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  1. #1
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Post Cialis approved by the FDA...

    Found this somewhere... Forget where...
    Thought I contribute to the board for once...

    Longer-Lasting Erection Drug Approved

    Look out, America, here comes "Le Weekend." That's
    what the French are calling the newest erectile
    dysfunction drug approved by the FDA.

    It's called Cialis -- pronounced "SEE-Alice." Like
    Viagra and Levitra, it doesn't make a man's penis
    erect. Instead, the drugs make it possible for a man
    who's had trouble getting and keeping erections to
    have one when he's sexually aroused.

    Viagra starts working in about half an hour, and its
    effect lasts for about four hours. Levitra has about
    the same window of effect. Cialis gets to work a bit
    faster -- a third of men respond in 15 minutes -- but
    lasts for 36 to 48 hours in some men (but by no means

    Urologist Gerald Brock, MD, associate professor at St.
    Joseph's Health Center in London, Ontario, is past
    chairman of the Canadian Male Sexual Health Council.
    He's treated many patients with Viagra
    and, in clinical trials, with Cialis and Levitra.

    "Cialis will be an important addition to the way we
    treat men with erectile dysfunction," Brock tells
    WebMD. "It provides an opportunity for many men to take
    a pill and have a window of opportunity that extends
    36-48 hours where they will have a significant improvement
    in their sexual function."

    Cialis is manufactured by Eli Lilly and Co. and ICOS
    Corp. Lilly is a WebMD sponsor.

    There's another important difference between the three
    drugs. Viagra takes longer to work if taken after a
    high-fat meal. Cialis and Levitra can be taken on a
    full stomach regardless of what you've eaten.

    Chad Ritenour, MD, teaches urology at Atlanta's Emory
    University. He says lots of patients will want to try
    the new drug.

    "I tell patients it is going to be like Pepsi vs. Coke
    Get ready for the advertising blitz," Ritenour
    tells WebMD. "But I don't think anybody can say one
    works better than the other. Each drug probably will
    work better for some patients than for others."

    How They Work

    All three drugs work the same way. They block an
    enzyme called PDE-5, a natural chemical that's part of
    the chain of chemical messages that tell a man's
    erection to go away. Brock says that there's more
    PDE-5 in the penis than in other areas of the body, so
    the drugs have a pretty specific effect.

    However, Viagra and Levitra sometimes block a sister
    chemical -- PDE-6 -- that affects color vision. Some
    men report a slight bluish tinge to their vision; some
    become more sensitive to light. These effects go away
    in a few hours. Cialis doesn't seem to have this

    Cialis has a different side effect. It blocks PDE-11,
    which is found in many parts of the body including the
    smooth muscles of the internal organs, the heart,
    skeletal muscles, the pituitary gland, and in the germ
    cells of the testes. So far, Cialis seems to have no
    harmful effect on these tissues. But PDE-11 may be
    involved in Cialis' most troublesome side effect: Back
    pain. According to a spokesperson for Lilly ICOS, back
    pain was reported by 5% of patients taking 10 mg of
    Cialis and 6% at the 20 mg dose. Patients taking
    placebo reported back pain 3% of the time.

    Which one do men like best? In a recent
    head-to-head-to-head study of all three drugs taken at
    the recommended starting dose by men with erectile

    47% preferred Levitra.
    34% preferred Viagra.
    19% preferred Cialis.

  2. #2
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
    tryingtogetbig is offline Whiney Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    Cialis has a different side effect. It blocks PDE-11,
    which is found in many parts of the body including the
    smooth muscles of the internal organs, the heart,
    skeletal muscles, the pituitary gland, and in the germ
    cells of the testes. So far, Cialis seems to have no
    harmful effect on these tissues. But PDE-11 may be
    involved in Cialis' most troublesome side effect: Back
    pain. According to a spokesperson for Lilly ICOS, back
    pain was reported by 5% of patients taking 10 mg of
    Cialis and 6% at the 20 mg dose. Patients taking
    placebo reported back pain 3% of the time.

    Which one do men like best? In a recent
    head-to-head-to-head study of all three drugs taken at
    the recommended starting dose by men with erectile

    47% preferred Levitra.
    34% preferred Viagra.
    19% preferred Cialis.
    Bad thing about Cialis is that if you are one of the men to experience the back pain (5-6%), you will experience it for 36-48 hours. That's how long the drug is in your system. Half life is 18 hours. Pretty scary!



  3. #3
    ripsid's Avatar
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    They were advertising for it on the NFC Championship game this weekend! Yeah, the one where the ****ing eagles chocked on the big c**K again, those f*Kin' weak assed maggets! I hope the......... "serenity now, SERENITY NOW..."


  4. #4
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    F U C K I N G Eagles!!!...

    Don't even get me started Sid

    I'm gonna have to highjack my own thread if that's even possible...

    I could tell after half-time they were gonna Choke and started hitting
    the Vodka straight from then until after all the post game crap...

    I ended up passing out and my girl left my ass there on the couch
    and I woke up hours later thinking I had missed the game and just
    had a bad dream... I was pissed I missed the game... I swear this is true...

    It wasn't until I got to work, still a little hammered I really found it
    out to be true... WTF is up with those pussy ass receivers???

    I single handed would beat all of those pussies in a street fight...
    I am so sure none of them would even fight back just like in the game...
    Only 1st down Freddy played a decent game...

    I haven't been that drunk in years...

    Thanks Sid I feel better now....

    Quote Originally Posted by ripsid
    They were advertising for it on the NFC Championship game this weekend! Yeah, the one where the ****ing eagles chocked on the big c**K again, those f*Kin' weak assed maggets! I hope the......... "serenity now, SERENITY NOW..."


  5. #5
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Sid we gotta start a new thread titled Eagles Suck so all the
    local bros can voice their opinion...

    I don't think a thread titled Cialis is gonna make them feel our pain bro...

    You wanna start on one and I'll add my flavor to it too?

  6. #6
    ripsid's Avatar
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    Praise the Lord brother! I sat there with my wife and buddy watching the game on his brand new 55" hdtv, just beautiful! Then the game started!
    Trash and Stinkston should be shot! Those 2 ****ers are worthless! All season! I mean comeon your in the ****ING NFL, PLAY LIKE IT! The worst part, buff I mean this is the worst, the coach is satisfied with his receivers?????? WTF IS THAT! When you accept less than average players, you have to look in the mirror!
    WTF, what about Duce played his ass off for what???!!!!??? Freddie did the same! And Donovan, sat in the pocket for 10secs a play and those 2 ****ers couldnt'get off the line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF! I swear if they don't improve the recievers over the off season, I'm done! I won't root for this team till fatass is gone and the owner finally gets his balls back from his wife!


  7. #7
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    Duce is a stud...

    Without a doubt my favorite Eagle of all time, to
    bad he won't be back cus the upper managment
    of Philly is just plain stupid ass money hungry mutha ****ers...

    Duce has the biggest heart of any RB in the NFL
    because he isn't the fastest or most skilled, but
    that mutha is hard as hell to bring down... Like
    the play last week when he pulled 3 Packers another
    5 yards to the 1st down marker...

    And Brian Dawkins and Westbrook are right behind him
    even though Dawkins didn't show up to play during the
    game either, just like the suck ass receivers...
    Last edited by Jack87; 01-21-2004 at 10:45 AM.

  8. #8
    Jack87's Avatar
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    Say it with me...

    I'm a Philadelphia fan...

    And I need help!!!!

  9. #9
    ripsid's Avatar
    ripsid is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    Say it with me...

    I'm a Philadelphia fan...

    And I need help!!!!
    I'm a PHi....I'm a Phil...I'm a PHUCKADELPHIA EAGLES LOSER PHAN!


    Now I gotta go have a drink bro....Winny on the house!


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