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  1. #41
    hoss827's Avatar
    hoss827 is offline Banned
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    Naw bro...not on a cycle. I would like to be but i'm too damn young. . Only 16 but my friend went on a cycle at my age, knew what he was doin. Hes 19 now, kept most of the muscle and has had no bad yeah i've thought about it. But its better safe then sorry, I'll most likely wait. What do you guys thinkabout me goin on a cycle??? I know its bad for this age, but you never know .

  2. #42
    hoss827's Avatar
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    Honestly....this sounds fucked up , but personally I myself would like to see the effects considering I'm a teenager. If everyone here would fund my cycle I would do it at this age. But I doubt that will For one I doubt that anyone would want to fund a cycle specifically for me when they could by themselves some good stuff. And for two it's very hazardous at this age as well, but if everyone likes I will be their labrat and go on a deca /test/dbol cycle if they would fun it hehe

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoss827
    my friend went on a cycle at my age, knew what he was doin. Hes 19 now, kept most of the muscle and has had no bad yeah i've thought about it.
    Talk to him again when he's 32 and is balding, can't get it up or can't have kids for low sperm count, or is stuck on HRT for the rest of his life Juicing at a young age has many *long term* problems and side effects that won't appear until much later in life.

    I got to give ya my respects bro... You're smart enough to stay away from juice until your body is old enough. Having the balls to resist the urge (and trust me, we all know how bad the urge to get on your next cycle gets when you see some of the bros here!) gets 2 thumbs up from me.


  4. #44
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    Hmm...not to point any fingers, but what about bdtr? I remember him saying when he was 16 he went on a gram of test and 70mg of dbol a day and it helped him out alot. But he never mentioned the advantages/disadvantages he had gotten from it. Hopefully he will come across this thread and throw in his opinion.

  5. #45
    Calipso's Avatar
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    I never heard that about BDTR. He tried to stray me away from juice.

    I just feel when things are done in should be fine.

  6. #46
    hoss827's Avatar
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    Oh calipso, what were you sayin wyou were shocked about my bench stats for?

  7. #47
    Calipso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoss827
    Oh calipso, what were you sayin wyou were shocked about my bench stats for?
    What I was saying is, you squat pretty decent ammount of lbs (If correct form) and bicep curls seem pretty standard. Just wonder why your bench isn't higher. You substituting weight for perfection in your bench form?

    I bench 255 (But sometimes I look like shit benching, or my wrists will sometime not be completely straight.....which takes away from my chest).

    I was just wondering bro.

  8. #48
    hoss827's Avatar
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    I mean they're really fookiin shitty dude. lol

  9. #49
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    Ohh..well, it puts alotta strain on my shoulder and everything when I do heavy weight on bench sometime so I have to work back up very slowly. My old maxout over summer was 200 pounds three times, but after the shoulder dislocated everyone suggested no more maxing out until the ligaments were stronger. So i've dropped down in alotta weight. I did have VERY shitty form, I would only feel it in my arms and barely every my chest. One of the trainers there showed me what i was doing wrong and corrected my form, and now I feel it mainly in my chest. I'm trying to perfect my form instead of doing really high weight without gettin any work in my chest if that answers your question bro. As for the squats I just have always had big legs, (as a child they were very fat ) but they arent any more, they're pretty large and I like them.

  10. #50
    jdog55's Avatar
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    Don't kick him in the nuts. I'd jump in and break up the fight if someone did that and if you tried to stop me there would be a quick 2 on 1.


    [email protected]

  11. #51
    Ammar's Avatar
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    Must be all that roid rage on this site

    JK Overall, I think fighting is stupid unless its justified. Like someone that I dont know says something about my mom or someone in my family ya know. Now if he throws the first punch, defend yourself but I wouldnt throw the first punch.

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