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Thread: The Covid fun continues

  1. #1
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    The Covid fun continues

    My Employer has decided to bow to the tyranny and is requiring vaccines before December 8th. Im not sure how things are going to work out because there are quite a few who are saying No and will walk.

    I may be retiring a couple of years earlier than I wanted or at least before I can afford to so I may be packing up and moving to the Philippines sooner than I had planned.

    Anyone else in the same boat? From what I see online and talking to a few friends it seems a lot of people are pretty much doing the same, walking or should I say standing up.
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  2. #2
    warchild's Avatar
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    My dept isn't requiring it but the fire & police dept in the city are. Im in the suburbs. Both those depts are already understaffed and overworked. The city council is awful to begin with. Those guys were fine to work the frontlines a year ago with NO option to work from home. Now they throw this on them, they'll be fired Dec 1 right before the holidays. The council's reasoning for the firings they say are it's their job to protect the citizens. Although thats true, you can be vaccinated and have no symptoms and still spread covid. Crazy times. The hypocrisy from the left is unbelievable, what happened to my body my choice?
    Last edited by warchild; 10-24-2021 at 07:52 AM.
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  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    There has been a lot of marches from the police and fire leaving their boots at city hall but its hard to find any pictures or articles on it. Media doesnt want to talk about it or makes the numbers sound small.

    Yeah I have one of those fancy letter due to my job and security clearance that says even if there was marshal law I would be able to drive to work and I got a award for all the overtime I put in the first few months to cover for people who couldn't or wouldn't come in.

    Now its take the jab or bye bye. Its going to be an interesting couple of years with all the class action lawsuits if not other things happening a lot sooner.

    Definitely crazy times. First time in history that I have to take a vaccine for yours to work. lol
    Last edited by lovbyts; 10-24-2021 at 08:39 AM.
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  4. #4
    almostgone's Avatar
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    They're putting a surcharge on the insurance premiums where I work, but they do allow for some exemptions (religious or legit health concerns). The ones that get the exemption will be tested weekly, don't know who pays for it.

    I got the shots a while back. I have had enough problems with viruses.

    Edit: For the record, I think the vaccine should be a personal choice, I am very anti-mandate.
    Last edited by almostgone; 10-24-2021 at 02:08 PM.
    SampsonandDelilah, Obs and lovbyts like this.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  5. #5
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    My Employer has decided to bow to the tyranny and is requiring vaccines before December 8th. Im not sure how things are going to work out because there are quite a few who are saying No and will walk.

    I may be retiring a couple of years earlier than I wanted or at least before I can afford to so I may be packing up and moving to the Philippines sooner than I had planned.

    Anyone else in the same boat? From what I see online and talking to a few friends it seems a lot of people are pretty much doing the same, walking or should I say standing up.
    Don't want to disappoint you luvbyts but you will need to show the 2 (or maybe 3 with the booster) vaccination certificates to enter the Philippines. I believe that they won't allow you on the plane without them. Plus at the moment no visitor visas are being issued!

  6. #6
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    The thing is, we live in a society, in civilization. If we want to participate, we have to play by the rules. There are a lot of things I don’t agree with in our civilization, but if I want to be a part of it, I must comply. Just like how kids need certain vaccines to attend school, or we need permits to drive, etc. You need certain vaccinations or clearances to work in certain government jobs, not just the COVID vaccine. This is not a right vs left issue like the media wants us to believe. It’s just science and common sense. If you don’t want to participate in society, you have to the right to go live in the remote woods and never interact with the rest of the population. It’s your choice.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Don't want to disappoint you lovbyts but you will need to show the 2 (or maybe 3 with the booster) vaccination certificates to enter the Philippines. I believe that they won't allow you on the plane without them. Plus at the moment no visitor visas are being issued!
    We will figure it out. Ive got a local friend who is moving there also next month. From what I have been hearing Duterte is pulling back from all the mandate stuff thankfully and most things have opened up.

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    The thing is, we live in a society, in civilization. If we want to participate, we have to play by the rules. There are a lot of things I don’t agree with in our civilization, but if I want to be a part of it, I must comply. Just like how kids need certain vaccines to attend school, or we need permits to drive, etc. You need certain vaccinations or clearances to work in certain government jobs, not just the COVID vaccine. This is not a right vs left issue like the media wants us to believe. It’s just science and common sense. If you don’t want to participate in society, you have to the right to go live in the remote woods and never interact with the rest of the population. It’s your choice.
    We are the ones who are supposed to be making the rules. Somehow things have gotten turned up side down and people are letting them convince us this is how its supposed to be.
    This is the first time in history that science has said for your vaccine to work I have to have one too.
    I also have a Right to stand up for the Rights the constitution say and help stop Tyranny if I/we feel its to that point. Those that are afraid can also lock themselves in this rooms and not come out IMO.

  9. #9
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    My work has implementing vaccination required or loose the J O B. I chose to be vaccinated to protect my mom because I have to fly to visit her and the virus traveled by plane.

    If I didn’t need to fly and if my mom was deceased, I’m not certain I would have gotten vaccinated.

    I can’t agree with this government mandate.

    Following “the science” when it’s “convenient” doesn’t pass the sniff test. State governors that funneled positive covid into nursing homes, the weakest and most vulnerable, should be held personally liable for their decision. How did this action follow any science!?!? After removing those nursing home deaths, many with DNR orders, .093% of Covid patients fully recovered. A ventilator became a death sentence to .007 % with “pre existing conditions - obesity and or old or immunity compromised. Note: since Delta variant, I have no bandwidth to do my own investigation.

    This particular vaccine has been highly politicized. Hospitals “incentivized” for treating patients with Covid, so of course care for patients with Covid increased. And Voila , all basis for statistical comparison became opaque! Ahh, dah! Dumb!!! The “virtue” signaling . My friends are not “better, kinder or smarter” because received the vaccine nor my unvaccinated friends “less kind, ignorant or arrogant” because they didn’t.

    A former boss always said….follow the money and you will discover truth.
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  10. #10
    charger69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    My work has implementing vaccination required or loose the J O B. I chose to be vaccinated to protect my mom because I have to fly to visit her and the virus traveled by plane.

    If I didn’t need to fly and if my mom was deceased, I’m not certain I would have gotten vaccinated.

    I can’t agree with this government mandate.

    Following “the science” when it’s “convenient” doesn’t pass the sniff test. State governors that funneled positive covid into nursing homes, the weakest and most vulnerable, should be held personally liable for their decision. How did this action follow any science!?!? After removing those nursing home deaths, many with DNR orders, .093% of Covid patients fully recovered. A ventilator became a death sentence to .007 % with “pre existing conditions - obesity and or old or immunity compromised. Note: since Delta variant, I have no bandwidth to do my own investigation.

    This particular vaccine has been highly politicized. Hospitals “incentivized” for treating patients with Covid, so of course care for patients with Covid increased. And Voila , all basis for statistical comparison became opaque! Ahh, dah! Dumb!!! The “virtue” signaling . My friends are not “better, kinder or smarter” because received the vaccine nor my unvaccinated friends “less kind, ignorant or arrogant” because they didn’t.

    A former boss always said….follow the money and you will discover truth.
    I hear you. I got vaccinated to get free from the mask, etc. And travel internationally. I soon found out that it made no difference and I asked the question…. Why did I get vaccinated if I get no benefit? Note: this was in Feb at the beginning of vaccinations.
    We also are under the executive order and we have until Dec 8. We need to flow this down to our suppliers also. It is going to get interesting when we lose 10% of the workforce and can’t deliver to the government on time.
    I disagree with this, but WE elected the President. Note: I did not vote for him.
    I could go on about the silliness of this mandate, but I will spare everyone.

    I guess that AAS makes you immune to Covid. I worked out the whole time of the covid lockdown at a gym that was packed and no one wore masks. Why wasn’t there a covid breakout there?

    I will stop there. I am probably just getting old and want to bitch. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  11. #11
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    My motivation to get vaccinated was to get the "EU Digital Covid Cert" which I'll need next month for a holiday to the Canaries. Didn't really have any secondary motivations.

    Although years and years ago I went to a free sex health clinic and told them I was having regular sex with men just so I'd get all the vaccines for free (Hep B, Hep C and a few others). Heterosexuals weren't entitled to them, so I revised my personal identity for a day.

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    My work has implementing vaccination required or loose the J O B. I chose to be vaccinated to protect my mom because I have to fly to visit her and the virus traveled by plane.

    If I didn’t need to fly and if my mom was deceased, I’m not certain I would have gotten vaccinated.

    I can’t agree with this government mandate.

    Following “the science” when it’s “convenient” doesn’t pass the sniff test. State governors that funneled positive covid into nursing homes, the weakest and most vulnerable, should be held personally liable for their decision. How did this action follow any science!?!? After removing those nursing home deaths, many with DNR orders, .093% of Covid patients fully recovered. A ventilator became a death sentence to .007 % with “pre existing conditions - obesity and or old or immunity compromised. Note: since Delta variant, I have no bandwidth to do my own investigation.

    This particular vaccine has been highly politicized. Hospitals “incentivized” for treating patients with Covid, so of course care for patients with Covid increased. And Voila , all basis for statistical comparison became opaque! Ahh, dah! Dumb!!! The “virtue” signaling . My friends are not “better, kinder or smarter” because received the vaccine nor my unvaccinated friends “less kind, ignorant or arrogant” because they didn’t.

    A former boss always said….follow the money and you will discover truth.
    I cant blame you or anyone for getting the vaccine but Im still hard pressed to believe (Been lied to too many times) that it protects elderly parents in any way especially with all the if you dont get the vaccine mine wont work guilt trip propaganda they spew on TV/radio.

    Yeah follow the science just doesnt add up anymore. You use to be able to look at facts and come to a reasonable conclusion but in the last 2 years the facts (Data) keeps changing. I had links saved from the CDC website showing the "Total" number of deaths in 2019 and 1st quarter of 2020 showing how it was the same or less than 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 etc You could even check state by state and month by month to compare. Then the numbers started to change online from what they had been showing for the prior years and links being removed.

    There were several states and dozens of hospitals who lumped most every death into the Covid bucket literally even if they died in a car accident. They tested the deceased to see if they Also had covid at the time of death and if they did that is what was put on the death certificate because like you said, it was incentivized for the hospitals. Just like now its incentivized for the doctors to give the jab and companies are also paid as well as penalized if employees dont get it. How does that have anything to do with science? $$$$

    We have a friend who work in the emergency room, another who is a Neurologist and another who worked talking to doctors and delivering 1000s of covid test kits every day to facilities. Guess what? Not once when they come over or we meet up do they wear a mask and dont want the jab. That tells me a lot right there and no they are not what you would call Far right or Trumpers. One of them is/was very left.

    Unfortunately almost no one actually does the follow the money or they get shut down hard and we never hear about it. Those who do get some news leaked out are either labeled conspiracy theorist or blackmailed in some way.

  13. #13
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I hear you. I got vaccinated to get free from the mask, etc. And travel internationally. I soon found out that it made no difference and I asked the question…. Why did I get vaccinated if I get no benefit? Note: this was in Feb at the beginning of vaccinations.
    We also are under the executive order and we have until Dec 8. We need to flow this down to our suppliers also. It is going to get interesting when we lose 10% of the workforce and can’t deliver to the government on time.
    I disagree with this, but WE elected the President. Note: I did not vote for him.
    I could go on about the silliness of this mandate, but I will spare everyone.

    I guess that AAS makes you immune to Covid. I worked out the whole time of the covid lockdown at a gym that was packed and no one wore masks. Why wasn’t there a covid breakout there?

    I will stop there. I am probably just getting old and want to bitch. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    You would think not delivering to the government would make them rethink things but its exactly what they want so they can put us more into a state of emergency and try to make marshal law and use the National Guard instead of police. Looks like everything the "Conspiracy theorist" have been warning about the last several years are falling into place quickly.

    Where was a covid outbreak? I keep hearing about them on the news and how hospitals are over capacity but I still haven't seen any bodies lined up and one of my friends who like to do podcast (He got shut down) who has traveled several states and went into many of the hospitals that the media were claiming at capacity with a hidden cam showing if anything it was less than normal capacity and 80% of the rooms were empty. When I spent 2 days in the hospital last March after surgery I got to walk around a couple floors and it was quite. I heard only one person coughing and most of the place was very quiet with a lot of empty rooms. All the doctors, nurses and workers there told me not to bother with the mask when they came in to see me. They weren't worried so who should be.

    Sorry for the rant, Im just really frustrated and have been for a long time over this craziness. The mandates have killed more privately owned business than any pandemic ever could IMO.

  14. #14
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    You've stuck your dick in riskier places.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ernst View Post
    You've stuck your dick in riskier places.
    I concur. . . .
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  16. #16
    Cornish's Avatar
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    I got the J & J vaccine. Only because vaccination was mandated for those in my profession. I'm constantly tired/fatigued/sleepy since. Honestly, I'm extremely angry. I am actually craving the taste of blood at this point!

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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I concur. . . .
    This scene was hilarious lmao.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    This scene was hilarious lmao.
    You can’t go wrong with Jack Ass. They bring me to tears a lot of times. F’n Johnny Knoxville is a genius.
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  19. #19
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    I host no opinion on the vax but it should not be forced and that it is not very effective to begin with.
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