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Thread: Organ donation for transplant

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Lightbulb Organ donation for transplant

    I'm considering giving half my liver to a child.

    Has anyone here ever received or donated an organ?

    Anyone got any thoughts to share on the matter?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Next door to your mother
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I'm considering giving half my liver to a child.

    Has anyone here ever received or donated an organ?

    Anyone got any thoughts to share on the matter?
    What if you have a child in the future who needs a liver and you're the only match? But you can't help cuz you already gave away half your liver?

    Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Cornish View Post
    What if you have a child in the future who needs a liver and you're the only match? But you can't help cuz you already gave away half your liver?
    Valid point.

    If I were to give away a kidney, then I'd only be left with one kidney, so if my one remaining kidney were to become injured/diseased then I'd be on dialysis while I await a transplant. I hear that being on regular dialysis 3 days a week isn't cool.

    If I donate the smaller left lobe of my liver to a child, then I'd still have the bigger right lobe, and it will re-grow to full size within about 6 months.

    I wonder if you're allowed to donate half your liver more than once if you keep letting it grow back to full size? I'll ask them that question.

    I'm confident my liver will re-grow quickly, I nearly destroyed it with 1.2g Tren per week about 8 years ago, my ALT was up at 3 thousand, but now it's fine.

    By the way the probability of my own child needing a liver transplant is very very small -- the liver can bounce back and repair itself and re-grow unless you're pumping a lot of alcohol through it or have cancer.

    This is an easy no-brainer for me if I can save a child's life, I just have to consider the recovery period for myself. I mean if I compare it to boxing, I will feel like I've had 3 or 4 boxing matches back to back, I'll be totally fucked in the days after the surgery, and I'll have to consider the likelihood of me becoming dependent on the pain killers. There's a few things to consider.

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