A book that came out in 2007.
I’ll start with a fantastic movie - great satire & funnier than hell called “Thank You For Smoking”. It’s about a professional PR guy whose job it is to protect the tobacco industry. The author that wrote the book that became that movie also wrote “Boomsday”. I read it about 10 years ago.
A blogger satirically promotes financial incentives for baby-boomers to kill themselves at 70, thus not financially draining the younger generations. The idea catches on and it actually becomes the platform for a presidential candidate.
Just thought it had interesting parallels to this current situation (no, I am NOT referring to the president or anything political, just the idea).
I wonder if the elderly that voluntarily refuse healthcare for this virus with the idea that they are saving the medical profession (by allowing it to treat those that won’t likely die from this) could or should be compensated (or their families). Looking at CDC statistics it still appears that it is primarily the elderly that are dying.
That way, the fear factor can drop considerably because the health care industry will not be as overwhelmed, those younger that are infected will very likely survive (just like the flu) and we can go onto business as usual.
Just ordered the book to re-read it, but trust me, if haven’t seen “Thank You for Smoking” it’s a guaranteed winner and will make you laugh.