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Thread: Inventions, how to start?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Inventions, how to start?

    I recently posted a thread regarding hobbies during quarantine and I mentioned
    that I make my own animated movies.
    Mainly Filmora, Cartoon Animator, PowerPoint and Toonly.
    Unfortunately I can't show my work yet, since a company actually took em in.

    That company is the same company that promised me a good future.
    Run by a close friend and his team.
    Well... doesn't seem like that will go anywhere anytime soon, at least not with me.

    Had a talk with family and friends and they bluntly said "Do you f*cking inventions that
    you have talked about for years".
    Which is true...
    I just don't have a clue how to go about it and I don't believe in myself regarding following
    my own path, better with others paths.

    I start to learn marketing, video making and SEO writing pretty good, which is a great start
    WHEN I have the product.

    Any of you guys been in similar situation and have any recommendation how to start?
    Where to I start looking for people helping me assemble it without stealing it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Any chance to do both? Work with them, but also pursue your own ideas, and when they yield results, split paths. It would be the slower but safer route.

    Working for them might polish your skills even further. After all, trade is a stolen art.

    I use filmora as well, it has a really simple user interface compared to adobe premiere. Although most of the time I stick with the adobe suite (photoshop, illustrator, lightroom, indesign). For me it was only working alone (freelance, with ups and downs) and small teams (where I did all sorts of stuff, public relations, fb ads, accounting, photos, videos, graphics, babysit bosses' 6y old spoiled daughter). I prefer bigger companies now, if only to specialize on a single area. I'm tierd of being a tutti frutti in this regard. Plus they have money for better stock resources and you don't have to "make do" with little.

    Of course, after work I do my own stuff, which may or may not yield cash. Still no clue how to play my cards on this one. I want to write a book too, lol.

    You can try looking for a team among collegiates, take the best in class and eventually collaborate project based.

    Good luck! It's cool that you have the drive to make your own path!
    Last edited by sv.elia; 03-30-2020 at 08:19 AM.
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by sv.elia View Post
    Any chance to do both? Work with them, but also pursue your own ideas, and when they yield results, split paths. It would be the slower but safer route.

    Working for them might polish your skills even further. After all, trade is a stolen art.

    I use filmora as well, it has a really simple user interface compared to adobe premiere. Although most of the time I stick with the adobe suite (photoshop, illustrator, lightroom, indesign). For me it was only working alone (freelance, with ups and downs) and small teams (where I did all sorts of stuff, public relations, fb ads, accounting, photos, videos, graphics, babysit bosses' 6y old spoiled daughter). I prefer bigger companies now, if only to specialize on a single area. I'm tierd of being a tutti frutti in this regard. Plus they have money for better stock resources and you don't have to "make do" with little.

    Of course, after work I do my own stuff, which may or may not yield cash. Still no clue how to play my cards on this one. I want to write a book too, lol.

    You can try looking for a team among collegiates, take the best in class and eventually collaborate project based.

    Good luck! It's cool that you have the drive to make your own path!
    Awesome! Happy to see someone else with passion for creation and growth! I've tried learn Photoshop, but that one has too many fine-tuning features that
    it's very easy to forget if you don't use it atleast weekly. Damn amazing program thought, in every regard.
    Been dabbing in freelance for 10 years, with the ups and downs. Have also been babysitting a lot, but I prefer turning it and calling the bosses themselves 6 year old spoiled hum hums.
    Very few times I have seen someone on the top that actually deserves to be there, both in knowledge and empathy.

    I agree, I need to do both and I'm learning because of it.
    The only issue doing both is that it eats a lot of energy and mental stability. Creating takes a lot of the brain and ideas usually spark when you least expect them.
    The time I have left is usually spent training and sleeping.
    Even on the day off I can't get the motivation to sit down doing my stuff.
    However, not financially able to take a holiday for more than a month.

    How do you get the power to sit down and focus on yourself after work? Even with the passion my mind is blank.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I know a guy (now retired) who made his living most of his life inventing stuff. He said the worst part was hiring lawyers to do patent searches, because the patent office won't accept the application if you haven't already done the research to prove that no conflicting previous patent exists. This was at least 10 years ago and it said that typically cost him at least $5000, but it depended on the complexity of what you'd invented.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    How do you get the power to sit down and focus on yourself after work?
    Doesn't happen often. Good thing is I stopped feeling guilty about taking my time.
    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. ” - Roseanne Barr

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thank you both!
    Any clue regarding getting outside help and not getting it stolen?
    Do I need to search patent before the creation?

    One member here gave me the tip to avoid patent here before since it's way to hard and expensive to fight it in court.
    No use if I don't sit on a lot of money.

  7. #7
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    a land far from here.
    Just don’t be one of those assholes always threatening to sue folks who find other ways to do the same thing.

    There was a 9mm pocket pistol made by Rohrbaugh. It was difficult to break it down to clean it. Not really so much difficult, but rather awkward. You had to move the slide rearward until a pin in the frame became visible through an inspection hole in the slide. Then you would use a punch or a nail to pop that pin through the frame and out the other side. If you had three hands, it would be real easy.

    Early on, users figured out that you could use a common 99 cent PVC plumbing fitting to hold the slide in alignment. You put the fitting on the table, and pressed the pistol muzzle down on the fitting. It aligned the slide perfectly to pop out the pin to disassemble. Everything was great.

    Then some douche who liked fiddling around with patenting shit machined a block out of some hard material, and it accomplished the same thing. He patented it. And offered it for sale for $20 on the internet. Ok great. No issue. Let everyone make a buck.

    But then he gets real grimy and threatens to sue anyone who posted the trick with the plumbing fitting online. This douche has his lawyer send letters to the website and users threatening to sue for infringement of patents if they post the old plumbing part trick tutorial on the website or elsewhere on the internet. Nobody made money from those instructions. There was no profit motive for posting it. Just brothers in a hobby helping out other brothers.

    This country is all about succeeding by building a better mousetrap than the next guy, not suing anyone who builds a different one.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    Just don’t be one of those assholes always threatening to sue folks who find other ways to do the same thing.

    There was a 9mm pocket pistol made by Rohrbaugh. It was difficult to break it down to clean it. Not really so much difficult, but rather awkward. You had to move the slide rearward until a pin in the frame became visible through an inspection hole in the slide. Then you would use a punch or a nail to pop that pin through the frame and out the other side. If you had three hands, it would be real easy.

    Early on, users figured out that you could use a common 99 cent PVC plumbing fitting to hold the slide in alignment. You put the fitting on the table, and pressed the pistol muzzle down on the fitting. It aligned the slide perfectly to pop out the pin to disassemble. Everything was great.

    Then some douche who liked fiddling around with patenting shit machined a block out of some hard material, and it accomplished the same thing. He patented it. And offered it for sale for $20 on the internet. Ok great. No issue. Let everyone make a buck.

    But then he gets real grimy and threatens to sue anyone who posted the trick with the plumbing fitting online. This douche has his lawyer send letters to the website and users threatening to sue for infringement of patents if they post the old plumbing part trick tutorial on the website or elsewhere on the internet. Nobody made money from those instructions. There was no profit motive for posting it. Just brothers in a hobby helping out other brothers.

    This country is all about succeeding by building a better mousetrap than the next guy, not suing anyone who builds a different one.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I do agree that sue everyone for everything is not the path to take, but in my experience it's usually the opposite.
    Someone with better contacts and more money steals the idea, not make it better.
    Making it better is usually later on.

    My creations is for making money, enough so I can make the next one and take care of my family (hopes).
    Someone with better money will definately take it and yes, possible make it a better or cheaper (mass-produced).
    I don't mind that at all, but I didn't create it to go broke before I can begin, I created it to make a living on it.

    Unfortunately, I don't have any invention that will better the world that I can give selflessly, just make someone a little happier when they
    work, have sex, read a book, wipe their ass and have their kids at home (true story! Have one for each)

    Think how many awesome inventions we would have if more focused on the helping part instead of taking part.
    Share so to speak.
    I wanna take a look at kickstarter, but same there, scared my idea will be gone before I begin.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2019
    a land far from here.
    Yes. I get it.
    In my example, the guy posting the helpful DIY instructions was just sharing what was already used by many brothers. That other scumbag came along later, tried to reinvent the wheel, and then patented it. Then he threatens anyone who shares the original idea for the pre-existing plumbing piece.

    I see your point. At least if you publish your idea on a website or forum, it could help to demonstrate later that you had the idea moved into the process of production first.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2019
    a land far from here.
    Can you imagine a guy being so grimy as to start threatening somebody with a patent infringement suit for posting this use of a plumbing fitting online?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Rohrbaugh PVC.jpg 
Views:	45 
Size:	21.1 KB 
ID:	178500

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC03265.JPG 
Views:	48 
Size:	22.8 KB 
ID:	178501  
    Last edited by C27H40O3; 04-01-2020 at 12:50 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    Can you imagine a guy being so grimy as to start threatening somebody with a patent infringement suit for posting this use of a plumbing fitting online?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Rohrbaugh PVC.jpg 
Views:	45 
Size:	21.1 KB 
ID:	178500

    Haha wtf...
    People never stops to amaze me

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I have an idea for a lightbulb that hasn't been invented yet. I'm actually surprised this kind of lightbulb hasn't been invented yet.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post
    I have an idea for a lightbulb that hasn't been invented yet. I'm actually surprised this kind of lightbulb hasn't been invented yet.
    There are literally TONS of inventions to be made! Just take a walk and look around and you can see something that can be easier, better or just
    gonna sell regardless.
    Doesn't have to cost a lot as well.
    Just counted on my first "simple" one that I will try make now - around 2000 - 2500 Euro to set up the business, product, and ads.

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