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Thread: What's the big deal about Memorial Day?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    What's the big deal about Memorial Day?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    Hope you don't mind if I post one more, Beetle.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Memorial-Day-Memes-For-Facebook.jpg 
Views:	267 
Size:	158.8 KB 
ID:	181098
    Last edited by almostgone; 05-31-2021 at 08:10 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_2021-05-31 (5) Facebook.jpg 
Views:	80 
Size:	78.8 KB 
ID:	181099

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The Kitchen
    “ Land of the free “ anymore jokes ? Lol

  5. #5
    And to think tonight 200k homeless veterans will sleep on the streets

    But the biden administration is spending 87,000,000 to put illegal immigrants up in hotels.

    Its utterly disgusting.

    It really ought to downright piss off any red blooded American. Utter bullshit. Utter fucking bullshit. Downright insulting and wretched.

    I hope y'all that voted for that shit are proud of yourselves.


    For those that served, I feel so bad. Thank you for your service. It means alot to some of us. It just burns my ass at the disrespect coming from our current political leaders.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 05-31-2021 at 04:19 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    And to think tonight 200k homeless veterans will sleep on the streets

    But the biden administration is spending 87,000,000 to put illegal immigrants up in hotels.

    Its utterly disgusting.

    It really ought to downright piss off any red blooded American. Utter bullshit. Utter fucking bullshit. Downright insulting and wretched.

    I hope y'all that voted for that shit are proud of yourselves.


    For those that served, I feel so bad. Thank you for your service. It means alot to some of us. It just burns my ass at the disrespect coming from our current political leaders.
    Previous administrations, including Donald Trump’s, have used hotels to process migrant families.

    I guess that makes Trump a fucking asshole too.

    Across our borders a lesser people do not reside... All men are created equal.

    Many thanks to all of our veterans.

    And Hughinn... why fuck up a good thread?
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 05-31-2021 at 05:35 PM.

  7. #7
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    Jun 2018
    Dude what does Biden have to do with veterans being homeless? Veterans are humans, flawed like the rest of us, maybe even more so. Some of them went in the military to straighten out their lives, so it’s no surprise to me that some are homeless or have problems when they come back. My friend was a marine for 4 years and got plenty of perks and money. Could have gotten a free education and could have received a 250k loan for a business idea, but he spent his money on dumb shit and wasted his time on girls instead. I think most veterans who want help can get it. Nobody can help someone who is consistently self destructive.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Previous administrations, including Donald Trump’s, have used hotels to process migrant families.

    I guess that makes Trump a fucking asshole too.

    Across our borders a lesser people do not reside... All men are created equal.

    Many thanks to all of our veterans.

    And Hughinn... why fuck up a good thread?

    [SIZE=4]A Private Security Company Is Detaining Migrant Children at Hotels[/SIZE]

    Thats the headline.

    So great, you'd rather pay to house illegal border crosses than homeless veterans because it makes you all warm amd fuzzy inside. You and Joe biden appear to have that in common


    Saying shit you don't want to hear fucked up the thread. Sorry

    Our veterans may have to sleep on the street while illegal border crosses get rooms and fed. But at least they get to listen to Kamalas woke jokes while they sleep on the concrete
    Last edited by Hughinn; 05-31-2021 at 06:08 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Dude what does Biden have to do with veterans being homeless? Veterans are humans, flawed like the rest of us, maybe even more so. Some of them went in the military to straighten out their lives, so it’s no surprise to me that some are homeless or have problems when they come back. My friend was a marine for 4 years and got plenty of perks and money. Could have gotten a free education and could have received a 250k loan for a business idea, but he spent his money on dumb shit and wasted his time on girls instead. I think most veterans who want help can get it. Nobody can help someone who is consistently self destructive.
    Yeah thats right.

    It's all thier fault they're homeless. Just a bunch of losers with fucked up mental issues because they fought and killed for our country.

    Better to house illegal border crossers. It's more humane. And they're more deserving because...well who knows

    Congratulations to you too.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 05-31-2021 at 06:06 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Guys let's keep this on an even keel..Yes, there are many, many veterans that have difficulty making the transition to civilian life and there are some that are too proud to ask for help. There are some that have psychological issues and just flat out distrust everyone.

    Let's keep this thread focused on honoring our veterans and hopefully, post positive things we can do to assist them.....please.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Guys let's keep this on an even keel..Yes, there are many, many veterans that have difficulty making the transition to civilian life and there are some that are too proud to ask for help. There are some that have psychological issues and just flat out distrust everyone.

    Let's keep this thread focused on honoring our veterans and hopefully, post positive things we can do to assist them.....please.
    I'm sorry man.

    That whole thing just pisses me off. The continual shitting all over our veterans and police really bothers me.

    I'm checking out of this thread. Sorry I got carried away

    Happy memorial day to all who served. It's very much appreciated.

  12. #12
    With all due respect Almostgone...

    Hughinn fucked up the thread bringing politics into it.

    I am sick and tired of his bullshit in every fucking thread.

    Evil cabal of Democrats and elites blah blah blah...

    Even now he attacks Biden when Trump did the exact same thing.
    Trump, Biden, and others have all used hotels to house immigrants.

    So again...
    With all due respect...

    Address where the trouble started.
    Hughinn can't even keep a thread honoring our military respectful.
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 05-31-2021 at 06:22 PM.

  13. #13
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    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    Yeah thats right.

    It's all thier fault they're homeless. Just a bunch of losers with fucked up mental issues because they fought and killed for our country.

    Better to house illegal border crossers. It's more humane. And they're more deserving because...well who knows

    Congratulations to you too.
    Nobody said it’s all their fault, and I feel for anyone who lost someone to war. Biden is not doing anything to harm veterans, but all you post about is how Biden/Democrats are doing one thing or another. Remember you supported a criminal draft dodger, so congratulations to you as well.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    With all due respect Almostgone...

    Hughinn fucked up the thread bringing politics into it.

    I am sick and tired of his bullshit in every fucking thread.

    Evil cabal of Democrats and elites blah blah blah...

    Even now he attacks Biden when Trump did the exact same thing.
    Trump, Biden, and others have all used hotels to house immigrants.

    So again...
    With all due respect...

    Address where the trouble started.
    Hughinn can't even keep a thread honoring our military respectful.
    I saw that and addressed it and he apologized. I was just waiting for the other part of the problem to chime in. If you think you're sick of the petty bullshit, how do you think I feel? I've been mopping up this shit show for months; I know *Admin* is tired of seeing the whole forum drug through the mud at every opportunity.

    So.....Hughinn recognizes his error and says he is going to do better. We'll see if he does. Pretty sure he knows he's on a short string right now. I even had given your post about Hugh "fucking up a good thread' a like...and then I read the remainder of the thread.

    On the other hand, I didn't see him bring up or post "Evil cabal of Democrats and elites blah blah blah...'...that was you dragging it in from the running feud that seems to be going on. I was waiting for it, because it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion. I KNEW it was coming.

    Unfortunately, I was asleep when you posted....I'm up to oh, almost 3, maybe 4 hours sleep on a good day right now; usually in 30-45 minute increments. I'm addressing trouble where trouble started now.

    So, here I sit @ 0355 , my f-in neck and upper left hand side of my body screaming in pain because I'm waiting for the insurance company to get off their ass and approve my surgery and you know what...I see the same 2 individuals that have been engaging in a running bitchfest for a good while now. The user names for you two should be "Pete" and "Repeat" Y'all are literally like ground zero for drama and EVERYONE is sick of it.

    Honestly, it's enough from both of you.

    To our other veterans/ prior service, I apologize. This was supposed to be a recognition of the willingness to sacrifice and desire to serve our country. Please ignore the rudeness of 2 members that can't act like adults. I'm utterly disgusted with their behavior.

    Thread closed for *Admin* to review.
    Last edited by almostgone; 06-01-2021 at 02:46 AM. Reason: So pissed off I can't even spell correctly....
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I saw that and addressed it and he apologized. I was just waiting for the other part of the problem to chime in. If you think you're sick of the petty bullshit, how do you think I feel? I've been mopping up this shit show for months; I know *Admin* is tired of seeing the whole forum drug through the mud at every opportunity.

    So.....Hughinn recognizes his error and says he is going to do better. We'll see if he does. Pretty sure he knows he's on a short string right now. I even had given your post about Hugh "fucking up a good thread' a like...and then I read the remainder of the thread.

    On the other hand, I didn't see him bring up or post "Evil cabal of Democrats and elites blah blah blah...'...that was you dragging it in from the running feud that seems to be going on. I was waiting for it, because it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion. I KNEW it was coming.

    Unfortunately, I was asleep when you posted....I'm up to oh, almost 3, maybe 4 hours sleep on a good day right now; usually in 30-45 minute increments. I'm addressing trouble where trouble started now.

    So, here I sit @ 0355 , my f-in neck and upper left hand side of my body screaming in pain because I'm waiting for the insurance company to get off their ass and approve my surgery and you know what...I see the same 2 individuals that have been engaging in a running bitchfest for a good while now. The user names for you two should be "Pete" and "Repeat" Y'all are literally like ground zero for drama and EVERYONE is sick of it.

    Honestly, it's enough from both of you.

    To our other veterans/ prior service, I apologize. This was supposed to be a recognition of the willingness to sacrifice and desire to serve our country. Please ignore the rudeness of 2 members that can't act like adults. I'm utterly disgusted with their behavior.

    Thread closed for *Admin* to review.
    100% agreed. I dont even post anymore because of a few dumb assholes that just cant move on. There will be no more "ruining" threads, we know exactly whos doing what.....easy to see, they have been on a short leash that has now been turned into a choke collar........and I dont care if they are staff either. This has gone on enough like AG has said, not fair to have deal with supposed grown men that act like fucking kids......cant just shut up and move on. Get a life, because the one here is going to come to an end. We have been talking about it, Ive felt like for awhile now a few of you need to go and again like AG said, when Admin is back we will discuss and clean this issue up once for all.

    Grow up you fucking pussies.

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    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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  16. #16
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    Sad that I had to be scarce for health issues and I come back and didn't miss a beat... same shit posted up...

    Time to change things up...
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