

  24. #24
    sublang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jammergsxr
    Now as for what Sublang stated as buying the copyright....WRONG!You buy music,thats it,you do not own or have the right to any copy rights what so ever.
    Jammer as a potential/aspiring musician I would love to get more input from you. Please clear somethings up for me. Are you saying that even if I buy a tape/cd/album/8-track of an artist and I want to transfer it to a different medium, that it is illegal? Are we (consumers) expected to buy the same songs again just because technology has changed? I don't buy it (literally). When I buy a tape/cd/album/8-track, I should be able to have it in any form I please.

    And as for up and coming artists like yourself, Kazaa is nothing but positive advertisement. I can't tell you how many wonderful bands I have discovered on Kazaa/Grokster and ended up buying their CDs. Good luck with your music and I would love to hear some of your songs (I am a music freak).

  25. #25
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    I believe they already have some CD's that are encrypted so that you cannot burn them.
    I've never had a disc that i couldn't burn. If a disc can be read, it can be burned.

  26. #26
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you on that one, Lord Blitz. I wasted about 10 CD's trying to copy Unreal Tournament and they were 80 min cd's too. No other cd has had a problem on my RW drive but that one, and I searched online and found out it is copy protected.

    I like your avatar... we should play Q3 sometime, I suck ass

  27. #27
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you on that one, Lord Blitz. I wasted about 10 CD's trying to copy Unreal Tournament and they were 80 min cd's too. No other cd has had a problem on my RW drive but that one, and I searched online and found out it is copy protected.

    I like your avatar... we should play Q3 sometime, I suck ass
    UT 2003? I had a problem burning it for the first two months. I found a program to burn it tho. If you have a problem burning something join this forum. These guys are the AR forum for computers.

  28. #28
    pal is offline Junior Member
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    k so KaZaa shows your **? well why not after downloading the song or a few go to command prompt (start\run\command) and change your ** its simple and easy.. or of course get kazaa lite!

  29. #29
    Beefbucket's Avatar
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    i have noticed that some songs I download, usually the newer more popular songs, are fakes or cannot be burned straight as an MP3 file. That sucks becuz you basically have to check the entire song for any errors...The government sucks...people are going to find ways around this sorta thing, it is just a matter of time

  30. #30
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Yeah, the fakes definitely piss me off. One time I burned the entire Eminem CD and found out that 4 or 5 songs were fakes - they just repeated every 20 seconds.

  31. #31
    ichiban's Avatar
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    I have Kazaa lite and use it frequently. I in no way see that it is a CRIME. I mostly download live audio tracks that you can not buy in a store on a CD, so how else are you supposed to get them? I know that some bands could care less if you are downloading their tunes, in fact some of them encourage it by allowing people to make DAT recordings at their shows. I am sure that there will always be a napster, kazaa, morpheus, etc. until a law gets passed in congress. I don't think downloading music is something the gov't should be concerned with right now.

    I don't see how they could find your address to mail you a fine and letter. I never gave out any info. like that? Can they look-up your home address by using an ** address? (I don't know a whole lot about techi. stuff)

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by pal
    k so KaZaa shows your **? well why not after downloading the song or a few go to command prompt (start\run\command) and change your ** its simple and easy.. or of course get kazaa lite!
    Even klite shows your I P bro... not in the program, but ANY peer to peer program shows who it's connected to, there is no way around that unless you go thru a proxy.

    Fire up Kazaa (or K-lite), start downloading 2-3 tunes, while this is going on, drop to dos and type in NETSTAT and look at what the cat drags in...

    You can do the same with just about any peer to peer conections (like DCC transfers or chats in mIRC).


  33. #33
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by pal
    k so KaZaa shows your **? well why not after downloading the song or a few go to command prompt (start\run\command) and change your ** its simple and easy.. or of course get kazaa lite!
    How do you change your I.P address?

  34. #34
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    I'm on insight cable and I can't change my I P address or I can't get on. They give me one automatically.

    LordBlitz- I was trying to burn the first UT about a year ago for my friend. I got so pissed when it wouldn't copy. Although I would like to get ahold of UT2003.... maybe we can make a deal. PM if interested, I have quite a few games/programs

  35. #35
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
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    I have gotten a couple of those messages I even saw a newspaper article about basicly they cant do anything about it cause when kazza went to court they wont so I just reply with a blow me when it comes on

  36. #36
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    How do you change your I.P address?
    Get a new ethernet card (NIC) You can find em on ebay for around 5 bux.

  37. #37
    Terinox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    What will happen to mp3 players then? Also, if bill gates can't stop people from making copys of his software, i don't think anyone can.
    HAHAHAHAH! Fucken A!! Good one, I like that right there!!!

  38. #38
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    Get a new ethernet card (NIC) You can find em on ebay for around 5 bux.
    This isn't how you change your ** address. All this will do is give your machine a new MAC address.

  39. #39
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    This isn't how you change your ** address. All this will do is give your machine a new MAC address.
    I run quake III servers and i also have been banned from other game server. My bro works for the main ISP here and gave me a full box of nic's. If it doesn't change the **, how come when i log into my server and look at the status i get a new ** each time i change the nic?

  40. #40
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    The NIC card holds the hardware address (MAC)some ISP's use that to assign the I.P address to the card/computer. DHCP is being used to hand out the addresses. So what happens is there a lease that can be from minutes, to days, or whatever and when you logged into the server with the original card the MAC is stored in a table so it knows who gets the I.P address for the duration of the lease. When you changed the card what you did was make it look like your a new client.

    I kinda know this stuff because this is how I make my living.

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