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Thread: Build the WALL!

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    nah, the liberals out here would rather take pride in having the country's most expensive football stadium than having quality public education. The reality is, they would rather pay for private schooling to separate their kids from the other more "unfortunates".

    I don't see liberals spending their own $ out here (for themselves).
    Gov funded schools are a liberal and socialist ideal.
    They are not necessary but like everything else socialist people would rather hand billions to the gov than wipe their own asses. Educating children is not that expensive unless you let the government do it. They can make anything ridiculous and then force shit like common core down kids throats.

    Private sector beats public every time it is employed.

    We consolidate and hand more rights away every day.

    My grandfather was educated in a one room school house with no budget. He is a mathematical genius.

    People get softer and softer and more and more schools are annexed and consolidated into degeneration.

    The more you centralize or consolidate anything the less individual care is given and the worse performance is.

    Public tax funded schools should never have existed.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post

    Do you call the fire department if you have your house burning down?

    you call the police force if your home got burglarized while you're at the store?

    if you answered yes to any of these questions you you rely on socialist programs.
    None are federal and police forces can be privatized as they should be.
    My fire department is 100% privatized.

    None of these programs are federal.

    They should dismantle any and alll federal bureaus that write code.

    Any single aspect the gov can do from post offices to police, private sector can handle better.

    Example: UPS FEDEX and DHL

    All good jobs and benefits, companies make profit.

    Now the post office is going bankrupt for the fifth time in 20 years.
    Last edited by Obs; 01-14-2019 at 10:21 AM.

  3. #43
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    Never forget what happens when a gov takes over anything. It becomes a source for them to grow the government. This is why cops are up our asses every second.

    "Oh.... We aint got enough funds! We need more tax munny!"

    Privatize it all.

    A texas town did this with their fire department.
    They had surplus fund and synchronized traffic lights once the lazy city asswipes were gone.

    Capitalism has to work because if it doesnt someone else will make it work and you wont have that position anymore.

    It beautiful and the only reason the US has half the worlds shit.

  4. #44
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    For those that question politics and how liberal vs conservative politics affect buget deficit

    Here is all 50^^^ states deficit vs gross domestic product vs population

  5. #45
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    California state debt per person is about $12,000 gross domestic product per person is about $75,000
    Per person

    Missouri is about $7,000 gross domestic product per person is about 55,000

    Bear in mind missouri is a freaking welfare state.

    California has 1.5 times the gdp per person and twice the debt per person. Anyone want to take a guess on how much more tax a person in cali pays than someone from missouri!?

    Socialism is cancerous. It grows until it consumes everything.

    All said and done missouri gets more done with $1 dollar than cali can with $3.

    Conservative vs liberal

  6. #46
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    $52,612.00-$268,750.00 bracket 9.3% that is Calis median tax bracket!

    In missouri the highest tax rate is 5.9%!

    In cali the cap is 13.3%!

    The math does not lie. Cali collects three times as much tax per person and has twice the debt per person, because they are liberal socialist enslaving morons.
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  7. #47
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    I just want to mention, the only reason I introduced education was because it was specifically used in the original post.

    For the record, I am for the wall, securing all of the borders (how, I'm not sure) & giving lady liberty a closed sign instead of a torch.
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  8. #48
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    I got off track, but also wanted to emphasize that many people that I know, which would consider themselves as liberal (and you might assume the same), many of their ideals are anything but that.
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  9. #49
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    Politics always confuses me and then leaves me mistrustful & uncaring because of so many grey areas. I so wish there was one true & correct way.
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  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    $52,612.00-$268,750.00 bracket 9.3% that is Calis median tax bracket!

    In missouri the highest tax rate is 5.9%!

    In cali the cap is 13.3%!

    The math does not lie. Cali collects three times as much tax per person and has twice the debt per person, because they are liberal socialist enslaving morons.
    Yeah, that Cali tax bracket probably could be subdivided a bit, lol.

    Yeah, the state is wacky. Moronic? Sometimes, definitely yes.

    But what would you regarding health care and the poor? Tough call. Let them die? Highly infectious disease individuals dying on the streets?

    The homeless? There's tents and camps everywhere here "in the valley". They go ignored, is that "right" or "wrong"?

    So they believe in providing a better environment for their grand-kids & want less emissions and increase the tax gas. Is that necessarily "moronic "?

    As couch said; I like knowing there are fireman & police, but how the heck can you make that a private industry that makes money?

    Your comment about your grandfather is valid, but the average kid is not at the genius level and needs more in today's world. Today over a half million kids won't have schools to go to here, because the educators are fed up & striking (not my school district).

    Really, you are going to fund private schools that are going to keep up with the wealthy private schools? You have no idea.

    But again, back on topic - agree build a wall.
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  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Yeah, that Cali tax bracket probably could be subdivided a bit, lol.

    Yeah, the state is wacky. Moronic? Sometimes, definitely yes.

    But what would you regarding health care and the poor? Tough call. Let them die? Highly infectious disease individuals dying on the streets?

    The homeless? There's tents and camps everywhere here "in the valley". They go ignored, is that "right" or "wrong"?

    So they believe in providing a better environment for their grand-kids & want less emissions and increase the tax gas. Is that necessarily "moronic "?

    As couch said; I like knowing there are fireman & police, but how the heck can you make that a private industry that makes money?

    Your comment about your grandfather is valid, but the average kid is not at the genius level and needs more in today's world. Today over a half million kids won't have schools to go to here, because the educators are fed up & striking (not my school district).

    Really, you are going to fund private schools that are going to keep up with the wealthy private schools? You have no idea.

    But again, back on topic - agree build a wall.
    Wealthy private schools cant be touched by pulic education and poor private schools blow public out of the water.

    Medically handicapped is 99.9% bullshit

    Attachment 175504

    People given the option of help generally choose help because they are lazy.

    The biggerproblem would be retirement because people dont think ahead.

    Guess what though....

    Family units without welfare will have to look out for their own and get along. If they dont they may be old broke starving mofos.

    Guess how much local food drives are by my city or state. Guess how much they have raised for the kids in my town with cancer? Guess who pays for the fire dept. Public pool, or really anything that helps people in my town?

    Volunteers and charity drives.

    We survived fine before America was socialized and taken of the gold standard.

    The depression hit and capitalism was blamed but it is the only thing that brought us out.

    Charity is not something the gov invented or knows anything about. They have indocrinated all people to think we would have starving people in the streets without them.

    These assholes dont do half for veterans that they promise. They cant even keep up with the most important promises but fend for non hackers and illegal immigrants while homeless vets sleep in the streets.

    They have destroyed american family life with feminization and double standards, written fathers off as unnecessary, and turned hard working males into complete spaginas.

    Socialism is never shrinking. It grows until it controls every facet of a mans life and enslaves him to a system that he has no choice in. The only two thinhs america has are the terrain (farmland) and capitalism. The entreprenurial spirit and the land to make it is what made us #1.

    Socialism is causing the backslide as it continues to screw us more and more.
    Somewhere along the way we lost sight and started voting our incomes and freedoms away.
    Socialism is the #1 factor. National debt climbs and taxes increase.

    Trump gave us great great tax cuts. Next presidency they will go away though and we will continue the perpetual ascension into socialism.
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  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Yeah, that Cali tax bracket probably could be subdivided a bit, lol.

    Yeah, the state is wacky. Moronic? Sometimes, definitely yes.

    But what would you regarding health care and the poor? Tough call. Let them die? Highly infectious disease individuals dying on the streets?

    The homeless? There's tents and camps everywhere here "in the valley". They go ignored, is that "right" or "wrong"?

    So they believe in providing a better environment for their grand-kids & want less emissions and increase the tax gas. Is that necessarily "moronic "?

    As couch said; I like knowing there are fireman & police, but how the heck can you make that a private industry that makes money?

    Your comment about your grandfather is valid, but the average kid is not at the genius level and needs more in today's world. Today over a half million kids won't have schools to go to here, because the educators are fed up & striking (not my school district).

    Really, you are going to fund private schools that are going to keep up with the wealthy private schools? You have no idea.

    But again, back on topic - agree build a wall.
    Also no.... The tax bracket does not need to be subdivided.
    It needs to be flat rate across the board that way the masses feel the pain of taxes. The poor and mid class get breaks so they dont see the full effects that way they cant keep raising taxes without an uprising.
    Last edited by Obs; 01-14-2019 at 01:39 PM.
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  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Yeah, that Cali tax bracket probably could be subdivided a bit, lol.

    Yeah, the state is wacky. Moronic? Sometimes, definitely yes.

    But what would you regarding health care and the poor? Tough call. Let them die? Highly infectious disease individuals dying on the streets?

    The homeless? There's tents and camps everywhere here "in the valley". They go ignored, is that "right" or "wrong"?

    So they believe in providing a better environment for their grand-kids & want less emissions and increase the tax gas. Is that necessarily "moronic "?

    As couch said; I like knowing there are fireman & police, but how the heck can you make that a private industry that makes money?

    Your comment about your grandfather is valid, but the average kid is not at the genius level and needs more in today's world. Today over a half million kids won't have schools to go to here, because the educators are fed up & striking (not my school district).

    Really, you are going to fund private schools that are going to keep up with the wealthy private schools? You have no idea.

    But again, back on topic - agree build a wall.
    Also no.... The tax bracket does not need to be subdivided.
    It needs to be flat rate across the board that way the masses feel the pain of taxes. The poor and mid class get breaks so they dont see the full effects that way they can keep raising taxes without an uprising.
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  14. #54
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    First off Obs, what a genuine pleasure this is. These are the conversations my friends and I enjoy over drinks & no body ever goes away angry or offended. I hate small talk bs. Now I have to read and absorb what you wrote (lunch now) so I can try to reply with some degree of intelligence.
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  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    First off Obs, what a genuine pleasure this is. These are the conversations my friends and I enjoy over drinks & no body ever goes away angry or offended. I hate small talk bs. Now I have to read and absorb what you wrote (lunch now) so I can try to reply with some degree of intelligence.
    Indeed brother I appreciate the chance to speak my opinion.
    I gotta get back to the trees
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  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Wealthy private schools cant be touched by pulic education and poor private schools blow public out of the water.

    Medically handicapped is 99.9% bullshit

    Attachment 175504

    People given the option of help generally choose help because they are lazy.

    The biggerproblem would be retirement because people dont think ahead.

    Guess what though....

    Family units without welfare will have to look out for their own and get along. If they dont they may be old broke starving mofos.

    Guess how much local food drives are by my city or state. Guess how much they have raised for the kids in my town with cancer? Guess who pays for the fire dept. Public pool, or really anything that helps people in my town?

    Volunteers and charity drives.
    Agree completely about families taking care of their own, should happen more.

    Whose really sick and handicapped is a tough call, but again I ask-currently do we just let them die?

    Completely disagree about the less expensive private schools kicking ass simply from first hand knowledge.

    Charity, sure. Folks here came together for our big earthquake & the recent fires, that was an easy judgment to make. But charity for the poor on a large scale in a major city? I just don't see that happening because people can care less. So again, what to do?

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Agree completely about families taking care of their own, should happen more.

    Whose really sick and handicapped is a tough call, but again I ask-currently do we just let them die?

    Completely disagree about the less expensive private schools kicking ass simply from first hand knowledge.

    Charity, sure. Folks here came together for our big earthquake & the recent fires, that was an easy judgment to make. But charity for the poor on a large scale in a major city? I just don't see that happening because people can care less. So again, what to do?
    I went to a private school and sent my daughter to one. Both were better than public because you worked at your own pace.

    People wont be starving to death any more than they are today. Again, charity is not a gov invention.

    People who make bad choices would have to face them rather than be a forced burden.

    Individual responsibility shrinks.

    Individual resposibilty is synonymous with freedom.

    Freedom is the right and duty to be in charge of our own lives without government intervention or interference. You take the good with the bad in a free society. A world of rainbows and butterflys for all slowly eats away at itself until everyone is screwed.

    We do not need charity on a large scale.
    99% can take care of themselves they just wont because others do it for them.

    I have thrown chordwood with people on disability because of a bad back.
    There is no harder job. Makes bucking hay and digging ditches look like a day at the beach.
    I have a rutured or herniated disc that I could draw full disabikity off of and spend my days at the gym.

    Likewise I know vets my age on disability that are in no way disabled but they rode the "I served my country" ticket to disability from four years in the reserves. Missouri is abad bad welfare state.

    Such is considered normal now.
    Last edited by Obs; 01-14-2019 at 02:41 PM.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    People given the option of help generally choose help because they are lazy.

    The biggerproblem would be retirement because people dont think ahead.

    Charity is not something the gov invented or knows anything about. They have indocrinated all people to think we would have starving people in the streets without them.

    These assholes dont do half for veterans that they promise. They cant even keep up with the most important promises but fend for non hackers and illegal immigrants while homeless vets sleep in the streets.
    Regarding saying that anyone seeking help is lazy seems a little too generalized to me. Does it happen, sure, but everyone? So again, provided there is no family to help & public charity isn't enough, what then, internment camps to let them die out of public view?

    Same with the homeless which is a huge issue here, where shall we let them slowly starve to death?

    The issue with veterans is ridiculous, but speaking of a military, I assuming you want taxes for that and for the vets. My personal view is that our military budget should expanded to the point where it's potential is feared & untouchable by any other nation, but that will take money and lots of it. I know your stance with police, but their presence imo needs to be increased. More funding, better training, more personnel, fewer hours, more free-time, better salaries.
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  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Regarding saying that anyone seeking help is lazy seems a little too generalized to me. Does it happen, sure, but everyone? So again, provided there is no family to help & public charity isn't enough, what then, internment camps to let them die out of public view?

    Same with the homeless which is a huge issue here, where shall we let them slowly starve to death?

    The issue with veterans is ridiculous, but speaking of a military, I assuming you want taxes for that and for the vets. My personal view is that our military budget should expanded to the point where it's potential is feared & untouchable by any other nation, but that will take money and lots of it. I know your stance with police, but their presence imo needs to be increased. More funding, better training, more personnel, fewer hours, more free-time, better salaries.
    We spend more on millitary than the next 7 biggest Nations do combined

    Attachment 175506

    If that isn't feared, then no amount will be.
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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post

    Do you call the fire department if you have your house burning down?

    you call the police force if your home got burglarized while you're at the store?

    if you answered yes to any of these questions you you rely on socialist programs.

    Not socialist programs, social programs.
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  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    We spend more on millitary than the next 7 biggest Nations do combined

    Attachment 175506

    If that isn't feared, then no amount will be.
    Point taken & can't be argued. Efficiency in everything can be improved. But can't argue with it didn't seem there was enough personnel, thus the extra tours in Iraq or to fund for the extra pay for vets. And something tells me that China's research into weapons might be something to be worried about (no proof, but they seem to be looking to be in the #1 spot in world power).

    Do you think we have the capacity to go full scale against Iran & N. Korea simultaneously, particularly if Russia and possibly China step in?

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    We spend more on millitary than the next 7 biggest Nations do combined

    Attachment 175506

    If that isn't feared, then no amount will be.
    This is true the US military budget is pretty high and one of the highest budgets the US spends (wastes) money on
    They claim a lot of this budget goes to infrastructure, supplies, new transport equipment etc.. but we know what the real cost is and where the money is going right

    The US govt uses US tax payers money to build and fund other nations, military, and specific militant groups across the world
    Its a bit of a stretch but the US uses this money to "nation build" across the world and have an influence for their friends in the banks

    You guys know why Venezuela was suddenly failing right?

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Point taken & can't be argued. Efficiency in everything can be improved. But can't argue with it didn't seem there was enough personnel, thus the extra tours in Iraq or to fund for the extra pay for vets. And something tells me that China's research into weapons might be something to be worried about (no proof, but they seem to be looking to be in the #1 spot in world power).

    Do you think we have the capacity to go full scale against Iran & N. Korea simultaneously, particularly if Russia and possibly China step in?
    We'd be completely annihilated.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    We'd be completely annihilated.

    We are not a loved nation. After all of the b.s. from several of our prior administrations, N. Korea is apparently capable & frankly speaking, doesn't seem to be too worried about the international outcry if they use them in warfare.

    How long will it take Iran?

    Russia is most certainly a close friend and has zero interest in our country.

    China has no intention of military power as it increases its military budget, making it second behind the US.

    I'd say, put even more $ into the military.

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