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Thread: The hypergamous nature of women

  1. #1
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    The hypergamous nature of women

    If there's a good thing in this world, it's women. We can't resist the attractive vaginas, butts and breasts, even though we cost a lot of money ... We are slave slaves who do everything to make women see us as men of value.
    Be it the physical appearance or the financial area, the financial area is the emphasis I will give in this post.
    Everywhere on planet earth there are women gold hunters. These sluts filter before choosing a man to be the provider of their families. Women who don't want poor ... Women want rich, men with BMW 760 and all that shit. Well, what I can say is that many women camouflage themselves so well, to have a provider !!
    ... Have you noticed that the most beautiful women only have men full of money?
    We can see this using politicians, for example ... senators, presidents of the republic with attractive young women.
    The nature of women has always been misleading since Eve seduced Adam to eat an apple that God had forbidden.

    One thing I say here are that many men around the world are already tired of being treated as rubbish by hypergamous women!
    They are just going the right way to eat these whores, cumming in the face and abandoning them.

    Damn, I think that's why MGTOW is growing worldwide ...
    No, don't confuse MGTOW with a move, don't you!

    MGTOW are ordinary men who don't live their lives to please hypergamous sluts ... They just chose to follow the path of relating to sluts if there is no commitment ....
    It's time for us to stop living life around sluts
    I realized that this is a big delay in our life. The hottest girl in my gym gave the gym owner the vagina ... when I asked her out and she ignored me turning her face ..

    A bitch who is not worth the cumshot in the face ... Just a big outburst and good Tuesday to all.
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 11-11-2019 at 09:45 PM.
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  2. #2
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    It is possible to believe that people have jobs, and that people hire people to do work, and that people exchange money for products and services, without believing in a thing called the 'economy'.

    It is possible to believe that people say things and do things, without believing in a thing called 'culture'.

    I think you make a strong segregation between "male people" and "female people", and that as you observe people's behaviour daily, you strongly succeed in attributing some behaviours to maleness, and also some behaviours to femaleness.

    Have you been to any places (apart from your hometown) where you've found the behaviour of males and females to be consistently different across the board?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    If there's a good thing in this world, it's women. We can't resist the attractive vaginas, butts and breasts, even though we cost a lot of money ... We are slave slaves who do everything to make women see us as men of value.
    Be it the physical appearance or the financial area, the financial area is the emphasis I will give in this post.
    Everywhere on planet earth there are women gold hunters. These sluts filter before choosing a man to be the provider of their families. Women who don't want poor ... Women want rich, men with BMW 760 and all that shit. Well, what I can say is that many women camouflage themselves so well, to have a provider !!
    ... Have you noticed that the most beautiful women only have men full of money?
    We can see this using politicians, for example ... senators, presidents of the republic with attractive young women.
    The nature of women has always been misleading since Eve seduced Adam to eat an apple that God had forbidden.

    One thing I say here are that many men around the world are already tired of being treated as rubbish by hypergamous women!
    They are just going the right way to eat these whores, cumming in the face and abandoning them.

    Damn, I think that's why MGTOW is growing worldwide ...
    No, don't confuse MGTOW with a move, don't you!

    MGTOW are ordinary men who don't live their lives to please hypergamous sluts ... They just chose to follow the path of relating to sluts if there is no commitment ....
    It's time for us to stop living life around sluts
    I realized that this is a big delay in our life. The hottest girl in my gym gave the gym owner the vagina ... when I asked her out and she ignored me turning her face ..

    A bitch who is not worth the cumshot in the face ... Just a big outburst and good Tuesday to all.
    I agree fully that most women are attention seeking, have high expectations, and expect more than they deserve.

    That being said 95% of males are pussy, pothead, weakling, wastes. They are non-hacking losers because they dont have the drive, balls, or confidence to do better.

    Hell half of them here live with mommy rent free until 30. They expect they deserve some great woman. Fact is they deserve an ass kicking direct from life, until they either crawl into a hole and die or become men.

    I listned to a couple of goofy ass looking video gamers talking about some game then one of them said, "Women just want money and attention... These girls today are messed up."

    Considering I could have kicked both their 25ish year old asses when I was 14... I wondered what their definition of messed up was and what they thought they deserved.

    My gf wants me.
    Not money or my body.
    She wants me.

    Meanwhile I chase money and physique.
    My success won't mean shit to her because it takes away from what she wants... Attention from me.

    Human beings are equally fucked in the head and imperfect, male and female.

    Women got to the point they are because men became pussies and accepted it.

    We all have our flaws and we all want greatness. There are great women and men.

    To think that the average guy deserves a great woman is wrong. Most will be equally yoked on the grounds of average.

    The question is.... Do you deserve a great woman?
    Would you treat her like a posession?
    Would you worry she was cheating or wanted "X" from you?

    Wpuld you trust this great woman?
    I assure you she is sought after by all.

    Now reverse the roles.
    Is she worthy of you?
    Will she treat you like a posession?.... Etc.

    This is nothing new.
    The prom queen dates the quarterback for a reason.

    It balances.

    I am not worthy.
    She wants whats best and I cannot be what she truly wants until I finally lay down my guns, accept where I am, and give her what she needs.

    Someday she will be married to a hole in the ground and I will never have gave what she wanted.
    Last edited by Obs; 11-12-2019 at 09:33 PM.

  4. #4
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    It is good to honestly take a step back and look at who you are. Its damn hard to shake off the illusions.

    I know a guy I like a lot, that I wouldn't necessarily call a friend but we are always exchanging conversation when we bump into each other.

    He is nearing 60 but has had a bad heart since 50. He has endured major heart attacks and surgeries. He faced death a lot and let go of the bullshit in life I still chase (I always will).

    He is a happy guy. He learned to just abide and enjoy those around him. He is a good man.

    I heard him say once, "We all came into this world between piss and shit, (referencing a birth canal) and none are better."

    Needless to say he doesn't take much to serious. I admire and understand him. It changes nothing in my path though. We are all gonna be what were gonna be.

    By the way davemeireles...

    You are a seriously driven guy to be coming here and having learned as much as you have. You must be very smart to have adapted so well so fast. Your writing is great and improved huge! Glad you are here!

    Not arguing by the way. Just giving my view and I am just as messed up as any.
    That does not mean I am humble but I try. Lol
    Last edited by Obs; 11-12-2019 at 10:33 PM.
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  5. #5
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    They’ve got half of all the money and all the pussy.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krb367 View Post
    They’ve got half of all the money and all the pussy.
    Spoken like a true philosopher.
    I thought what I said might have some impact and then you came in here with this and overshadowed everything I said lol
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Spoken like a true philosopher.
    I thought what I said might have some impact and then you came in here with this and overshadowed everything I said lol
    I'm sorry, I was trying to impress you. I don't know what it means. I'll be honest, I don't think anyone knows what it means anymore. Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.

    When in Rome, obs.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krb367 View Post
    I'm sorry, I was trying to impress you. I don't know what it means. I'll be honest, I don't think anyone knows what it means anymore. Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.

    When in Rome, obs.
    I think you hit the nail on the head.
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  9. #9
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    true dat
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  10. #10
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    And here I am wondering how those women manage to get things from men, because I couldn't (no gifts, no attention). I always earned my own cash (small as it is) and considered that men are useful for fucks only.

    Now I'm trying to be a bit more wise about these things and consider that it's not about male or female behaviour, it's your individual behaviour that compromised your relationship with the opposite sex. You, and I did not get what we wanted from certain representatives of the opposite sex, fault's with us. Other people are content with how they balance giving and receiving in their relationships.
    Last edited by sv.elia; 11-13-2019 at 09:59 AM. Reason: typo
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    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  11. #11
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    And here I am wondering how those women manage to get things from men, because I couldn't (no gifts, no attention). I always earned my own cash (small as it is) and considered that men are useful for fucks only.

    Now I'm trying to be a bit more wise about these things and consider that it's not about male or female behaviour, it's your individual behaviour that compromised your relationship with the opposite sex. You, and I did not get what we wanted from certain representatives of the opposite sex, fault's with us. Other people are content with how they balance giving and receiving in their relationships.
    I grew up with a pretty bad view on maleness and femaleness. . . . my father moved out when I was young and set a poor example.. . which was made twice as bad when I was separated from my siblings because I was male (I was sent to all boys school).

    Throw in a few bad relationships -- including an exgf who kissed a drug dealer on the lips right in front of me -- and I wandered in and out of misogyny.

    Nowadays I find I'm getting better by avoiding sex-segregated stuff (e.g. there's people annoying me to join the free masons), and moving more toward sex-neutral stuff (e.g. nudism).

  12. #12
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Good evening everyone !Making it clear here that I'm not here crying for a girl, but just telling a fact that happened to me.
    The girl scorned me because I don't have BMW
    Well, I'm a friend of the gym owner, the guy is good people and I didn't ruin my friendship with him because of this girl !!!
    Just thought, damn this bitch ignored me yesterday when I asked to go out with her and the next day the gym owner told me he ate her .
    Thank you Obs, so my brother, I'm already following my life without caring about this bitch!
    I will not cry for a pussy!
    One day I bump into this bitch and I will ignore her ..

    As the saying goes the world goes round !!
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  13. #13
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    The most loyal woman a man can trust is her mother herself.
    Many may think, fuck-I'm 30 years old I'm still at my mom's house!Living away from your mother, paying rent doesn't make a guy more manly and responsible..Patriarchal society preaches cheap ideologies that a man can only consider when leaving home to live alone with a woman!
    Well, it proves that a global ideology has been implanted in people's minds. The preaching that a man must go his own way, abandoning his father and mother to live with a bitch, or breaking his rent pocket just to say, "I am a man."

    With that I say, I prefer to live in the house of the woman who generated me ("as much as possible !!!").

    This will make me no less a man, indeed even more so than many who will only see their mothers at a funeral, where it will be too late.
    So, value your mother when she's alive, don't leave home for any reason.Well, I have a brother who is getting married. He is 35 years old. He is currently building his house in the same yard of my house to keep an eye on my mother's health

    And I say, he is 35 years old and still lives with my mother ... I also live with my old mother playing the role of man helping her financially.
    Mom is something special that we will not have 2 in this life.

    I have uncles who are my mother's brothers who were many without character with my grandmother !!!

    On all of my grandmother's birthdays, they never went to see her. In July this year, my grandmother had a heart attack, I took her to the hospital ...

    Upon returning home, she returned with speech sequences and did not move very well. Every day I held her in my lap to help my mother bathe her.

    Meanwhile, my mother always called my uncles saying, "Come see her she's not well."

    They didn't care, they always made excuses not to come see my grandma.

    On August 16 this year, I lost my grandmother, she passed away at the age of 85. And guess what?

    My uncles went to her funeral. I confess that I almost broke them in the middle
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 11-13-2019 at 07:08 PM.
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  14. #14
    Suyane is offline Female Member
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    Not all women are equal !
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Good evening everyone !Making it clear here that I'm not here crying for a girl, but just telling a fact that happened to me.
    The girl scorned me because I don't have BMW
    Well, I'm a friend of the gym owner, the guy is good people and I didn't ruin my friendship with him because of this girl !!!
    Just thought, damn this bitch ignored me yesterday when I asked to go out with her and the next day the gym owner told me he ate her .
    Thank you Obs, so my brother, I'm already following my life without caring about this bitch!
    I will not cry for a pussy!
    One day I bump into this bitch and I will ignore her ..

    As the saying goes the world goes round !!
    Where are you again brother, I cant remember....

    You are a very true person and it shows.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suyane View Post
    Not all women are equal !
    Its not sex that seperates. Its goals and drive and dedication.

    The majority are average or less and the few are great, in both sexes.

  17. #17
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    onde você está, irmão, não me lembro ...

    Você é uma pessoa muito verdadeira e isso mostra.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suyane View Post
    Not all women are equal !

    It's important that we maintain equality on this inclusive forum of ours.

  20. #20
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post

    It's important that we maintain equality on this inclusive forum of ours.
    I think she meant more like "we are not all the same/we are not all like that" that's how I took it anyway...
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  21. #21
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    I totally agree regarding MOST women expect too much with too little to offer themselves, atleast from my view they have the power of
    this world in all aspects.
    Now my experience with women is pure crap, but I still have a burning desire to be around them.

    However, I do believe that it´s good to see life in a "sales-point-of-view".
    Status and money is a receipt that who ever you are with it, you still accomplished that and that mean the product (you) is most
    likely a suitable mate.
    It´s like a great review of sort.
    Even if you would be an asshole within.

    You need to sell yourself to someone who has no idea who you are, same as you might need to sell a product to somehow who isn´t sure he or she
    need it, or even know what it is.
    Doesn´t matter how great you are if no one knows it.
    Then you can think "well give me a chance then!"...why?... this is not charity, this is time and life invested.

    You are a product...learn the market and adjust, it changes all the time.
    Before a barbarian was hot, but hitting a girl in the head with a stick is not gonna give the same results today unfortunately.

    The above is if you search or wanna fight for someone looks or brain.
    However, you can do like most (incl me) and wait + rant about "I´m awesome and deserve more", but that won´t get you or me anywhere.
    Last edited by Fiskevatten; 11-14-2019 at 03:33 AM.

  22. #22
    alphaman is offline Member
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    Hypergamy doesn’t apply to just $$. Women biologically seek men who they look up to because they are seeking the best partner to mate with. It is a form of natural selection.

    It can be money, good looks, social status, artistic talent, etc.

    I am kinda fat and about to turn 40. I make an income that would attract a gold digger all day long. But I got way more indications of interest when I was broke and in my physical prime...
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    I think she meant more like "we are not all the same/we are not all like that" that's how I took it anyway...
    Ghetto, its kimbo trolling.

  24. #24
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Ghetto, its kimbo trolling.
    Yea I know not sure why I replied I’d say if we all ignored him he would go away but he is so pathetic he will find a way back
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  25. #25
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    To me, many "ladies" do veiled prostitution. "
    These ladies get guys in exchange for material goods !!!
    The funny thing is, many of these women point their fingers at the girl who works at the night club around the corner saying:
    Wow, these call girls have no dignity !!
    Damn, this is fucking hypocrisy

  26. #26
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    A question
    Do you think women will prefer a poor guy with an aesthetic body or an old man sounding like a millionaire pig ?
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 11-14-2019 at 12:54 PM.

  27. #27
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    For starters I have no problem, morally or ethically, with prostitution. The chief reason it's outlawed is married women. It diminishes their "power of the pussy," effectively marginalizing their control over their spouse, and they don't want the competition.

    That aside, I don't equate the gold-digging that a standard issue woman engages in with prostitution. It's simply nature, and it's not uniquely human. Far from it. It's been documented that female chimpanzees, capuchin (organ grinder) monkeys and Adelie penguins also will engage in sex for material reward.

    In most species that engage in sexual reproduction, one or the other sex is the chief 'decider' in breeding partner selection. It's not always the female that is the decider and different species apply different criteria for selection, everything from plumage (peacocks) to an offering of pebbles (penguins).

    Especially in species in which the female is the decider, the criteria often focus on the male's demonstrations of his suitability as a provider. In many bird species the male prepares a nest (often multiple nests) and then tries to lure his prospective mate to come check out her potential new home.

    One of the reasons we humans manage to have such a superior brain is that we are born very immature. It takes us roughly 18 years to reach adult stature -- the longest of any animal -- and a further six hears before the brain is finished hard-wiring itself. During which time the 'child' needs all manner of care and overseeing to insure he/she lives long enough to become a self-sufficient adult.

    That degree of immaturity at birth is beneficial because childbirth would be much more difficult -- if not outright impossible -- if we were born with anything close to a fully-developed brain because the average adult human's head is about 22" in circumference. A newborn's is nearer 14". If you figure the diameter of circles with those circumferences, that means the the birth canal need only expand to a "diameter" of 4.5" to pass the baby's head, versus 7" for an adult head.

    And BTW, 4.5" is about 11.5cm, which is why obstetricians and midwives are taught not to let the mother begin pushing until the baby's crowning reaches 10cm. It minimizes the damage the mother will cause herself in the delivery. It's also why the sutures in the neonatal head haven't yet fused. It makes the birthing process easier because the skull collapses until it contacts the brain and conveniently assumes a sort of "suppository" shape.

    And on the subliminal level, a man judges his breeding success by how many offspring he can produce. A woman gauges her breeding success by how many grandchildren she can produce. So the woman's objective has barely begun with wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am. Her objective is the successful rearing of her babies until they've reached an age when they can produce offspring of their own.

    Back on topic, the woman knows that the successful result of her mating would leave her with an 18-year-long obligation to care for a child, sometimes 24/7/365. Which would be a near impossible task if she had to do it on her own.

    That's where the mate comes in. It optimizes her chances of producing grandchildren if she can attract a mate who will be a good provider (it's hard enough to gather fruits and vegetables, much less to hunt, when you've got a baby on your hip) and who will remain with her until his children have some degree of self-sufficiency.

    This behavior isn't learned, and it isn't gold digging per se. And it might not even be conscious but it is hard-wired. It's in her DNA. Just like a man assessing a woman's suitability as a breeding partner. Which happens every time he encounters a new woman. It happens subconsciously ... and takes all of about half a second.

    Symmetrical face? Check. Smooth skin? Check. Shiny, bouncy hair? Check. Good teeth? Check. 1.3x hips-to-waist raio? Check.

    Yes, it's been scientifically proven that most men find a woman's figure most attractive if her hips measure 30% more around than her waist. The slightly narrower waist goes to overall nutrition/health and the slightly wider hips hint at suitability for passing a baby though the birth canal. Equals boner.

    This all takes place in half a second and you don't even realize it's going on. By the same token, the woman might not realize her motivation for preferring men who drive 7-series BMWs and S-Class Mercs over guys with Hyundais and Priuses. And like the female purple martin, which is persnickety about the state of the nest she is offered, she isn't doing this for her own benefit. She's holding out for an accommodation that will give her the best possible opportunity to raise and fledge her chicks.

    Most people think we're more than just a hairless ape and have a hard time getting their heads around how much of our behavior is still innate. Inherited. Hard-wired in our DNA. When in truth DNA explains a whole lot of what otherwise would be imponderables, especially when it comes to mating.

    Take for instance, tits.

    Three of the unique characteristics of woman are that:
    1. She has no breeding season (doesn't come into "heat")
    2. She shows no outward signs when ovulating
    3. She is the only mammalian female with permanently distended breasts (i.e., boobies)

    What this works out to is that the signs and symptoms that most other female mammals display to signal that they're receptive to breeding just aren't here. And one signal that most other female mammals display only when they're "in heat" (swollen breasts) is always present.

    But while women were losing the genetic tendency to breed seasonally and show signs of being in estrus, and developing permanent boobies ... men (apparently) didn't change. We still (subliminally) think that swollen tits mean receptive to breeding. Equals boner.

    So a woman goes through her entire reproductive life unconsciously signalling to all men that she's hot and bothered and needs to get laid.

    The reason man is the only great ape that isn't primarily polygamous ... is hunting.

    Man evolved in Africa's Great Rift Valley, where all the big game animals are migratory. So specializing in hunting necessarily meant man also had to become migratory. To follow the herds is to follow the food.

    So how do a paleolithic mother and her newborn survive if their tribe is migratory? They don't, not without a help-mate. Someone devoted to her and her baby's care and well-being. She's got little more than zero chance of ever having grandchildren if she can't convince a man to invest in her and her offspring. Which begat monogamous bonding for life.

    And what was the sales pitch she used to convince him to stay around? Tits.

    Tits convince that ancient DNA in his head that his woman is perpetually receptive to breeding. Which not only means he's convinced that he might get to dip his wick at any moment, it also means he shouldn't stray too far for fear that some other man could take advantage of the breeding opportunity she presents.

    That was true in the day of Australopithecus but women obviously have evolved more from that time than men have. Yes, goddamit, we're obsessed with tits.

    But it's not our fault. And if we weren't obsessed with tits, it might have been the Neanderthals who took over the planet and us who vanished.

    So the fact that women want a rich man doesn't necessarily equal prostitution but neither does it mean all men are cave men because they're so smitten with tits.

    Okay, it does mean we're all cave men, but being cave men in that particular respect is good for the survival of the species.

    So if your woman gets all exercised because you got a woody while oogling another woman's bazooms, just remind her it isn't your fault because she started it!
    Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 11-14-2019 at 02:04 PM.
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  28. #28
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    For starters I have no problem, morally or ethically, with prostitution. The chief reason it's outlawed is married women. It diminishes their "power of the pussy," effectively marginalizing their control over their spouse, and they don't want the competition.

    That aside, I don't equate the gold-digging that a standard issue woman engages in with prostitution. It's simply nature, and it's not uniquely human. Far from it. It's been documented that female chimpanzees, capuchin (organ grinder) monkeys and Adelie penguins also will engage in sex for material reward.

    In most species that engage in sexual reproduction, one or the other sex is the chief 'decider' in breeding partner selection. It's not always the female that is the decider and different species apply different criteria for selection, everything from plumage (peacocks) to an offering of pebbles (penguins).

    Especially in species in which the female is the decider, the criteria often focus on the male's demonstrations of his suitability as a provider. In many bird species the male prepares a nest (often multiple nests) and then tries to lure his prospective mate to come check out her potential new home.

    One of the reasons we humans manage to have such a superior brain is that we are born very immature. It takes us roughly 18 years to reach adult stature -- the longest of any animal -- and a further six hears before the brain is finished hard-wiring itself. During which time the 'child' needs all manner of care and overseeing to insure he/she lives long enough to become a self-sufficient adult.

    That degree of immaturity at birth is beneficial because childbirth would be much more difficult -- if not outright impossible -- if we were born with anything close to a fully-developed brain because the average adult human's head is about 22" in circumference. A newborn's is nearer 14". If you figure the diameter of circles with those circumferences, that means the the birth canal need only expand to a "diameter" of 4.5" to pass the baby's head, versus 7" for an adult head.

    And BTW, 4.5" is about 11.5cm, which is why obstetricians and midwives are taught not to let the mother begin pushing until the baby's crowning reaches 10cm. It minimizes the damage the mother will cause herself in the delivery. It's also why the sutures in the neonatal head haven't yet fused. It makes the birthing process easier because the skull collapses until it contacts the brain and conveniently assumes a sort of "suppository" shape.

    And on the subliminal level, a man judges his breeding success by how many offspring he can produce. A woman gauges her breeding success by how many grandchildren she can produce. So the woman's objective has barely begun with wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am. Her objective is the successful rearing of her babies until they've reached an age when they can produce offspring of their own.

    Back on topic, the woman knows that the successful result of her mating would leave her with an 18-year-long obligation to care for a child, sometimes 24/7/365. Which would be a near impossible task if she had to do it on her own.

    That's where the mate comes in. It optimizes her chances of producing grandchildren if she can attract a mate who will be a good provider (it's hard enough to gather fruits and vegetables, much less to hunt, when you've got a baby on your hip) and who will remain with her until his children have some degree of self-sufficiency.

    This behavior isn't learned, and it isn't gold digging per se. And it might not even be conscious but it is hard-wired. It's in her DNA. Just like a man assessing a woman's suitability as a breeding partner. Which happens every time he encounters a new woman. It happens subconsciously ... and takes all of about half a second.

    Symmetrical face? Check. Smooth skin? Check. Shiny, bouncy hair? Check. Good teeth? Check. 1.3x hips-to-waist raio? Check.

    Yes, it's been scientifically proven that most men find a woman's figure most attractive if her hips measure 30% more around than her waist. The slightly narrower waist goes to overall nutrition/health and the slightly wider hips hint at suitability for passing a baby though the birth canal. Equals boner.

    This all takes place in half a second and you don't even realize it's going on. By the same token, the woman might not realize her motivation for preferring men who drive 7-series BMWs and S-Class Mercs over guys with Hyundais and Priuses. And like the female purple martin, which is persnickety about the state of the nest she is offered, she isn't doing this for her own benefit. She's holding out for an accommodation that will give her the best possible opportunity to raise and fledge her chicks.

    Most people think we're more than just a hairless ape and have a hard time getting their heads around how much of our behavior is still innate. Inherited. Hard-wired in our DNA. When in truth DNA explains a whole lot of what otherwise would be imponderables, especially when it comes to mating.

    Take for instance, tits.

    Three of the unique characteristics of woman are that:
    1. She has no breeding season (doesn't come into "heat")
    2. She shows no outward signs when ovulating
    3. She is the only mammalian female with permanently distended breasts (i.e., boobies)

    What this works out to is that the signs and symptoms that most other female mammals display to signal that they're receptive to breeding just aren't here. And one signal that most other female mammals display only when they're "in heat" (swollen breasts) is always present.

    But while women were losing the genetic tendency to breed seasonally and show signs of being in estrus, and developing permanent boobies ... men (apparently) didn't change. We still (subliminally) think that swollen tits mean receptive to breeding. Equals boner.

    So a woman goes through her entire reproductive life unconsciously signalling to all men that she's hot and bothered and needs to get laid.

    The reason man is the only great ape that isn't primarily polygamous ... is hunting.

    Man evolved in Africa's Great Rift Valley, where all the big game animals are migratory. So specializing in hunting necessarily meant man also had to become migratory. To follow the herds is to follow the food.

    So how do a paleolithic mother and her newborn survive if their tribe is migratory? They don't, not without a help-mate. Someone devoted to her and her baby's care and well-being. She's got little more than zero chance of ever having grandchildren if she can't convince a man to invest in her and her offspring. Which begat monogamous bonding for life.

    And what was the sales pitch she used to convince him to stay around? Tits.

    Tits convince that ancient DNA in his head that his woman is perpetually receptive to breeding. Which not only means he's convinced that he might get to dip his wick at any moment, it also means he shouldn't stray too far for fear that some other man could take advantage of the breeding opportunity she presents.

    That was true in the day of Australopithecus but women obviously have evolved more from that time than men have. Yes, goddamit, we're obsessed with tits.

    But it's not our fault. And if we weren't obsessed with tits, it might have been the Neanderthals who took over the planet and us who vanished.

    So the fact that women want a rich man doesn't necessarily equal prostitution but neither does it mean all men are cave men because they're so smitten with tits.

    Okay, it does mean we're all cave men, but being cave men in that particular respect is good for the survival of the species.

    So if your woman gets all exercised because you got a woody while oogling another woman's bazooms, just remind her it isn't your fault because she started it!

    Fuck that giant text bro hahaha ....
    isn't it a camouflaged prostitution?

    Course is .

    But let me say one thing: Call girls who work in nightclubs have a lot more character than these bitches who pretend to be good girls.

  29. #29
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
    Beetlegeuse is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The word "prostitution" is a pejorative invented by people who want their man to be entirely dependent on them for their nookie.

    I am fair certain that before we lost our fur, all the way back to our ancestors who still walked on all fours, even back then the female of the species were inclined to put out for the male who brought them the most valuable of gifts. It's not prostitution, it's nature. A hen feathering her nest.
    JaneDoe and XnavyHMCS like this.

  30. #30
    Suyane is offline Female Member
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    To me you are playing the role of a tremendous idiot here in the forum.

    You're misogynist, disgust me

  31. #31
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suyane View Post
    To me you are playing the role of a tremendous idiot here in the forum.

    You're misogynist, disgust me

  32. #32
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
    Fluidic Kimbo is offline Morale Officer (de facto)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suyane View Post
    To me you are playing the role of a tremendous idiot here in the forum.

    You're misogynist, disgust me

    Anyone can fall into that way of thinking. You'll find that some males who pay for sex think that they are doing the honest thing. Personally speaking from my own past experience I found it nearly impossible to find the worth in any person because I was unable to find the worth in myself. I haven't paid for sex in about 4 and a half years and I hope I never do again. I think I'm going on about 2 or 3 years without pornography. I like to think I'm on a good run at the moment, but that's the thing about life. . . you never really know what's around the corner. Some people think that's what makes life exciting.

    Misogyny and racism are not things that I support or try to encourage but I do have understanding and sympathy for those afflicted

  33. #33
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Thumbs down

    Suyane; Para mim, você está fazendo o papel de um tremendo idiota aqui no fórum.

    Você é misógino, me dá nojo

    I'm not preaching hate against women, I'm just putting cards on the table.
    Let's stop hypocrisy, if what I wrote served you, I can't do anything.

  34. #34
    Suyane is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    I will not accept something that is not true.

  35. #35
    Suyane is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    I'm not preaching hate against women, I'm just putting cards on the table.
    Let's stop hypocrisy, if what I wrote served you, I can't do anything.

    The way you address women is offensive .

  36. #36
    Obs's Avatar
    Obs is offline Changed Man
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    I think a specific kind of woman was addressed in this thread but we all need to remember the same kind of male exists out there.

    Women and men have different roles and they are equal in status across the board.

    Anyone who thinks men have theur shit together as a whole, moreso than women is very mistaken.
    Feminization is the fault of males not doing their gd duty.
    JaneDoe likes this.

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