Hey everyone!

Was browsing around the site for where I should make my first real post and thought this would be a great place to do it since I wanted to post more than just about my next cycle.

First off, I have been lifting seriously for the past 15 years now. I started back in high school while playing sports. Went into college on an athletic scholarship but only played for two years at which point I stopped to focus on academics. Even though my collegiate athletic days were behind me I really wanted to start lifting even more seriously. First supps I ever decided to go out to buy myself were the original Cell-Mass and NO-Explode. CRAZY GOOD results and ive been hooked on lifting ever since.

Now I am 31 at 210 pounds, 6', and 12% BF.

A few years back I decided to run my first cycle just because I was finished competing on stage naturally and was honestly just curious. I have a lot of friends that compete(d) in NPC competitions and really wanted to try a cycle myself. Nothing serious because I had/have no desire to compete on stage again, but really wanted to push myself further than I ever had before.

Unfortunately, I did not get print outs of my blood work from my last cycle but I most definately plan to after this upcoming one. My last cycle ran 10 weeks which consisted of:
Test E - 500mg
Deca - 250mg
Anadrol - 50mg ed for first 6 weeks
Also using Arimadex at .5mg eod

Weeks 1-2: Clomid - 100mg ed and Nolva - 40mg ed
Weeks 3-4: Clomid - 50mg ed and Nolva - 20mg ed
Weeks 5-6: Nolva - 20mg per day

One of the big things to note about this cycle was that I originally started the Test E at 750mg a week and the Deca at 350mg. After the first week I decided to pull back to 500 and 250 just because it had been almost 3 years since my last cycle and did not want to over do it.

My first cycle and this one were Geneza products ordered from Naps. I had found a domestic seller for my second cycle but they retired from the game so I decided to go back to Naps since I had a really good experience with them the first time. The over-seas shipping is kind of a pain if you don't plan far enough ahead but I thought the Geneza was a good overall product and I really had great gains from them.

This upcoming cycle I am finally looking into doing some Tren and Test Cyp. As of right now I am thinking about going with Geneza again from Naps but a friend told me about Pharmacom. He says that it is his new favorite if he is going with an over-seas order..... I just started looking into recent posts here regarding others results with this line. So, if anyone has any info they would like to share regarding Pharmacom I am definitely eager to listen.

Anyway, I was thinking about doing a Test Cyp - 500mg / Tren E - 300mg base. Probably add Anadrol again for the first 6 weeks to get a good boost. In addition I was going to add HcG to my PCT. I had no problem in my last cycle getting my natural test levels back up quickly but it seems I may want to add the HcG to my PCT when using tren.

In closing I just wanted to say thanks for reading this rant and if you made it through and have any suggestions or tips I would be more than grateful for them!!

Thanks again!