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Thread: A "natural" transformation video i found

  1. #1

    A "natural" transformation video i found

    Jesus Christ, 3 years, if that is natural, i would gladly take one up me arse..... fuckin hell....
    It's these kind of people that give beginners false hope and have them jump on it without doing proper research...
    Soon enough, he will jump onto one of these forums and ask why his dick isn't standing up.

    What do you guys think about this?

  2. #2
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    this isn't false hope . once things get dialed in (mainly with nutrition and proper training), massive gains are highly possible

  3. #3
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    99% of people who have even been training and working out for years have not tapped in to their real potential. but once they do and it finally "clicks" good things happen.
    everyone talks about genetics. which do play a part. but so many people have not F'n clue what they are doing with nutrition and training (let alone drug usage) , AND even if they did, they are not hard working enough and consistent people to get the gains anyways.

    rule # 1 - Consistency.. over and over and over and over again .

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    this isn't false hope . once things get dialed in (mainly with nutrition and proper training), massive gains are highly possible
    yes, i do agree that with proper nutrition and training in the early years, massive gains are possible...
    but i've definitely never seen someone triple (or quadruple) their size like that within a span of 3 years....
    for me, its' definitely a lil freaky to consider this natural. (or maybe it's the lighting lol who knows)

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by menace2anus View Post
    yes, i do agree that with proper nutrition and training in the early years, massive gains are possible...
    but i've definitely never seen someone triple (or quadruple) their size like that within a span of 3 years....
    for me, its' definitely a lil freaky to consider this natural. (or maybe it's the lighting lol who knows)
    "natural" is totally irrelevant. imo. everyone has access to the juice . easy easy access. its an even playing field. nutrition and training and proper usage of the drugs is the difference.

    you know how many guys are on the juice that look like they don't even lift. tons. guarantee that skinny old 50 year old guy at your gym wearing the same tank top every time he comes in is probably on a gram of gear yet he is going to look the same shitty way forever. not genetics per se , he is just an inconsistent little bitch and doesn't know how to train and get proper nutrition in

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you know how many guys are on the juice that look like they don't even lift. tons.

    Absolutely. Old saying, "If you're on steroids and people don't know it then you're doing it wrong."
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Absolutely. Old saying, "If you're on steroids and people don't know it then you're doing it wrong."

  8. #8
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    Samp I see you peeking.... Hope you are good man.
    Wick group still asking about ya

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Samp I see you peeking.... Hope you are good man.
    Wick group still asking about ya

    I’ve been lurking brother. Glad to see my favorite Avi up and running again. I’m good, trying to keep my head on straight. Big week for me coming up.
    I peeked at wick today. Got caught up on Couch’s girls cell phone drama
    I’ll do a better job saying hey. This fucking no gym shit couldn’t have come at a worse time. Was too late on the home gym gear. Have 2 kettle bells (25 and 50#) and banging out pushups like a madman. Was at the top of my game and BOOM, shit is upside down.

    Rant and hi jack over. Love ya bud

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you know how many guys are on the juice that look like they don't even lift. tons. guarantee that skinny old 50 year old guy at your gym wearing the same tank top every time he comes in is probably on a gram of gear yet he is going to look the same shitty way forever. not genetics per se , he is just an inconsistent little bitch and doesn't know how to train and get proper nutrition in
    Here’s my challenge. I ain’t a bitch, but I don’t look like you guys (but haven’t done the same AAS).

    I’ll have 4 months starting in May, and IF I have a gym; challenge me with your thesis. Let’s see what can be done. You know that I respect you GH. Let’s put this argument to rest, prove it to me.

    My only condition is not wearing out my total hips, so minimal legs. Don’t care bout legs really, it’s waist up in a t-shirt, that what I want.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Here’s my challenge. I ain’t a bitch, but I don’t look like you guys (but haven’t done the same AAS).

    I’ll have 4 months starting in May, and IF I have a gym; challenge me with your thesis. Let’s see what can be done. You know that I respect you GH. Let’s put this argument to rest, prove it to me.

    My only condition is not wearing out my total hips, so minimal legs. Don’t care bout legs really, it’s waist up in a t-shirt, that what I want.

    If you have the mind, you can have the body. And YOU have the mind.

  12. #12
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    That kid looks outstanding. Hard to beleive hes only 17 in those pics. Even with gear thats incredible.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Here’s my challenge. I ain’t a bitch, but I don’t look like you guys (but haven’t done the same AAS).

    I’ll have 4 months starting in May, and IF I have a gym; challenge me with your thesis. Let’s see what can be done. You know that I respect you GH. Let’s put this argument to rest, prove it to me.

    My only condition is not wearing out my total hips, so minimal legs. Don’t care bout legs really, it’s waist up in a t-shirt, that what I want.
    Dumb-ass post, disregard please. Drinking like a fish & got VERY sloppy.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Dumb-ass post, disregard please. Drinking like a fish & got VERY sloppy.
    If this is about doing roids and not looking the part, imho you do look the part.
    Last edited by sv.elia; 03-30-2020 at 01:08 AM.
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  15. #15
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    Especially doing that in the age where most are extremely influenced and usually head for drinking and junk food.
    Now granted, he might be doing that too since he will be in the hormone peak of peaks and can come away with much.
    Let's hope he does it for life and make something great by it, not just for temporary popularity.

  16. #16
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    Hes done extremely well, an elite no doubt. But he isn’t natural by any means. Thats the problem i have with these folks claiming a drug free physique. I mean just dont do it. He may have damaged himself hopefully not from such a young age but probably so. You can definitely add muscle fairly quickly if you put in the work and time and the meals. I think he can go pro fairly easily. Would like to know his stats as well. He is alot leaner than me, but i have put on just as muscle in 3 years if not more so but im definitely not claiming natural either.

  17. #17
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    Just found out the dude is a Swede, viking genes!

  18. #18
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    How tall is he?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    If this is about doing roids and not looking the part, imho you do look the part.
    He is old enough to be your grandfather and actually is a prime example of the age diminishing effects of aas as well as muscular abilities.
    Not being rude my lady... But dead serious.

    He is also one of the most generous people to ever grace this board. Him and I may clash at times but I respect him like a father.

    He is a great man.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    How tall is he?
    5,10 apparently.
    Stats were a year off, but a year ago he was 85kg, I'd say a few kgs more now

  21. #21
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    For those that don't opinion is useless but proximal is literally head and shoulders above most in terms of action vs words.

    I hope I get to meet him someday.
    He has retired from two careers and helped me and many others through rough shit.

    He is also built like a fking tank for his age or the age of 99% of 20 year old males today.

    You name it he has seen it.
    He watches over more kids than I care to look at as a father, but has no kids of his own.

    He admits any faults pretty quick and holds no illusion.
    I hope I leave a legacy like he undoubtedly will.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    He is old enough to be your grandfather and actually is a prime example of the age diminishing effects of aas as well as muscular abilities.
    Not being rude my lady... But dead serious.

    He is also one of the most generous people to ever grace this board. Him and I may clash at times but I respect him like a father.

    He is a great man.
    In all seriousness friend, those might have been the nicest words EVER spoken of me and I mean that sincerely. I wish that had something more constructive and appreciative to say, but I am speechless. TY. F-me, I am floored.

  23. #23
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    He was ran off the board by male cunts long years back.
    He was one of few to stick up for me years back when I returned.

    He caught hell for it right along with me.
    I was thrilled to see him come back and I couldnt bear to see him leave.

    There is a lot of history on this board. Its almost twenty years old.

    It's actually about time I got with admin to see when its 20th birthday is.

    We have to do something big.

    Prox is a brother/dad. I am mot scared to appear gay or sappy anymore. I am me and dgaf what online folks think of me. I love proximal though. Not some pretend online shit. I love him as a brother.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    In all seriousness friend, those might have been the nicest words EVER spoken of me and I mean that sincerely. I wish that had something more constructive and appreciative to say, but I am speechless. TY. F-me, I am floored.
    Aww shit you werent supposed to post until I got done with the second post lol.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    5,10 apparently.
    Stats were a year off, but a year ago he was 85kg, I'd say a few kgs more now

    Not that impressed. Better than me though.
    Just saw the "kg" measurement..

    Are my picto measurement off? I must know. ..

    I pride myself on them.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    He was ran off the board by male cunts long years back.
    He was one of few to stick up for me years back when I returned.

    He caught hell for it right along with me.
    I was thrilled to see him come back and I couldnt bear to see him leave.

    There is a lot of history on this board. Its almost twenty years old.

    It's actually about time I got with admin to see when its 20th birthday is.

    We have to do something big.

    Prox is a brother/dad. I am mot scared to appear gay or sappy anymore. I am me and dgaf what online folks think of me. I love proximal though. Not some pretend online shit. I love him as a brother.
    THAT is ancient history & THAT should rest. We are a family here and should remember that. I NEVER had a family really (not that I felt or loved and cared about), but I found one here. Never had a brother nor son but dammit would be proud to be either to you buddy. Yeah, going on 62, could be either.

    In full disclosure, I am not cycling and am quite sure my E2 is within normal range.

    Road, you’re a man among men (and knew
    that a few years ago, when THAT shit began) and it’s an honor to know you.

  27. #27
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    Naturally at 19 I was 190 and looked the best I ever have.

    I had girls beating down my door but was too antisocial to confront them.

    In retrospect I wish I could go back to a 48" chest and 28" waist. I wasn't scary back then. I was sexy.

    I traded all that for mass that turns most women off.
    Something a newb might need to read before entering the dark side.

    You don't have to be bigger than everyone around you. Its a freakish thing.

    Once the idea that you have to be bigger takes root, you will never be comfortable in your skin.
    You will see a BB or photoshopped image and think you must be better. It consumes you.

    It is dysmorphia in its purest form.

    Eventually you are at your goal and still see a skinny squirrel in the mirror. You just charge on harder until you are doing shit you know will kill you at a young age.

    Weight is a joke.
    The scale is a joke.
    What you see in the mirror is not what they see.

    I don't know the cure to prevent this but I am aging. I have arthritis so bad it hurts me to ball a fist and pose.
    You gotta draw a line somewhere. You gotta determine when enough is enough or you wind up....obs

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    THAT is ancient history & THAT should rest. We are a family here and should remember that. I NEVER had a family really (not that I felt or loved and cared about), but I found one here. Never had a brother nor son but dammit would be proud to be either to you buddy. Yeah, going on 62, could be either.

    In full disclosure, I am not cycling and am quite sure my E2 is within normal range.

    Road, you’re a man among men (and knew
    that a few years ago, when THAT shit began) and it’s an honor to know you.
    Back at you brother.
    I hope you have some peace in the chaos. Thank you for everything you have done.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Not being rude my lady... But dead serious.
    Nor did I intend to sound disrespectful. Hope nothing I said came out like that, I was speaking my mind.
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    Nor did I intend to sound disrespectful. Hope nothing I said came out like that, I was speaking my mind.
    All good.
    Just telling folks what I think about prox.
    Hes just a great man is all I meant

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    There is a lot of history on this board. Its almost twenty years old.
    Ever heard of a tardigrade?

    Look it up, they can survive in the most inhospitable environments, even in outer space. They survive, it's what they do.

    Tardigrades have survived all five mass extinctions.

    Tardigrades are thought to be able to survive even complete global mass extinction events due to astrophysical events, such as gamma-ray bursts, or large meteorite impacts. Some of them can withstand extremely cold temperatures down to 1 K (−458 °F; −272 °C) (close to absolute zero), while others can withstand extremely hot temperatures up to 420 K (300 °F; 150 °C) for several minutes, pressures about six times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a human, and the vacuum of outer space. Tardigrades that live in harsh conditions undergo an annual process of cyclomorphosis, allowing for survival in sub-zero temperatures.
    I'm the tardigrade on this board for 11 years running.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    All good.
    Just telling folks what I think about prox.
    Hes just a great man is all I meant
    G-damn buddy. You are a better man than me. It’s truly an honor to know you. You hang in there with your family and your business.

    I’m impressed by your rebirth & dedication. And to some degree at least, I am following your lead.

    Coming out of this strong and starving to feel iron again. Whatever I’ve recently purchased, will be put to very good use.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    G-damn buddy. You are a better man than me. It’s truly an honor to know you. You hang in there with your family and your business.

    I’m impressed by your rebirth & dedication. And to some degree at least, I am following your lead.

    Coming out of this strong and starving to feel iron again. Whatever I’ve recently purchased, will be put to very good use.
    I am not better than you for damn sure.
    I hope you do great man.
    I know you will.
    You got the time and the ability

  34. #34
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    The increase in acne, especially on the chest (especially when he didn't have that originally) is kind of a giveaway that he's on something. It might not be injections, but who knows. I don't think his mass is that impressive, but considering he is pretty early in his lifting career (at only 3 years)... The first 3 years are growing years, and being as lean as he is in those photos would make it very very difficult to put on mass.

    The Road/Obs, I agree with you on looking better to most women at a smaller size. I've been told the same thing as you. But man every once in a while a girl will break her neck and I'm ok with that.

    Tbh it makes me feel better that bigger is not better, at least my joints like hearing that.

  35. #35
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