Andrew Huberman is a neurologist at Stanford and Podcaster. All of the Podcasts are interesting and enlightening. In this one his guest is Robert Sapolsky (I copied this part from Wiki because it is a lot) " Sapolsky is currently the John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Professor at Stanford University, holding joint appointments in several departments, including Biological Sciences, Neurology & Neurological Sciences, and Neurosurgery." The topic is "Dr. Robert Sapolsky: Science of Stress, Testosterone & Free Will | Huberman Lab Podcast #35"

Skip to 6 min in to skip the product endorsements. He starts out with Stress and weaves it into testosterone and behavior. Later the convo goes to freewill, with less smoothness of transition and less application here but still interesting.

BTW, WTF is a professor who has two names in his title that aren't his? "John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn..."
