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  1. #1
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    who likes satire and black people???

  2. #2
    groverman1's Avatar
    groverman1 is offline Cross Dressing Member
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    No comment

  3. #3
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    if you're taking this site or the title of my thread seriously you are looking at it the wrong way, and don't understand the meaning of satire.

  4. #4
    zx7racing's Avatar
    zx7racing is offline Senior Member
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    ha ha ha

  5. #5
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    I understand the meaning of satire, but IMO u should take that down.


  6. #6
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    that has to be one of the funniest sites I have seen in awhile - and what is so funny is that it equally makes fun of the stupidity of both sides

    the testimonials are hillarious - and the picture of him "raising the roof" - next thing you know they will be commenting on Martin Lawrence movies

  7. #7
    Swellin Guest
    Everybody should go and read the "letters" section...or whatever it is called. One idiot after another writing in to prove how stupid they are.

    That was good for one big laugh!

    It is funny, because you have all seen this couple.

  8. #8
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    If there is ever a piece of comedy that has worked on as many levels as the Africa pictionary game, I don't want to know about it. Bloody Brilliant.

  9. #9
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    I viewed your site today. Someone sent it to an e-group I belong to, comprised of "conscious", proud African-Americans. It is my sincere hope that you somehow find this to be your sick sense of humor. I hope that your aren't truly serious...because then I would have wonder if you are ignorant, as well as insensitive.
    I really don't care that you found a group of disillusioned black people, obviously dealing with internalized racism, to consent to this crap. You are the very reason that we have so far to go, this is the new-age racism. Your comments, and your "friends" comments, sound like something straight from the old black-face comedies. This ridiculous display of self-righteousness is exactly the kind of white privilege that keeps mistrustful of "your type". You should be disgusted with your self. You are an embarrassment to the human race. I will try not hold your behavior against all White people.

    Get some counseling! However I am a lover of free speech and realize that, unfortunately, stupidity is free too.
    Hetep Pu,
    Dr. Imani

    Oh yeah - "white people" are the ones who are the really racist ones

  10. #10
    Big Rush's Avatar
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  11. #11
    Swellin Guest
    Cyc...that guy...the one with the atrocious a DR?
    Man...this keeps getting better! What a bunch of numbskulls.

  12. #12
    groverman1's Avatar
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    I understand Chris, just could be taken the wrong way from a community college grad like me, lol.

  13. #13
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    that has to be one of the funniest sites I have seen in awhile - and what is so funny is that it equally makes fun of the stupidity of both sides

    the testimonials are hillarious - and the picture of him "raising the roof" - next thing you know they will be commenting on Martin Lawrence movies
    I concur. It's hilarious. I find it funny because I've had sheltered white people say some of the comments listed on that site. I just look at them, shake my head ... and just walk away.

  14. #14
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    That B some funny (__!__) shizznit.


  15. #15
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I think it's funny............

    I liked this one:
    "Sally uses a washcloth in the shower and scrubs herself!!"

  16. #16
    juicehoe's Avatar
    juicehoe is offline Anabolic Member
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    That website is "fresh"! Did i use that word right?

    Just playing

  17. #17
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    bump for the night crew.

  18. #18
    Ammar's Avatar
    Ammar is offline Senior Member
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    LoL Nice find there.

    I love those pics of them all smiley and crap haha

  19. #19
    Elliot's Avatar
    Elliot is offline Anabolic Member
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    That is like 3 years old.. yet funny as ever

  20. #20
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    That was funny.

    If I had dollar for every time some of those things have been said to me, I'd be floating on my yacht somewhere exotic (but still logged on AR).

    My favorite:
    Johnny is generous enough to remark upon how "articulate" I am! That makes me feel good!

    I used to laugh when people would tell me how articulate I am--as if it were a shock to them. Every once in a while I'd frankly respond, "Um...well, if you grew up in an upper-class neighborhood, had access to a great education, and had parents that cared about you, then you'd be articulate too."

  21. #21
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Must be "intellectuals" or "social advocates" trying to make a statement...

  22. #22
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    Kinda reminds me of a PFLAG session I attended once . . .

  23. #23
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    tock, what's pflag?

  24. #24
    monster.'s Avatar
    monster. is offline Anabolic Member
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    Wow, that is very uninteresting.. Sorry Chris

  25. #25
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    omg funny, made the day its hilarious how all the black ppl that read it are pissed to, at something so simple..... i guess they know how we feel now bc of the stupid jokes that all black comedians use as a crutch....."white ppl do this.... white ppl act like that" you know what i

  26. #26
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    omg funny, made the day its hilarious how all the black ppl that read it are pissed to, at something so simple..... i guess they know how we feel now bc of the stupid jokes that all black comedians use as a crutch....."white ppl do this.... white ppl act like that" you know what i

    I read it and so did Carlos--neither of us were upset by it. We both found it funny.

  27. #27
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE

    I read it and so did Carlos--neither of us were upset by it. We both found it funny.
    That's because both of you had open enough minds to read not so between the lines and see that the site is making fun of both white and black sterotypes and combatting the idea of racism in all forms, by presenting the utter stupidity of these stereotypes.

  28. #28
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisAdams
    That's because both of you had open enough minds to read not so between the lines and see that the site is making fun of both white and black sterotypes and combatting the idea of racism in all forms, by presenting the utter stupidity of these stereotypes.


  29. #29
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    i didnt mean every black guy ever...just some... i think its funny to lol

  30. #30
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Yea - I thought it was funny how obvious racists, both black and white wrote messages to them complaining of racism - when they are obviously the ones with the problem

  31. #31
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    Great post.

  32. #32
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisAdams
    tock, what's pflag?
    Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

    A while back when I was living in a conservative little town 30 miles north of Dallas, a guy went home to stay with his mom and dad in his final days with AIDS. He was pretty much confined to bed, and when neighbors asked his folks how he was doing, they replied that he was doing fine and had moved to Houston. Seemed that they were embarrassed that their son was gay and was dying of AIDS.
    Well, finally the fellow died, and when the mom called for an ambulence to take the body away she asked them to drive in the back enterance off the alley so the neighbors wouldn't see what was going on.

    About a year later, she called the number I had listed in the local paper for the social club I was ringleader of (The Colony Gay And Lesbian Breakfast Club) and asked to meet me for lunch sometime. We did, and she explained what had happened with her son, and she seemed to be overwhelmed with grief over her perceived inadequacies in dealing with her son in his last days. I told her about PFLAG, and to make a long story short, she became heavily involved with it, and invited me to some of their get-togethers in town.
    Every time I went, it was surrealistic . . . I was the only gay person there, and of course, that made me the celebrity of the occasion. I got to know the other folks there, all mostly 50-60-ish folks, women with big hair and men with polyester slacks and white belts. Even had the local Wal-Mart greeter there (he was married to the lady who initially called me), and every time I went to Wal-Mart he'd give me a big hug.
    Their meetings were more social get-togethers, didn't really want to do much more than help each other over their shared greif and embarrassment over their kid's orientation.
    It was a strange experience . . . being the only gay person around a bunch of conservative Republicans struggling to deal with this issue; trying to find the courage to tell their friends . . .

    But PFLAG itself is a support group for parents and friends of lesbians and gays . . . lots of times folks at work would try to ask me questions about being gay and they were really asking because their kid had just "come out" to them, and they were trying to find someone to talk to about the whole thing, so I'd refer 'em to the local group (the one in Dallas, not the newbies in my neighborhood). Sometimes they could help, other times, well, other times the parents just couldn't get over the Bible issue, and they eventually disowned their kids. Ya, I've seen that happen too many times, including my 3rd ex. Not a pretty thing . . .

    Click the url up at the top, and check out their site. They're pretty cool. The ones that have been in it a while are pretty open in their activism, do a lot for parents struggling to understand the issues and their own feelings.
    Ya, even though they dress funny and wear white belts, they're my kind of people . . .

  33. #33
    Swellin Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    Yea - I thought it was funny how obvious racists, both black and white wrote messages to them complaining of racism - when they are obviously the ones with the problem
    That is exactly why I mentioned that everyone should read the letters. What bunch of idiots!

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