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  1. #41
    flexshack is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PTbyJason
    Ok, I just got a PM about this. Here's the deal....if I set up a "club" there will be a requirement for each member to contribute a certain number of new threads in the steroid questions section each month that are research type items. If you are not contributing, you will be kicked out.

    Just for the record, I still have no idea how I am going to do this, but I am brainstorming.

    will entrance into the club be based on "join date" so we can have what we used to have? or you're not sure yet? regardless, i still like the idea.

  2. #42
    PTbyJason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flexshack
    will entrance into the club be based on "join date" so we can have what we used to have? or you're not sure yet? regardless, i still like the idea.
    It can be join date, post count, etc... and it could be a combination of the two or one of the two, etc.... Tell me what everyone feels qualifies one for this "club" and I will see what I can do.

    Why did everyone get so quiet all of a sudden once I made it mandatory to earn it?

  3. #43
    flexshack is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PTbyJason
    It can be join date, post count, etc... and it could be a combination of the two or one of the two, etc.... Tell me what everyone feels qualifies one for this "club" and I will see what I can do.

    Why did everyone get so quiet all of a sudden once I made it mandatory to earn it?
    well my vote is for join date. post count defeats the whole purpose of the club which imo, is to get the family back together, lol.

  4. #44
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    I say we decide who gets to be in the club by playing RED ROVER RED ROVER.

    So when we say "red rover red rover, send Da Bull over," he has to run really fast and break the link of arms that will try to prevent him from reaching the other side. If he breaks through, then he gets to go inside the club. If he is unsuccessful, he has to stay with the NEWBS.....

    You guys might want to think long about join dates and such. If you have you have it by join date, there might not be too many "ACTIVE" people in the club. Most 2 year and over people dont hit the site much. I count maybe 15 people 2 years old who come to this site at least once a week and most of those are already MODS or VETS.

    Do it by invite and you will have PMs up the ass from people asking why they arent allowed in.

    Do it by post count and you have people like me with 2000 or more posts whom dont contribute as much to the steroid forum.

    Plus, what is the basis of a "members only" forum. What are you gonna get out of it???
    YAY!!! 30 members posting. What now?

  5. #45
    usualsuspect's Avatar
    usualsuspect is offline Anabolic Member
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    I didn't mean to come off like I was sick and tired of whats going on around here. Thats not the case at all. The thread kinda turned into a complaint box and diverted from its original intent. I just wanted to know if anyone else noticed that the board seemed to be a little water-downed lately and not as many prominent members posting.
    Allow me to re-state my position. I think the board is fine where its at now and a "members only" forum would be unnecessary. The responsibility should not have to fall on the administration to create a forum designed to cater older members. Rickson is right, it is our job to continue contributing valuable info. to the board and spark interesting and enlighting threads.


  6. #46
    Swellin Guest
    Join date and post count are quite arbitrary figures that tell very little about the "value" of a member. On the other hand, some measure of contribution would be a much more effective criteria by which to judge a given member for consideration into your "club."
    While some ole timers should certainly be tenured into the club, and some high post newbies could also qualify, I think it is more relevant to make a call based on the substance of an individual's posts.
    Each member contributes in one way or another to the board, be it AAS knowledge or simply comic relief. Both of these would be suitable criteria; however, one must consider the amount of searching and evaluating that would be required for this. Daunting would not even begin to describe the task. Then you have the issue of the whiners who are not accepted into the "good ole boys club." Quite frankly, those who would whine are not of the sort one would want "in" anyway.

    Actually, I have given entirely too much thought and too much time to an issue that I see as relatively unimportant anyway.

  7. #47
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Make it by join date.

  8. #48
    samoth's Avatar
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    Of course, I agree with the join date thing. Not that I'm biased or anything. Not at all. Don't listen to bermich, he's a newbie!

    On a serious note,

    I would definitly join given the opportunity, however, I have never been a big poster. Granted, I am on the boards (here, EF, and Physics Forums) several times a day -- on a consistant basis -- however, I will never turn into a big poster. With a heavy courseload in school, I really don't have the time to post thorough threads or replies. How some people manage twenty or thirty threads per day is beyond me. Then again, how some students manage to find time for a social life is also beyond me...

    I'm always around... always have been, and always will be. Time allowing, I'll post. However, that's not nearly as much as many of the other members. I think this applies to other older members as well. Being here for several years, one feels a part of the community -- even without posting much.

    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    You guys might want to think long about join dates and such. If you have you have it by join date, there might not be too many "ACTIVE" people in the club. Most 2 year and over people dont hit the site much.
    So having a few quiet old-timers is going to have a huge impact on a 'new' forum? Seriously, how many people have been here since '01 and have posted in the last, say, six months? I don't think it will be very many.

    However, every subject bermich hits on (except for the part about wanting Da Bull to bend over) are very good points -- no one criteria alone will be sufficient.

    I would strongly suggest setting some specific 'baseline' criteria that must be met, but leave the majority of the decisions up to the moderator team. They give the 'final say'. The moderators know who's who, and they can most likely represent the board's general view on who should be in. Further, make the mod choices FINAL -- no argument. Make the rules written in STONE to prevent bickering and accusations -- members meet x, y, z criteria... THEN they are considered by the mod team... or something like that.


    How 'tight' would you keep this new board?

    How long would it even last?

    What about top-quality threads posted there that should be available for all to see, especially the 'newbies'?

    From what others have described, I picture, for lack of a better comparison, something like Elite's Platinum board, or other similar optional-pay boards with paying-member specific forums. Maybe ~20-30% of the total current member base encompassing the allowed membership.

    Further, WHY are we going to [possibly] do this? How will it contribute to the board overall? How will it be viewed by the so-called 'newbies' that are either already here, or those that are yet to come? Will every existing member switch gears and go into a dead run to meet the criteria for the 'special' board, thus lowering the overall quality of the accessable-by-all boards? How will it make the best fitness/anabolic website around better ? Will the benefits outweigh the potential problems it may cause?

    If you set general standards to get in, ie. non-specific qualifications, you do realize you will get thread after thread and PM after PM of members, new and old, trying to rationalize getting in... or why someone else did and they did not... or why 'so-and-so' mod played 'favorites' with someone... ad nauseum.

    Honestly, from my own perspective, I think it sounds like more trouble than it's worth (although I love the idea, regardless of whether I could join or not). I really think this will need a lot of thinking and work if it is going to transpire, or else the entire board will be aflutter with every single little detail of this whole thing... and I predict a lot of good members won't be happy if they are omitted from a part of their community.

    Any further ideas?

  9. #49
    samoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arthurb999
    Make it by join date.
    Umm... no offence whatsoever to anyone... but it's painfully obvious that biased opinions are abounding.

    All the 'old-school' members say join date -- and I see exactly where they're coming from. Five-thousand posts from some chat guy in the last 6 months only shows boredom and a need for attention; certainly not loyalty and commitment to the site. Conversely,

    All the 'newer' members, many of whom contribute vastly to many or even every forum on this site, agree that post count should be a primary factor. I don't see how anyone could argue this point, as it is the members who participate and constantly give to the community that make AR what is is. Who cares if some guys been here since '01? If he doesn't post, what does he give to the site?

    Finding an agreeable middle ground doesn't seem to be an easy or clear-cut path.

  10. #50
    D00fy's Avatar
    D00fy is offline Anabolic Member
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    yall all trying to get D00fy out,i see how it is dam my fault

  11. #51
    rambo's Avatar
    rambo is offline The Lord God
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    Bah. Jason, I'm down for whatever you want. I say, and of course my opinion is final, that there should be a board for just me and partyboy. We would sit and tell jokes to each other all day long and laugh and laugh.


  12. #52
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    well, you are always the busy beaver ptbyjason - but I really dont think we need yet another forum for something that we should be able to fix for all of the members - we could use the reputation thingy that got points for great posts and threads or perhaps limit posting in the lounge to those with 50+ posts so at least they had to post elsewhere and contribute someway before posting in the lounge

  13. #53
    usualsuspect's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    well, you are always the busy beaver ptbyjason - but I really dont think we need yet another forum for something that we should be able to fix for all of the members - we could use the reputation thingy that got points for great posts and threads or perhaps limit posting in the lounge to those with 50+ posts so at least they had to post elsewhere and contribute someway before posting in the lounge
    I voted last time this issue came up (along with many other members) in favor of the Karma idea, but for some reason or another it never materialized. I think its a good way to acknowledge and reward those members who contribute and take the time to provide a helpful post/reply.

  14. #54
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Im thinking less about karma and more about something that limits who can add points to it - I dont want to see people karma sharing etc

  15. #55
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    i like the karma idea... but its true, it will be hard to figure out the logistics so that it's not abused.
    Last edited by monstercojones; 04-14-2004 at 09:42 PM.

  16. #56
    RP7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PTbyJason
    Ok, I just got a PM about this. Here's the deal....if I set up a "club" there will be a requirement for each member to contribute a certain number of new threads in the steroid questions section each month that are research type items. If you are not contributing, you will be kicked out.

    Just for the record, I still have no idea how I am going to do this, but I am brainstorming.
    Wow that sounds like having a PHD... don't get published and you lose your job!

    How about the nattys like myself... are we excluded becuase we don't post much in the Steroid forums?

  17. #57
    usualsuspect's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    Im thinking less about karma and more about something that limits who can add points to it - I dont want to see people karma sharing etc
    Okay better yet, have a member earn a token or something along those lines for posting a valuable thread. For example, on top of giving a thread 5 stars for its "value," also give the member a token (or credit) for the contribution.

    Or instead of the token, Jason or you could send the outstanding member a bottle of test

  18. #58
    flexshack is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by samoth
    Of course, I agree with the join date thing. Not that I'm biased or anything. Not at all. Don't listen to bermich, he's a newbie!

    On a serious note,

    I would definitly join given the opportunity, however, I have never been a big poster. Granted, I am on the boards (here, EF, and Physics Forums) several times a day -- on a consistant basis -- however, I will never turn into a big poster. With a heavy courseload in school, I really don't have the time to post thorough threads or replies. How some people manage twenty or thirty threads per day is beyond me. Then again, how some students manage to find time for a social life is also beyond me...

    I'm always around... always have been, and always will be. Time allowing, I'll post. However, that's not nearly as much as many of the other members. I think this applies to other older members as well. Being here for several years, one feels a part of the community -- even without posting much.

    this is similar to the reason why i don't have 50000000000 posts. i have been around for what seems like an eternity here and have read it all and contributed apropos.

  19. #59
    flexshack is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by samoth
    Umm... no offence whatsoever to anyone... but it's painfully obvious that biased opinions are abounding.

    All the 'old-school' members say join date -- and I see exactly where they're coming from. Five-thousand posts from some chat guy in the last 6 months only shows boredom and a need for attention; certainly not loyalty and commitment to the site. Conversely,

    All the 'newer' members, many of whom contribute vastly to many or even every forum on this site, agree that post count should be a primary factor. I don't see how anyone could argue this point, as it is the members who participate and constantly give to the community that make AR what is is. Who cares if some guys been here since '01? If he doesn't post, what does he give to the site?

    Finding an agreeable middle ground doesn't seem to be an easy or clear-cut path.

    i think what we all have to realize here is that this whole idea of having an "elite club" isn't really the point. who says it has to be considered elite? it will be no better than the rest of the members. the point is to just have a place where us old schoolers can go and reminisce or talk sans newbies (no offense intended toward newbies). there is no need to make it any more complicated than that.
    obviously, as it stands right now, most of the old-timers seem to already be alienating themselves from the board. so, maybe this idea would warm some of them up and bring them back.

  20. #60
    chicamahomico's Avatar
    chicamahomico is offline Respected Member
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    If people want to social talk above and beyond AR why not just use MSN.

    The karma idea is good one except for the fact that people often beg for karma when they post which is sad, pathetic, and annoying IMO. People wouldn't do that you say? Checj out elite if you want proof this will happen. There could be karma that only mods could dole out. Or you could attach karma to a particalar post so mods could see who is giving karma out and for which posts. This would cause some maintenence overhead problems tho, but it can help stop blatant abuses of the system.

  21. #61
    samoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flexshack
    the point is to just have a place where us old schoolers can go and reminisce or talk sans newbies (no offense intended toward newbies)
    I thought part of the debate was by what criteria to allow access to a 'special board'? Then again, it's three in the morning and I don't really know what I'm thinking anyway.

    And to the whole karma thing, I really hope that does not go into effect. Anyone frequent Elite? Does karma have any significance towards a persons post quality? For those of you who aren't familiar, the answer is a profound NO. At least, not in the way they currently run it. It's fun, sure, but it doesn't really add anything to the content of the board. I don't see it as an AR thing at all... doesn't fit the boards style.

  22. #62
    Mart651's Avatar
    Mart651 is offline The Redneck Queen of the Lounge
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    IF you guys are so much better than everyone else and us new guys get on your nerves. Why don't you go start your own site and only allow you guys in. That way you can figure out just how much fun you are. I don't have a problem with anyone just hate whinny ****. I think the diversity is what makes this site so great.

  23. #63
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    IF you guys are so much better than everyone else and us new guys get on your nerves. Why don't you go start your own site and only allow you guys in. That way you can figure out just how much fun you are. I don't have a problem with anyone just hate whinny ****. I think the diversity is what makes this site so great.
    Yeah! ....and cycleon called me a "whiney" member....go figure!!

  24. #64
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    Yeah! ....and cycleon called me a "whiney" member....go figure!!

    You are a whiney member(member meaning penis). I think if I ran a poll, you would take first place. It's people like you that these guys are tired of. I think if you keep on thbey will take their ball and go home.J\J

  25. #65
    PTbyJason's Avatar
    PTbyJason is offline Retired Admin
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    We are moving to our new server VERY SOON, in fact we almost did it last night. It will be a server that has only the AR message board on it, and this new server is better than the current one we have that hosts about 60 different website including this message board, if that tells you anything. Some of the things that were mentioned sparked some ideas. Let us get the message board moved over and I think I know a few things that might just make everyone happy.

    Keep giving me feedback though.

  26. #66
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Why does anyone here need incentive such as credits, or karma to post up some interesting threads, or help out in a detailed manner to the new guys. A speial forum for the "in" crowd of AR; that spells controversy.

    I have an idea. Us Mods can start handing out homework assignments to all. Without the karma, or credits. You all can feel satisified in yourselves for contributing. I've already been thinking about getting with the Mods to develope a test you have to pass before becoming VET

    A thread like this lets the vent open, which is good; and I think it veered from US's initial intent. In any case it's turned into an idea thread, but any opinion of a problem stated in this thread is solved without the "solutions" presented. I think the ideas of karma or a special forum will be more trouble than resolution. We all just need to wake up, and the seasoned members need to start catering to the seasoned members, as much as they do to the newbs

  27. #67
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    You are a whiney member(member meaning penis). I think if I ran a poll, you would take first place. It's people like you that these guys are tired of. I think if you keep on thbey will take their ball and go home.J\J
    go play with your hemorrhoids or something!! sorry...couldn't resist. How is all of that going anyway?

    hey mart, when people are talking about roids here on AR, they are talking about steroids ....not hemorrhoids!!



  28. #68
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheedno
    Why does anyone here need incentive such as credits, or karma to post up some interesting threads, or help out in a detailed manner to the new guys. A speial forum for the "in" crowd of AR; that spells controversy.

    I have an idea. Us Mods can start handing out homework assignments to all. Without the karma, or credits. You all can feel satisified in yourselves for contributing. I've already been thinking about getting with the Mods to develope a test you have to pass before becoming VET

    A thread like this lets the vent open, which is good; and I think it veered from US's initial intent. In any case it's turned into an idea thread, but any opinion of a problem stated in this thread is solved without the "solutions" presented. I think the ideas of karma or a special forum will be more trouble than resolution. We all just need to wake up, and the seasoned members need to start catering to the seasoned members, as much as they do to the newbs
    Did you say homework?????

  29. #69
    arthurb999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    IF you guys are so much better than everyone else and us new guys get on your nerves. Why don't you go start your own site and only allow you guys in. That way you can figure out just how much fun you are. I don't have a problem with anyone just hate whinny ****. I think the diversity is what makes this site so great.
    You weren't a member back then so you wouldn't understand what we're talking about.

  30. #70
    flexshack is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by arthurb999
    You weren't a member back then so you wouldn't understand what we're talking about.

  31. #71
    flexshack is offline Member
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    we don't have to have any special club, we can just call it the "Reunion Forum" or something like that.

  32. #72
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arthurb999
    You weren't a member back then so you wouldn't understand what we're talking about.

    Your right bro. I wish I was. I visited a couple of times but never registered. Honestly it does not sound like I would have been welcomed anyways.

  33. #73
    flexshack is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    Your right bro. I wish I was. I visited a couple of times but never registered. Honestly it does not sound like I would have been welcomed anyways.

    why do you make that assumption?

  34. #74
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flexshack
    why do you make that assumption?

    Sounds like I am not welcome now to the new group.

    I am a member of other boards that have just started over the last few months and I can see the family thing but I also see favortism on those boards and I think that is wrong.

  35. #75
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    Sounds like I am not welcome now to the new group.

    I am a member of other boards that have just started over the last few months and I can see the family thing but I also see favortism on those boards and I think that is wrong.
    What are you talking about?

  36. #76
    PTbyJason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mart651
    Sounds like I am not welcome now to the new group.

    I am a member of other boards that have just started over the last few months and I can see the family thing but I also see favortism on those boards and I think that is wrong.
    When did you join? I thought you had been here forever.

  37. #77
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    how about....

    me and Rambo get to work the "door" at this little "club". we're real ****s so we'll be tight on the velvet rope policy,hehe. we'll make out own guestlist as to who can come in. oh, that ****talking **** who called me gay and says i must have grown up in a house where my mother was butchered w/ an ax because i **** 20 yr olds won't be invited.

  38. #78
    bermich's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=partyboynyc]me and Rambo get to work the "door" at this little "club". we're real ****s so we'll be tight on the velvet rope policy,hehe. we'll make out own guestlist as to who can come in. QUOTE]

    Yeah. Its gonna be like all your other parties. " A real sausage fest" A cock ranch" A, well you get the picture. Kinda like those parties where flyers are up all over town and it has been talked about for months. Come party time, there are 7 guys sitting around on the couch holding a cup of beer waiting for people to knock on the door.
    You have fun with that velvet rope thingy.

  39. #79
    chicamahomico's Avatar
    chicamahomico is offline Respected Member
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    That is some funny sh*t bermich!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    Yeah. Its gonna be like all your other parties. " A real sausage fest" A cock ranch" A, well you get the picture. Kinda like those parties where flyers are up all over town and it has been talked about for months. Come party time, there are 7 guys sitting around on the couch holding a cup of beer waiting for people to knock on the door.
    You have fun with that velvet rope thingy.

  40. #80
    arthurb999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by partyboynyc
    me and Rambo get to work the "door" at this little "club". we're real ****s so we'll be tight on the velvet rope policy,hehe. we'll make out own guestlist as to who can come in. oh, that ****talking **** who called me gay and says i must have grown up in a house where my mother was butchered w/ an ax because i **** 20 yr olds won't be invited.
    Not a bad idea! We need to pick someone to "work the door".

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