Thread: Guess who?
02-25-2004, 12:26 AM #1
Guess who?
Well boys and girls I'm back. That is for those of you who remeber me. Good lord we have an ish load of new memebers. Personally I feel a little lost but oh well. For those of you who care and evene remember last time I was really on here I was attempting to run my first winter bulker and was posting in the member's cycle forum. Well I dropped off the face od the planet for a few reasons. First and most importantly my roomate had a for lack of a better word "breakdown". He went off one day and basically went on a rampage around my complex and town stealing breaking, and setting things on fire telling everyone he was a fireman. I will leave that there. This went on for some time until he was arrested and his family finally decided to get him help. He was diagnosed with a couple things manic depressive, bi-polar and so on... as you can imagine all of this was a very long process and well trying to stay in school and keep my job and maintain a relationship. Well my cycle and posting on here kind off got bumped. I magine trying to go to the gym and remembering to cook all your meals and trying to keep track of when to shoot while staying up all night making sure your roomate doesn't sneak out of the house on his own or better yet set the house ablaze or pull a fire alarm or worse hurt one of the girls. Exactly. Well it's been several months know my life getting back to normal and so is my roomates. He is getting pumped full of olazaprene(spelling) (its a lithium like drug). Anyhow I'm back I'm fat and sloppy yay me. I have a lot of work to but the good news is my cycle was interrupted early on so I have most of my stuff left. It feels good to be back. Shout out to mass junkie, talon, xxxl83, gundam675, punk bbuilder, wrstlr69sdnl, bermich and anyone else i forgot ,if you guys are still around.
Last edited by FinaZurp; 02-25-2004 at 12:44 AM.
02-25-2004, 01:29 AM #2
Hello Finazurp, good to have you back.. Fina is heaven on earth isn't it..
02-25-2004, 09:38 AM #3
Good to see you back bro.
02-25-2004, 09:45 AM #4
Good to see you back around bro...i had to check your avatar to remember, but as soon as i saw it...
good to have ya back
02-25-2004, 09:52 AM #5
That was a lot to deal with.............. Good to see you back!
02-25-2004, 10:39 AM #6
Welcome back bro...I was wondering what happend to you
02-25-2004, 10:58 AM #7
welcome back bro....glad you survived your roommate!
02-25-2004, 07:41 PM #8
Hey guys, glad to see some members remember me. Right now all I'm trying to do is just get back into to shape as fast as possible and get this flab off me to get back on. Glad to see how well your cycle finished up mass. how did your's end up BUlll? Well I have to get back to studying Midterms this semester are killer. ahh only a couple more years and I'm out.
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