Gents, you know I am struggling here, if I am coming to the forum for assistance... Here is where I am at:

I am doing my Master's Degree here at a university in Eastern Europe (Poland). The topic concerns the "gun culture" in the USA, and I have already covered the early history of the gun and the Constitution in the first two chapters.

I am starting the third chapter, which will be concerning contemporary times. What I am looking for are, ideas about where to go from here, as I do not have a solid plan (my error...).

Also, if anyone has any ideas where I can obtain source material (articles, blogs, magazines, etc...); I would be forever in your debt.

I am a retired US service member (23 yrs...), living abroad; I am NOT an academic I have discovered...

Help me please, as I am slated to defend this work (provided I finish, and the heat is on because the retake for defense is in September and I already have a flight and hotel booked in Barcelona for those dates...) in July, and have almost 2 months to finish. Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated.
