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Thread: Hcg

  1. #1
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    My big question is about LH if the HCG would just be stimulating the receptors (while the blood test will still show low LH in the cycle) and after ceasing the use of AAs and going to pct, the recovery will be faster with Nolva and clomid just because it kept Lh stimulated?

    Well say that HCG mimics LH, wouldn't it have to show high LH during the blood test in the cycle? Why would we actually be replacing a form of LH (synthetic that HCG provides) ..This is confusing to me, how can a guy use HCG and still have low LH in his cycle?? only serves to stimulate the receivers not to let the production store close..Is that it?
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 04-25-2022 at 01:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Cylon357's Avatar
    Cylon357 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I had this question too, a while ago.

    The answer is: hcg imitates LH but is not LH. It's close enough for the nuts to say "hey, there is some of that LH stuff, fire up test production!" but not enough to trip the test.
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  3. #3
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I had this question too, a while ago.

    The answer is: hcg imitates LH but is not LH. It's close enough for the nuts to say "hey, there is some of that LH stuff, fire up test production!" but not enough to trip the test.
    Cylon i am breaking the face of knowing that HCG does not preserve natural Lh, if it did, it would show normal levels of LH in the blood test! I think it only serves to stimulate the receptors and not let them close

  4. #4
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Bump! Bump! Bump!

  5. #5
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    Cyclon got it right. Even HCG is suppressive to the HPTA because it mimics LH. The thing about it is that it’s better to suppress the pituitary than the testicles (by not taking HCG on cycle). The testicles are more prone to getting shut down and have a harder time recovering than the brain. That’s why you often see with steroid induced hypogonadism that the LH is high while the testosterone is still low.
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  6. #6
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Cyclon got it right. Even HCG is suppressive to the HPTA because it mimics LH. The thing about it is that it’s better to suppress the pituitary than the testicles (by not taking HCG on cycle). The testicles are more prone to getting shut down and have a harder time recovering than the brain. That’s why you often see with steroid induced hypogonadism that the LH is high while the testosterone is still low.

    I always believed that HCG would maintain my testosterone production during the cycle. I just saw that HCG is a tremendous waste of time, besides aromatizing as fuck does nothing for us during the cycle....It only serves those who believe in PCT plans, I see that blast and cruise pays off much more
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 04-27-2022 at 11:52 PM.

  7. #7
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Cyclon got it right. Even HCG is suppressive to the HPTA because it mimics LH. The thing about it is that it’s better to suppress the pituitary than the testicles (by not taking HCG on cycle). The testicles are more prone to getting shut down and have a harder time recovering than the brain. That’s why you often see with steroid induced hypogonadism that the LH is high while the testosterone is still low.
    Do you have an article or study that you could link to me?? I'd like to read more about it!

  8. #8
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    In this case I had low LH even using 500ui of hcg per week

    are you saying that HCG raises LH?and that men can have low total testosterone , inducing hypogadism by AAS? It seems that the opposite happens to me, I checked LH in the gutter, that's why I have this question about HCG, I don't know that my fucking HCG is fake and it doesn't serve to preserve LH during the cycle.

  9. #9
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Thanks in advance for your answers, just curious.

  10. #10
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    It doesn’t preserve LH, it prevents the testicles from shutting down, which is important. The testicles continue to produce testosterone even on cycle if taking HCG . I don’t have any articles, this is just from all the reading I’ve done on the subject over the years.
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  11. #11
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    It doesn’t preserve LH, it prevents the testicles from shutting down, which is important. The testicles continue to produce testosterone even on cycle if taking HCG. I don’t have any articles, this is just from all the reading I’ve done on the subject over the years.

    Got it, thanks bro!

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