Thread: black ops
08-28-2003, 03:45 AM #1
black ops
Why not just fund hybrid cars, hydrogen cars, electric cars?
That would solve 80% of the polution.
Ever hear of the magnetic engine? Almost NO NEED for lubrication and NO NEED for fuel. Since the Earth has both a positvie and negative magnetic field, just use that to push or pull objects. Kind of like the hover boards on Back in Time with Michael J Fox. A strong enough magnet and it will push itself away from the earth slightly.
Rumors have it that a man invented the magnetic engine. Why hasnt anyone heard about it? But Ive seen something similar to that on Discovery where the man has to make it big enough to work- you might hear.
Lets just say that the government, in its wisdom, either bought the design or completely wiped it off the commercial and industrial market like it never existed.
Why would the government hide such a marvelous invention?
If such an invention came out at such a time where almost 75% or more of the earths economy was based on petrolium based products, the outcome would result in a global depression. The stock market would cease to exist. 75% of the population would be out of a job. The other 25% would have no use for their money since money would be worthless.
The government has 100s of inventions that can not hit mainstream markets due to their potential to crash the global currency value.
A man invented a computer chip the shape of a squar about 1.5 square inches. No moving parts inside. Thus no need for heat sinks or fans resulting in its size and shape. That is not what makes it so fascinating.
What makes this REVOLUTIONARY is that ALL of MANS KNOWLEDGE can be put in this chip 5x. In addition, MILLISECONDS after even thinking about touching a key on the computer, that information comes up.
It makes the pentagons computers seem like an exersketch machine.
Just think how bad the computer industry would crash if this invention hit the market tomorrow. All the computers now would be useless. Once everyone had one, there would be NO NEED to upgrade.
Then who has these inventions? Not the pentagon, not NASA. There are other forms of government that even the government is not aware of. Kind of like the movie SWORDFISH where black ops are formed and funded and then they become SELF FUNDED and vanish. They still work for the better good of the nation or global economy and deal with issues that the main governments cant deal with. Issues such as these that if the population found out about, there would be no hiding it.
There are SO MANY things that even the US president has no clue about.
In fact, during WWII the US vice president had no clue about the ATOM BOMB until he was sworn into office two days later.
AREA 51 not being a base where aliens are disected but the most guarded base in the world where most of the experiments banned by civil groups are performed.
Human beings grown from sperm and egg never seeing or hearing anything. The sole purpose of it's existance is for experiments on it's living brain and nueral pathways. If such experiments were even thought about, area 51 would be closed down.
One other device that exists: Something even more deadly than the atomic bomb. A meteor. Global domination. A meteor the size of a car could wipe out a continent.
What makes a meteor so great is its devistating power AND NO RADIATION afterwards. If a government could control a meteor: determine its size and control its decent and desination then that could be the most deadly weapon known. Shit. We could make a meteor the size of a car and launch it at JAPAN and in two years, after the dust settles go in and claim it as ours during war.
How can you control a meteor? You dont. You create one. Make orbs the size of a garage. Design small thrust engines on them, coat them with PORCELIN so they dont desintigrate and place them in space from our shuttle. Control their thrust to orbit the earth for a few years until they develope a few thousand miles of speed equivilant to that of a small asteroid.
Once up to speed they can circle the earth until ready to strike. Just type in the coordinates and a small thrust sends it rocketing down to earth. NO NUCLEAR FALLOUT and no BLAME.
I could go on forever about other shit but if you dont hear from me after this post then it means I typed too much
08-28-2003, 07:38 AM #2Originally Posted by bermich
Ok I really have to do some searching on this stuff... Where did you get all this info???
The meteor story is great through
08-28-2003, 12:02 PM #3Junior Member
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there's been lots of people going after the 'magnetic engine' however no one has yet been able to produce one that works. as for hydrogen power, GM is heavily investing in this, had a big special on it on 60minutesII about their gamble for hydrogen technology.
08-28-2003, 04:24 PM #4Originally Posted by bedrocked
Like I said. The economy cant just change into it overnight even if it was possible physcially.
I honestly cant wait for clean cars. Tired of drving behind old beater cars killing my brain cells from their exhuast.
All the moons around other planets rotate. OUR moon does not rotate. It is in a fixed axis that orbits or planet.
They simulated orbits and moons and planets. After awhile all the orbs began to form their own rotation around the orb like planets. In essance, anything round should rotate in space.
Maybe a meteor struck the back side of the moon and destroyed most of it destroying its ability to rotate since it is only half of a moon.
MAYBE NASA is covering up something about the dark side of the moon.
08-28-2003, 04:38 PM #5
Ok Dude that bag of shit you got HAS TO BE LACED!!!! get a refund. LOL
08-28-2003, 08:07 PM #6
That meteor idea is pretty good....
Shit.... I outta write a report on that and sell it to Japan for a couple mill. =P
08-28-2003, 08:24 PM #7
almost all motors in cars are small magnetic engines, and some trains use magnets, the only problem is you need to energy source for the primary coil.
08-28-2003, 08:37 PM #8
since your talking about conspiracys about area 51, i was wondering if you ever heard where it is located. Ive been doing alot of research and have found out it is actually near puerto rico. Its an underwater base.
08-28-2003, 08:42 PM #9
From what I've heard, perpetual motion has already been invented by a guy in FL during the 60's using magnets.
And another time by a farmet in OK in the 70's. Both men found a way to create energy without using a fuel source. One man used magnets, the other using water and some type of barrel/irigation thing.
Interesting how both men and their inventions disapepared off the face of the planet shortly after.
I also heard of a tire that was invented that does not wear down. 1 Set of tires to last the life of a car. Of course this invention never made it to the mainstream, think of all the multi billion dollar tire companys that would go under.
08-28-2003, 09:25 PM #10
S5 looks way more interesting than Area 51. Flippin Nevada is a Alien magnent.
08-28-2003, 11:11 PM #11
Hear about the guy who criticized that England guy dude who agreed with Bush to go to war. I cant think of his name and I feel like an idiot. I will know it the second I hit POST REPLY.
Anyway. The guy said (BLAKE I THINK) that there was no evidence for blake to agree with Bush and that a full report would come out. Like two days later that guy commited suicide.
How fucked up is that to be killed and then have it look like suicide. The british secrets act however will keep any further investigations as to his death. Just noted it as suicide. England is pretty brutal when it comes to shit like that. They dont fuck around when it comes to people talking shit about Prime ministers and such.
Anyone ever watch the show La Femme Nakita on USA network.
That show was so great.
08-28-2003, 11:17 PM #12Originally Posted by bermich
08-28-2003, 11:36 PM #13Originally Posted by EXCESS
I think they are on to me. Im gonna die due to roid over dose. That will be a good cover-up. No one will ever suspect the governemt did me in.
08-29-2003, 12:10 AM #14
Sorry to be the party pooper science type...
The existence of your first two inventions are impossible. They are at odds with fundamental laws of physics, specifically the law of thermodynamics.
You can't have a "magnetic engine" as you describe, because the energy in has to be greater than or equal to the energy output. I don't see how you're getting energy from stationary magnets (i.e. the poles).
The chip with no heat is similarly impossible, you can't compute without expending energy, and because no process is 100% efficient, some of the energy will be lost as heat. Just because it doesn't have visible moving parts doesn't mean that matter isn't in motion within the chip.
The meteor thing might be ok though ...
08-29-2003, 12:17 AM #15LORDBLiTZ GuestOriginally Posted by FrkyBgStok
08-29-2003, 11:44 AM #16Junior Member
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electro magnets still need a power source.
and MMC78 is right, i heard something about perpetual motion engines on coast2coast (which im sure bermich listens 2 ) which is a 'conspiracy theorist' radio show on the late night and some chemist called in and basically debunked what these loons who claimed they made one had to say.
09-28-2003, 12:49 AM #17
I have never heard of Coast to coast.
The power for the magnetic engine is called a battery.
And yes there is always movement even in a non moving part. Just in relation to the chips on the market today needing their heat syncs.
I forget the stats on this but it is said that technology 10 folds every 3 years.
For every 3 years technology jumps forward 10 years.
JURASSIC PARK. Able to manipulate DNA and create clones. It is POSSIBLE but computers arent fast enough to compile the date fast enough. It is said that in 10 to 20 years we will have computers capable of mapping the DNA at a fast enough rate to reproduce dinosaurs.
In about 50 years computers will have 10 folded so many times that they will start experimenting with live matter through phone lines and satelite links.
IE: Teleporting live matter kinda like sending a fax over a phone line. Kinda like star trek.
Computers just arent fast enough to read ALL the DNA yet.
Bill Gates once said that no house hold needs a computer faster than 50 megabites. He said this in the 80s.
It was also said by one of our presidents that there can be no new inventions because everything has already been invented.
09-28-2003, 12:54 AM #18
The DNA from a misquito found in sap from a prehistoric tree.
Once they clone the first dinosaur, and try other prehistoric animals such as the ICE MAN and the Mammoth that they have on ice, even mummies.
Just think of all the PREHISTORIC diseases that we will bring back to life. All the black plagues that we isolated and quarantined will then be present in all that DNA.
It is said that 93 percent of Earths species are extinct. That is only a 7 percent success rate. We have been around the shortest time yet survived and dominated. Soon we will have created the technology to play god.... Very ironic.
09-28-2003, 02:08 AM #19
[QUOTE=bermich]I have never heard of Coast to coast.
The power for the magnetic engine is called a battery.
And yes there is always movement even in a non moving part. Just in relation to the chips on the market today needing their heat syncs.
Coast To Coast is a nighttime AM radio talk program, they cover all sorts of conspiracy theories, perpetual motion, space aliens, parapsychology, mind control, etc. It's pretty good for pure entertainment, but mostly BS. The host will usually interview some wild crackpot and will go out of his way to find reasons to agree with whatever they say, even though a guest from a previous show may have completely contradicted what the current one is saying. All in all, about the best entertainment at that hour of the night . . .
And about computer chips . . . I used to make 'em--about as dirty an undertaking there ever was . . . what do you wanna know about 'em?
09-28-2003, 06:13 AM #20Originally Posted by bermich
I was watching the Discovery channel a while back and the subject was on the Sabber tooth tiger. They talked about how this one animal has been extinct atleast 7 or 8 times something like that. Each time it went extinct it would reevolve into a better more efficient version of it's self. This is exciting to me because to think that the tigers of today could possibly evolve into another saber tooth tiger, but with the introduction of man-kind this will prolly not happen. It's shit like this that can really make a motherfucker think.
09-28-2003, 03:18 PM #21
Yeah. They say the tiger or the lion (not sure which) will be extinct in like 10 years if we dont help it out.
Not sure if we help em out or not. We ensure their survival but when we try to intergrate them back into their natural environment, they arent excepted and they have lost their ancestial habbits. Basically they die.
The bears in Yellowstone are trapped in yellowstone.
09-28-2003, 03:22 PM #22
Coast to coast costs like 7 bucks a month. Hell no.
09-28-2003, 03:39 PM #23Originally Posted by bermich
Um, it's free on AM radio.
Click on AFFILIATES on the left side of the screen, then click on whatever state you're in, then check out the station ID and air times in the city nearest you.
Dunno what they'd be charging $7 a month for, they have a magazine & it might be for that . . . but AM radio is still free, and the show is well worth the price.
09-28-2003, 03:42 PM #24
Thanks. I was trying to get it streamlined from the internet. I didnt even think if they had affiliated stations playing it.
09-28-2003, 04:13 PM #25
I love you bermich.
09-28-2003, 05:36 PM #26
I don't know if this has been addressed or not, but just because 75% of the world economy is petrolium based does not mean that 75% of people will lose their jobs if we no longer need gasoline. This figure is based on money moved, not on the number of people employed by these industries. Not to mention there are many things made from petrolium that are not used for fuel. Thus, the petrolium industry could never completely collapse. What would happen however, is a lot of poor sultans. So much of the refinery/pumping is completely automated that not many people would lose their jobs. And since the only people really making money are the ones at the top, and that one person can only buy so many things, the buying power of the people would not be detrimented much.
Now, whenever there is development to be done, many jobs are created. For one unneccesary oil executive fired, you could afford to pay for at least 10 engineers to work on new technology. That would create jobs, stiumlate buying, and improve the market.
I guess my point is that you need to factor in both sides, some people will lose their jobs, and some will gain
ps. oil sucks.
09-28-2003, 05:57 PM #27
It comes down to cause and effect. Like I mentioned above. If a dramatic effect occurred, say an over night revolution in fuel such as hydrogen was introduced (overnight being a decade) the economy would not survive such a quick transition. It has NOTHING to do with the sheeks who have oil spewing up in their back yards.
One sheek being the second richest man in the world under Bill Gates.
It still goes back to: if one industry crumbles, it causes a wave.
09-28-2003, 06:00 PM #28
The industry wouldn't "crumple". There may be an overnight revolution, but it would take time to find applications for the revolution, and then to design the products, then to actually build them. The phase would be fairly gradual. Nothing ever happens instantly. Think about electronic fuel injection, it took over 12 years to fully implement. Think about the computer! we still need accountants. Nothing would ever be fully phased out. People wouldn't just buy new cars, because they're old cars still work. Fact of the matter is that the world resists change.
09-29-2003, 02:40 AM #29Originally Posted by chrisAdams
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