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  • ya i like them.

    27 64.29%
  • didnt work to good for me.

    8 19.05%
  • waste of money!

    7 16.67%
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Thread: winstrol orals

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by kingofmasters
    What are you talking about? Winstrol is great!
    Especially when stacked with Test..
    If it wasn't for the joint pains (which I never experienced) all people would love it...
    Winstrol at the end of a cycle just defines the muscle and gives that finishing touch...
    Not to mention a Winstrol only cycle (if it is your first, second or third cycle)
    will put on 6-10 lbs of HIGH-quality muscle in 6 weeks!
    (This why people think Winstrol will burn fat --> It doesn't but it adds High quality muscle!, and therefore lowers fatpercentage!)
    Last but not least is that Winstrol, Primo and Anavar are the only steroids available who give good results on a low calorie diet! (Test, Deca , Dianabol etc are all very dangerous on a low calorie diet! --> see my protein post!)
    (leaving Miotolan, Mestanolone and other less available cuttinggear out of comparison)...


    (50 mg ED of Winstrol Depot/tabs should give everyone satisfactory results when used with Test --> Heard of many people using EOD or E3D!)

    It's a weak drug. You even stated that it just adds a finishing touch. It is nearly non androgenic and mildly anabolic .

  2. #42
    flexshack is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toenail Juice Z
    It's a weak drug. You even stated that it just adds a finishing touch. It is nearly non androgenic and mildly anabolic.
    i was under the impression that winny was nearly a pure androgen with very slight anabolic properties. this is why it has the hardening effect.

  3. #43
    Steroids101 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
    Thats a good point, but mg of one compound doesnt equal the same mg on another compound...perhaps the same quanity of the molecule (ie moles, molecules specifically) may...but I really dont know. It would be interesting to determine the molecular equivallencies in terms of methyl groups. I may just do that now

    I feel rather certain in saying 50mg of one drug is not the same toxicity as 50mg as just wouldnt make sence.
    Im no chemist, but maybe one molocule of one compound has a heavier weight then that of another, and this is the reason that 50mg Dbol , isn't as bad as 50mg Winstrol , because the Dbol is lighter and there for more molocules/Mg. Then again, I have absolutley no idea what the hell Im talking about.

  4. #44
    Aguro's Avatar
    Aguro is offline Associate Member
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    Ok that might have been answered elsewhere but the board is getting soo big that i am lost searching for answer... If you drink it, it will only have the half life of 8 hour as if you took it in pills form right and in injection it 24 hour right?? Would it be a good idea to sip a bit in themorning then another part at dinner and the rest at night so you get some all day? And since it water based what g pinz do i need to shoot it? i have 23g on the hand and 18g will i be ok with the 23?

  5. #45
    Football_Bill's Avatar
    Football_Bill is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2001
    Searching for posts on Winny has become almost useless, the questions ar everywhere and redundent. I'd rather find a post like this and ask the ????.

    I have read a bit of info in this thread alone. I want to cut weight and stomach fat, so a low calorie diet is ideal, and it is stated that is ok with Winny. So for a Winny only cycle, what is the recommended dosage, I am 6'3", 260, but have a bit of mid section fat still. Also, is it true no ant-e's (nolva/clomid) are needed during or post cycle? What about stacking with some left over andro I have for a little test boost?

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