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  1. #1
    bornbad71's Avatar
    bornbad71 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Stupid stuff u c in the gym

    Is my gym the only one that has these dorks.....there are these 2 mal-nutritioned, nerdy, skinny necked, posterboard claxton chicken legged guys in our gym that when they do flat bench press they just let the weight drop on their chest, bouncing 2-3" up then finishing their gosh that would crush my chest or break a rib if I did that. So I ask them if the way they did bench really made their chest fill good(a joke of coarse)....the dumbass just looked at me and said "aaa yeah" with a look on his face like I was stupid.... I just wanted to tie take little sob in a knot. Is it just me or do ya'll see crap like this too.

  2. #2
    JohnDoe1234's Avatar
    JohnDoe1234 is offline Member
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    The best is when you are in the middle of a heavy set and some one asks if they can work in with you (which I feel is no problem), but then the jerk off takes off all the weight, does one set for like 3 reps, and then walks away.

  3. #3
    navydevildoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornbad71
    Is my gym the only one that has these dorks.....there are these 2 mal-nutritioned, nerdy, skinny necked, posterboard claxton chicken legged guys in our gym that when they do flat bench press they just let the weight drop on their chest, bouncing 2-3" up then finishing their gosh that would crush my chest or break a rib if I did that. So I ask them if the way they did bench really made their chest fill good(a joke of coarse)....the dumbass just looked at me and said "aaa yeah" with a look on his face like I was stupid.... I just wanted to tie take little sob in a knot. Is it just me or do ya'll see crap like this too.
    There was a thread a few weeks ago talking about this, quite a bit of stuff in it.... look down a ways and you will see it.

  4. #4
    mass junkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornbad71
    Is my gym the only one that has these dorks.....there are these 2 mal-nutritioned, nerdy, skinny necked, posterboard claxton chicken legged guys in our gym that when they do flat bench press they just let the weight drop on their chest, bouncing 2-3" up then finishing their gosh that would crush my chest or break a rib if I did that. So I ask them if the way they did bench really made their chest fill good(a joke of coarse)....the dumbass just looked at me and said "aaa yeah" with a look on his face like I was stupid.... I just wanted to tie take little sob in a knot. Is it just me or do ya'll see crap like this too.
    yeah bro that what happens when you work out in a gym full of inbreds

  5. #5
    bornbad71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe1234
    The best is when you are in the middle of a heavy set and some one asks if they can work in with you (which I feel is no problem), but then the jerk off takes off all the weight, does one set for like 3 reps, and then walks away.
    Yeah, sometimes I fill like I might have to justify rippin someones head off!!!

  6. #6
    bornbad71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    yeah bro that what happens when you work out in a gym full of inbreds
    I never noticed til now but they do all have the same last name.

  7. #7
    punk_bbuilder's Avatar
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    My two favorites are the guys that bench and lift there back 3 feet off the bench and still bounce the bar....Pussies....and also the dipshit that does shrugs so fast he looks like hes havin a seizure. Both of these "types" tend to walk around like total badasses. Good for them

  8. #8
    Tapout's Avatar
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    how about this for stupid

    we have a squat machine in the gym--you load the weight to do the sets. there are two different bars to put weights on it. 1 bar is for holding the weights--it has no significance to the sets...the other bar is where you put the plates to do the sets
    i watched a guy one time who kept loading the bar that holds the weights--the one that is not attached to the working part of the machine and does not move
    he did set after set and added a 45lb plate after every set--at the end he had like 10 plates on each side and said to us that no matter how much weight he added he felt no different
    now usually i would tell someone and try to help them--but at this point i was like whats the use--if your that stupid that you cant tell you are not lifting any weights then hell with it
    i told him he was pretty strong and went on my way

    heres one more(only one i promise)
    i used to train with this big black dude who was a juiced version of eddie murphy--funny guy
    one day this kid(about 16) came up and asked us how we got so friend tells him that he grew up in africa---and the kid says so--my friend tells him then that where he grew up they would take syringes and stick them in a gorrilas balls and suck out their test then inject it--THIS DUMB KID BELIEVED HIM--the kid walks off thinking then a couple of minutes later my partner starts to walk off--i asked him where he was going and he said to find that kid.. i better let him know i was just joking cause i can just see him tonight at busch gardens trying to corner a gorrilia with a syringe--my friend was actually worried that kid would try it

    with people like this in the world(gyms) jerry springer will never run out of people for his show

  9. #9
    FinaZurp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tapout
    how about this for stupid

    we have a squat machine in the gym--you load the weight to do the sets. there are two different bars to put weights on it. 1 bar is for holding the weights--it has no significance to the sets...the other bar is where you put the plates to do the sets
    i watched a guy one time who kept loading the bar that holds the weights--the one that is not attached to the working part of the machine and does not move
    he did set after set and added a 45lb plate after every set--at the end he had like 10 plates on each side and said to us that no matter how much weight he added he felt no different
    now usually i would tell someone and try to help them--but at this point i was like whats the use--if your that stupid that you cant tell you are not lifting any weights then hell with it
    i told him he was pretty strong and went on my way

    heres one more(only one i promise)
    i used to train with this big black dude who was a juiced version of eddie murphy--funny guy
    one day this kid(about 16) came up and asked us how we got so friend tells him that he grew up in africa---and the kid says so--my friend tells him then that where he grew up they would take syringes and stick them in a gorrilas balls and suck out their test then inject it--THIS DUMB KID BELIEVED HIM--the kid walks off thinking then a couple of minutes later my partner starts to walk off--i asked him where he was going and he said to find that kid.. i better let him know i was just joking cause i can just see him tonight at busch gardens trying to corner a gorrilia with a syringe--my friend was actually worried that kid would try it

    with people like this in the world(gyms) jerry springer will never run out of people for his show
    I swear I was laughing so tears began to come out of my eyes.

  10. #10
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    The other day i was on rep number 2 of a heavy set of arnold presses when someone walked up to me, got right up in my face, and asked how many sets i had left with the DB's.. so i dropped one onto his foot and said they were all his.

  11. #11
    Calipso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisAdams
    The other day i was on rep number 2 of a heavy set of arnold presses when someone walked up to me, got right up in my face, and asked how many sets i had left with the DB's.. so i dropped one onto his foot and said they were all his.
    One time someone intrupted my set......I just fuckin went mental on him. I was having a bad day and then this retard is trying to cut in on 80 db's (I was shruggin' em). This guy tried to act like Mr Macho Man "Hey yo when you gonna be done.". I pulled a FMJ "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! PISS OFF!". I did my set dropped them at his feet and then since he wouldn't move I gave him the shoulder block/shove. He did one curl with the db's and put them back on the rack.

    People like that deserve to die.

  12. #12
    animal-inside's Avatar
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    hands down nothing is funnier then people gewtting stuck under weight.. leg presses are a classic.. not too mention squats.. but regiening champ is the flat bench.. ahhhhhh love it!! one time i was at this gym and i hated this new kid (19 maybe).. I hated him so much for doing stupid stuff like using a bench for 10 sets.. anyways.. i knew i would have my day....... one day he loads up the bench press with 2 plates either side.. barley got it unracked then it fell so hard on his chest i thought it chopped him in half.. some guys run over and take it from him.. he gets up and say ssomething along the lines of "i have done that before for 3 reps.. i don't know what happend" HAHAHAHA......never saw him again.. haha...
    another time this kid comes in and sits on the flat bench press.. he sits on it facing the racked bar.. unracks it and starts doing shoulder presses with it.. ??? hard to describe but he was using a flat bench as a shoulder press rack.. anyways he puts 3 10's on each side.. unracks it.. tried to do a rep.. coudln't do it and one side ended up going to hi and the weights fell off the other side.. of course with the unbalenced bar the other end came down and the weights fell off that side.. he put the bar down all red faced, picked up the weights and walked out of the gym.. never saw him anymore.. haha...
    another classic is when people "invent" new exercises .. like a kid trying barbell upright rows but with the bar behind him.. haha.

  13. #13
    manijak's Avatar
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    uh...can't resist not to chip in on this one
    #1 pisses me the hell of the retards driving benz lexus or beamer parking on the handicapped spots just to get closer to the door...and then getting on the treadmill. I usually leave a heafty amount of snot on their back windows.

    #2 jackasses that load the machines to the top, do a 2-3 rep set and then leave...fuckin' wanna kill'em

    #3 dipshits sitting on a machine talking on the cell-phone for 20 min ignoring everyone trying to work-in

    The list could go on and on...
    and just a comment on animal-inside, If u never got stuck on any machine ain't training hard enough dude...
    I get stuck at least once a day...trying that extra rep , but also knowing that might happen I strategicaly use machines with limiters or supports that prevent the weight from crushing you.

    a couple months ago failure occured before I could rack the bar on bench press, and before I had the chanse to throw it on the little safety pins this dude ran up and helped me get it up.
    And then with a cocky grin on his face said" you almost hurt yoursef there bro" and I all serious went " yeah, if you can't hurt yourself than don't waist your time",
    The last time I saw him and his partner, they were going to failure too, and doing some negatives reps, he ran up to me and said how much his strength went up since my little "advice"

  14. #14
    animal-inside's Avatar
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    manijak.... i do go to failure.. but i am smart about it.. .. theres a diff going to failure with 225 on bench and 405 on bench,.. failure with 225 can be spotted for and even if its not ur not goin to get hurt..
    failure with 405 can break ribs . spotter or not..
    I go as hard as i can on bench.. but i stop when i can't do oen more rep and know my spotter will be able to rack it with what i have left..
    but then i go to cable fly's and go untill i can't go anymore..

    i have no idea what ur experince or traing is like and this is not a flame but u got to be safe above everything else..
    i used to train the way i think u do.. then i got hurt and changed my ways.. i get better gains then ever but i don't get hurt..
    by hurt i mean tearing roator cuffs and pulling pecs..not droppin the wieght on my head..

  15. #15
    animal-inside's Avatar
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    Its hard to make gains when your sitting on your couch with a bag of ice on your shoulder...

  16. #16
    manijak's Avatar
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    no flame taken bro...not hurting myself is in fact my main priority( except when on the jet ski.hehehe..I think I cracked a couple ribs today)
    and that's why I didn't mention any lbs , just said "to failure" , but you know when you try to get that last rep, and you can't, than you're stuck...and that's what I ment.
    Hell when I'm getting ready for the fighting season "failure" means 30-35 reps .
    I hope I explained myself well enough.

  17. #17
    animal-inside's Avatar
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    manijak......glad to hear ur not one of those people I hate to see in the gym with 225 on the bench when they shoudl only have 135!
    take er easy

  18. #18
    Symian's Avatar
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    My favorite are the guys that flap thiier arms like a bird when thier doing cable flyes. If it's a younger guy I'll stop and try to educate them on the theories of proper form, but if you look like you got a little size or act like a badass, I'll let ya flap away. I aways try to help out the young guys, cuz I know how intimidated I felt when I was young, and in the gym for the first time.


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