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Thread: I hope this doesn't happen again...and it's generally a growing trend.

  1. #1
    NiceGuyResearcher's Avatar
    NiceGuyResearcher is offline Associate Member
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    I hope this doesn't happen again...and it's generally a growing trend.

    Anyone know the best way to not engage in conflict with someone who flirts with you in a loud and weird way? It's what would be weird to a reasonable person. I almost went back and wanted to fight this person. He was some teen drinking a can of soda that looked like high alcohol bum juice, off of school on Veterans Day, hanging out with some shirtless skinny homeless person. I have nothing against gays, my close relative is, but there's a venue for that like a gay bar.

    The only info. out on how to deal with a straight man being hit on by a gay person and how to deal with it, is something from planned parenthood of all people and it's something like embrace the flirt as a compliment. Seriously I don't want something like this to happen to me or to some other less enligthened person who might hurt somebody who does this to them falling into that category.
    Again, I have nothing against gays, but, this can be a problem, I feel that if I ignore it, then the embarrasing moment--cause it was done during the day in a public place, is something I need to like fight for my rights. Is the line. "Please stop saying that, I'm not gay" a good line or something better?

    2of the main points is that:

    I predict really flamboyant gay people hitting on straight men a ticking time bomb for the future in terms of violence, unless this is dealt with in their gay community

    (there actually was this documentary on Cinemax about this biracial flamboyant gay short high school kid who was shot by a white kid he flirted on, and the white kid shot him one day during like lab class)

    there is a forum or venue for their flirting like a gay bar or the internet.

    It's not as simple as live and let live, this dude entered my air space. If I tried to fight him, I could have gotten a criminal charge or worse he could have gotten mortally wounded if he was armed and tried something

    thanks for your help, I really want the best way to deal with this without letting some fuckin stranger out of the blue for no reason saying some off color offensive and embarrasing stuff to me or to others who probably wouldn't turn away like I did...cause I was stepped back and walked a bit then changed my mind and went to where I had an appointment that day.

    thanks again

  2. #2
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    I mean, if he was really hitting on you, take it as a compliment and move on. If it keeps happening then record it on your phone and show it to the police. What are you gonna do, beat up some guy guy and catch some disease? I wouldn't want to scuffle with someone who has Hep C or AIDS, you never know.

  3. #3
    NiceGuyResearcher's Avatar
    NiceGuyResearcher is offline Associate Member
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    That's very good advice. Thanks. I think there are numerous not even 18 year olds but 12-17 year olds who have committed some psychotic horrific spur of the moment crimes and you'd never think of it look at them...cos they look meek. It's on the criminal investigation documentary series "signs of a psychopath"

  4. #4
    NiceGuyResearcher's Avatar
    NiceGuyResearcher is offline Associate Member
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    my area is really bad.... bordering on skid row, los angeles, although i live in an apt. bldg. yea...a normal looking teenager and a shirtless boney skinny much older scruggy shaggy man hanging together drinking like 4 locos beer that's pretty almost bordering a teen psycho behavior who could scratch me with his long nails and spread his heroin-obtained hep c to me. thanks again.

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