I am thinking about moving into an old ammo bunker in order to save a ton of money and pay my vehicle off more quickly.
it has a steel door i can padlock and its hidden about 120 yards off of a trail that has a lot of other ammo bunkers. the other ammo bunkers near the path are sealed up. the one i found is open and clean inside. right outside the perimeter of this area is a parking lot next to dorms. if i went to and from my bunker in workout clothes people would think i was running the trail. the trai itself is also vehicle accessible, so at night i could drop things off in the bunker. I feel like it's better than living in a storage unit because it's a lot more private. i feel like i could pull this off if i stay really low key about it.
i would obviously put all my stuff into a storage unit. i have an apartment right now and i'm doing fine, but to have no overhead! i'd be raking in doe. my car could be paid off in i lil under a year. I'm only concerned about two things. spider bites, and getting caught. everything else doesn't concern me at all.
ok, so this is obviously a bad idea, but play devil's advocate with me here. lets talk about how this can work and what it would take. please write me your questions.