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  1. #41
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    The other day i was doing my usual chest workout all the incline presses then all the flat presses then pec-dec machine so i'm doing my post-chest blood push-ups and this mofo wit 13-14 inch arms and like 25% BF come and tell me "i watched u training your training all wrong what u should do front pull-downs for your chest then "flat prone" WTF is flat prone??.then he was like u take anything? i said protein powder he goes u dont need that just eat a lotta white rice, yams and i roll back my head and start to laff HARD! this gotta be a joke right? nope mofo was serious as a judge.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    The other day i was doing my usual chest workout all the incline presses then all the flat presses then pec-dec machine so i'm doing my post-chest blood push-ups and this mofo wit 13-14 inch arms and like 25% BF come and tell me "i watched u training your training all wrong what u should do front pull-downs for your chest then "flat prone" WTF is flat prone??.then he was like u take anything? i said protein powder he goes u dont need that just eat a lotta white rice, yams and i roll back my head and start to laff HARD! this gotta be a joke right? nope mofo was serious as a judge.

    i never ever comment on peoples work out.. i just shake my head... i learned the hard way and paid my dues..

  3. #43
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    also i never comment on the weight a person uses.. if they cant push more whats the point of me mantioning it..? it wont change the fact..

  4. #44
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    i never ever comment on peoples work out.. i just shake my head... i learned the hard way and paid my dues..
    I love sharing work-outs and diets..........with ppl that know WTF their talking about....last time i chked front pull downs were for back...what the hell, i'll just use my weider principles.....can't win without em

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    I love sharing work-outs and diets..........with ppl that know WTF their talking about....last time i chked front pull downs were for back...what the hell, i'll just use my weider principles.....can't win without em

    the funny thing is that since i dont lift as heavy as people that been working out for years they discredit my knowlage... while im pretty sure i know 20x more about nutrition and dieting then most in my gym..

  6. #46
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    the funny thing is that since i dont lift as heavy as people that been working out for years they discredit my knowlage... while im pretty sure i know 20x more about nutrition and dieting then most in my gym..
    same here bro! i've came and surpassed all the "big" guys in my gym, why? knowledge....i'm don't even know how much i can 100lb incline DB press, 200-220 incline BB press then flat same weights 4sets to failure pec-dec pile on weights till it feels heavy.....the other guys 340-350 3 reps 3 sets and wonder y thet in't growing.........funny.

  7. #47
    stack-a-licious is offline Associate Member
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    well, i heard 2 newbies talking a few weeks ago...every work out they did was on some sort of of them told the other one that he should only use machines, and never free weights... here is his reason..
    please be prepared to not have any food in your mouth, and please swollow all drinks now...
    his reason not to use free weights was: "it causes you to have bad form, plus its much easier to adjust the weights on the machines"..
    hehehe..i see these guys about 1 or 2 times per week... they have a horrible routine... they never ever hit any freeweights...i think thats pretty funny.. these guys will never grow properly...they will be disproportioned...

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack-a-licious
    well, i heard 2 newbies talking a few weeks ago...every work out they did was on some sort of of them told the other one that he should only use machines, and never free weights... here is his reason..
    please be prepared to not have any food in your mouth, and please swollow all drinks now...
    his reason not to use free weights was: "it causes you to have bad form, plus its much easier to adjust the weights on the machines"..
    hehehe..i see these guys about 1 or 2 times per week... they have a horrible routine... they never ever hit any freeweights...i think thats pretty funny.. these guys will never grow properly...they will be disproportioned...
    see the funny part is that in 5-6 years hes going to be able to lift 315 lbs and teach others of his routine thus spwaning a new generation of hopeless newbs..

  9. #49
    stack-a-licious is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    see the funny part is that in 5-6 years hes going to be able to lift 315 lbs and teach others of his routine thus spwaning a new generation of hopeless newbs.. sure thats how he was taught... i mean, why use free weitghs when you can use the machines??? its so much easier to remove a pin, and replace it in a different plate...

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack-a-licious sure thats how he was taught... i mean, why use free weitghs when you can use the machines??? its so much easier to remove a pin, and replace it in a different plate...

    thats what i dont understand i see a guy push like 315 lbs and his for is COMPLETELY WRONG.. and i wonder how he achived that weight..?

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    Lmao....when is d-day the sequel...oops I mean the Big day anyways
    Nov 20th of this year.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Nov 20th of this year.

    whats up with all this homosexual induendo..?

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    And this I hate the most.......... people that walk around the gym thinking they are bad mo fo's just because they use 135lbs on straight bar curls and cheat every rep or shrug 405 and never move their shoulders.
    There's this jackass that ties up the power rack for 45 minutes every night doing pseudo shrugs.

    He puts about 5-6 plates on each side then does this ridiculous bobbing motion where his knees bend a little bit then he pops up, the whole time his shoulders never moving, they actually look like they are about to be pulled out of socket.

    Oh and he is grunting like a pig the whole time.

    Then when he is done with his strenuous set, he walks around the gym doing random **** for 10 minutes before he does another set.

  14. #54
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    80lb shrugs.......... now thats funny

  15. #55
    stack-a-licious is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    80lb shrugs.......... now thats funny the entire thread...

  16. #56
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    i read it jackass, and its still funny, your gonna talk **** to someone when u shrug 80lbers....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  17. #57
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    yeah, I agree man. ****in dumbasses at the gym. The average person is just not aware of their surroundings, FOR EXAMPLE: Go to the mall and look around in a store - people willl walk around staring at things and bump into you by accident, or they will start walking backwards without turning around like a smart person and run into you, or even funnier into a shelf knocking something over. People are just ****ing stupid.

  18. #58
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    dude, it's not the weight that matters somtimes. It's technique and amount of reps, too. Say you can bench 300lbs, one day you bench just 135 and you rep it out because you want to rip your muscles and get more cut. Some guy walks by and says "hah, pussy only 135!" What the hell would you do? You'd be pissed right. Don't talk **** decadbal

  19. #59
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    mind yours subhuman

  20. #60
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    okay buddy

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    whats up with all this homosexual induendo..?
    Don't you wish you were in on them

  22. #62
    ttuPrincess Guest
    So.. reading all of this.. Im starting to wonder if you guys make fun of us girls who don't lift that much either.
    If so....... HOW RUDE!

  23. #63
    kmannnnnnn is offline Associate Member
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    control your rage or workout at home

    Quote Originally Posted by stack-a-licious
    i was in the middle of an 8 set shrug workout...i was using 80lb dumbells... they way the dumbell rack is set up, the 80 pounders are on the bottom rack on the this idiot next to me was flat benching 45lb dumbells...the 45's are directly over the 80's.... so this jackweed gets done with his 3 huge sets of 10 with these 45's...he was very fatigued and put his weights in my 80lb slot... then he started to walk away... i had to yell "HEY"... when he turned around i pointed to my 80 pounders and told him he put his weights in the wrong spot...he said sorry, he was just tired didnt realize his mistake...then he put the 45's where they were supposed to go...this moron was lucky...when i go heavier, i just pick the weights off the rack and stand about 1 foot from the rack...and when im done, i drop the weights pretty much right back on the rack... had he made his mistake then, he might have been killed... hehehe...
    anyway... every day there are idiots like this...
    once i was doing my shrugs on a smith machine.... this stupid lady meant to hang her weights back onto the machine, but she accidently put them on my bar.... i stood there and watched her do it... then she walked away... so i had to take the weights off the bar and hang them correctly... man... some of these newbie gym people...they can drive you nuts....
    take it easy they are not all like us last rep last set and go till death easy bro

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    So.. reading all of this.. Im starting to wonder if you guys make fun of us girls who don't lift that much either.
    If so....... HOW RUDE!

    i make fun of girls when they run cause thier boobies bounce..

  25. #65
    ttuPrincess Guest
    you mean there suppose to bounce??????
    **** genetic

  26. #66
    kmannnnnnn is offline Associate Member
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    ttu princess

    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    So.. reading all of this.. Im starting to wonder if you guys make fun of us girls who don't lift that much either.
    If so....... HOW RUDE!
    well no one should be scared of what they lift and when women are lifing a 2 .5 that is sexy

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    you mean there suppose to bounce??????
    **** genetic

    i guess so.. one time this chicks boob fell out from her over the shoulder boobie holder and she has some disgusting ass nipples.. i think i suffered from impotance for like 3 weeks after that..

  28. #68
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by kmannnnnnn
    well no one should be scared of what they lift and when women are lifing a 2 .5 that is sexy
    2 .5???????

    are you gonna laugh at me if i ask HUH????

  29. #69
    ttuPrincess Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    i guess so.. one time this chicks boob fell out from her over the shoulder boobie holder and she has some disgusting ass nipples.. i think i suffered from impotance for like 3 weeks after that..
    why do you watch the women folk anyway? arnt yo at the gym to get big??? not hard???

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttuPrincess
    why o you watch the women folk anyway? arnt yo at the gym to get big??

    45 mins of cardio gets boring and my eyes wonder

  31. #71
    Phillyboy1's Avatar
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    the girl i lift with is throwing up 35's for inclind bench dumbbells and 4 plates on hack squats. when a girl actually tries in the gym its soo hot.

  32. #72
    kmannnnnnn is offline Associate Member
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    i would too impotence you seen a nipple need a shot i think quantex but women who woirk out ouch

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    the girl i lift with is throwing up 35's for inclind bench dumbbells and 4 plates on hack squats. when a girl actually tries in the gym its soo hot.
    i've never seen a girl bench EVER or even attempt any chest work out beside pec decks..

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    i've never seen a girl bench EVER or even attempt any chest work out beside pec decks..
    yeah i got this girl on my routine, except obviously she does lighter weight and stays in the 15-20 rep range, and she shows up late on back day. she dont need to be doing any deads lol. then ill go back later at night with her to do cardio. she'd be a keeper but she likes to drink, smoke, and party way to much. its depressing i think ill never find a nice normal girl

    guess what her goal is to throw up 135 for bench. she's pretty **** close, she maxed out at 125 last night. so maybe a month or so more. at least she's trying. and i can see a differance in her build now too. her arms are getting more toned and all that crap

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    yeah i got this girl on my routine, except obviously she does lighter weight and stays in the 15-20 rep range, and she shows up late on back day. she dont need to be doing any deads lol. then ill go back later at night with her to do cardio. she'd be a keeper but she likes to drink, smoke, and party way to much. its depressing i think ill never find a nice normal girl

    guess what her goal is to throw up 135 for bench. she's pretty **** close, she maxed out at 125 last night. so maybe a month or so more. at least she's trying. and i can see a differance in her build now too. her arms are getting more toned and all that crap

    i wish i had a female workout partner.. its a dream.. only a dream..

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    i wish i had a female workout partner.. its a dream.. only a dream..
    well i got my normal one and this girl just started taggin along after i met her in a bar and hooked up with her. so now she's a full on work out partner lol. she brought me lunch to my house today, but she needs to quit smoking weed/cigs, and drinking. and then settle down on the flirting with every **** dude thing lol. if i could get her to stop that ish she'd be full on wifey material

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    well i got my normal one and this girl just started taggin along after i met her in a bar and hooked up with her. so now she's a full on work out partner lol. she brought me lunch to my house today, but she needs to quit smoking weed/cigs, and drinking. and then settle down on the flirting with every **** dude thing lol

    ohhhh so you poked her.. you know studies have proven that a couple who works out together have better sex the ones that dont..

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    ohhhh so you poked her.. you know studies have proven that a couple who works out together have better sex the ones that dont..
    no i never poked her, i just hooked up one night with her. after that night i couldnt stand the way she kissed, that and the smoking, drinking thing kills the whole situation

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    no i never poked her, i just hooked up one night with her. after that night i couldnt stand the way she kissed, that and the smoking, drinking thing kills the whole situation

    no poking?!

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elliot
    no poking?!
    nope no poking, im trying to not do that again till i really find a girl i wanna chill with. dont need the chance of BS in my life. between diseases, pregnancy and the rising number of poked women (11 right now) its a reason to stop. i know i know 11 for a 23 year old dude is pretty low, but honestly i wish it was at 1 or 2. unless your poking a girl you really care about, they are all the same. told you im old fashioned lol

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