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Thread: Busting the gun grabber’s musket myth

  1. #1
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
    Beetlegeuse is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Busting the gun grabber’s musket myth

    If the 2nd Amendment doesn't cover so-called "assault weapons," then neither does the 1st Amendment cover electronic media or the modern electrostatic printing press.

    Published on June 15, 2018

    Two videos that eviscerate the Liberty Grabbers ‘One shot’ musket myth.

    It is a bedrock principle (if they have any) of the Liberty grabber Left that back during the ratification of the US Constitution the only weapons in existence were flintlock musket that took 5 minute to reload. Thus there wasn’t any school violence because it would have taken too long for the perpetrator to kill anyone.

    As it typical of the lore of the national socialist Left, this is a lie of the first order. A previous video celebrated the “Assault Weapon” tricentennial, which was bit of the tongue in cheek variety since there were other repeating “Military Style” weapons in existence before this time period. These will be detailed in future articles. Meanwhile we present two videos that also bust the ‘Musket Myth’, one a short presentation from the Royal Armouries on the Jover and Belton “Flintlock breech-loading superimposed military musket”

    Royal Armouries
    Published on Aug 30, 2017
    Curator of Firearms, Jonathan Ferguson, gives us a peek at the Flintlock breech-loading superimposed military musket, by Jover and Belton (1786)

    This is a very relevant piece since the inventor Joseph Belton corresponded with the Continental Congress in 1777:

    May it Please your Honours,
    I would just informe this Honourable Assembly, that I have discover’d an improvement, in the use of Small Armes, wherein a common small arm, may be maid to discharge eight balls one after another, in eight, five or three seconds of time, & each one to do execution five & twenty, or thirty yards, and after so discharg’d, to be loaded and fire’d with cartridge as usual.

    “It was demonstrated before noted scientists and military officers (including well known scientist David Rittenhouse and General Horatio Gates)”

    This destroys the mythology that the founders had no knowledge of this type of repeating firearm technology that existed already.

    [End of Part 1, Part 2 follows]
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  2. #2
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
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    [Part 2]

    The second is a humorous dissertation on the subject from video raconteur Steven Crowder

    from a few years ago that also eviscerates this bit of Leftist mythology.

    Published on Feb 10, 2015
    People have been telling us for years that the 2nd amendment was written in a time of Muskets, and that it doesn’t apply to the evolved weapons of today. Is it true?

    So why is this important?

    Two primary reasons. One that these factual examples demonstrate that the founding fathers knew of these technological advances. Therefore, they destroy any Leftist pretences that the 2nd amendment be confined to muskets. Second that, school violence is something other than an issue of guns.
    Obs likes this.

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