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Thread: Cut or maintain after cycle? Strength focused, physique pic

  1. #1
    rise_against's Avatar
    rise_against is offline Junior Member
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    Cut or maintain after cycle? Strength focused, physique pic

    I'm powerlifting focused and have been training for 4 years. I have been fairly lean the past few years. I started a bulk about 6-7 months ago and am carrying a lot more fat than I have in a long time. Started the bulk fairly lean. I've put on good strength during this bulk on all my lifts. Bench has increased the most. Goal this cycle is 600s, 405b, 700dl. I'm 5 weeks into my third cycle, I'm taking 750mg per week of test cyp and 100mg of tren ace eod. No AI or anything besides that. I've made good strength gains but don't know that it justifies the excess fat. Leaning towards cutting back down to having abs and see how that impacts my strength.

    Start of bulk, 6'2" 215 pounds
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_20211205-005004.jpg 
Views:	64 
Size:	73.6 KB 
ID:	181473
    Current, 245-250 pounds
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20211204_020728594~2.jpg 
Views:	103 
Size:	1.45 MB 
ID:	181472
    Last edited by rise_against; 12-05-2021 at 01:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Hoss34's Avatar
    Hoss34 is offline Junior Member
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    Not sure what answer you're looking for. Seems you want to powerlift while maintaining a lean look. What have you been doing for cardio and how much of a surplus is your calorie intake during this cycle?

  3. #3
    Cylon357's Avatar
    Cylon357 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rise_against View Post
    I'm powerlifting focused and have been training for 4 years. I have been fairly lean the past few years. I started a bulk about 6-7 months ago and am carrying a lot more fat than I have in a long time. Started the bulk fairly lean. I've put on good strength during this bulk on all my lifts. Bench has increased the most. Goal this cycle is 600s, 405b, 700dl. I'm 5 weeks into my third cycle, I'm taking 750mg per week of test cyp and 100mg of tren ace eod. No AI or anything besides that. I've made good strength gains but don't know that it justifies the excess fat. Leaning towards cutting back down to having abs and see how that impacts my strength.

    Start of bulk, 6'2" 215 pounds
    Only you can answer that question. What are your current goals? Strongman, power lifting, body building or ?

  4. #4
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Its not a good idea to just bulk and cut. You will lose so much when you yo-yo. You should take an ai regardless and you also look to be holding water.

    I don't think you should cut because you said you want strength because cutting down you will probably lose strength.

    You should just start doing some cardio and see what that does. Then go from there.

  5. #5
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Definetly would check E2

  6. #6
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Aesthetically I think you look better leaner. I would double check your diet as it’s possible to bulk without accumulating as much “fluff”. Agreed you’re holding water but I think it’s more than that. Maybe some carb cycling?

    Our stats aren’t far off but I manage to stay lean as I put on weight. If I do accumulate fat it’s always my lower 1/3 ab and can shed it pretty easily with diet modifications. Would post pics, but not trying to be “that guy”.

    Maybe post your diet in that section for review?

    Add in some super and drop sets too to work up your heart rate
    Chark likes this.

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