Hi everyone. I have been lurking around for a while and thought it was time to register. Ya I know, I needed to register in order to post, but hopefully in the future I can contribute some useful information. I have researched alot on tren enanathate and it seems to be an incredible product. I used tren ace, but got sick of the ED shots after 5 weeks. In the past I have used only what I could find locally (test, DBOL , maybe anadrol ). I am probably 50lbs over what I would be naturally, so I have some gear experience. OK, my question. I can get Orbit Labs tren enanthate domestic (in Canada), but it's SUPER expensive (at least I think). The EQ I am looking at is QGL and pretty much half the price (although customs now comes into play). Is TE would the $$$? What ever I choose I'll use with Denkall cyp and British Dragon DBOL. Personally I'm leaning towards just getting the EQ. But that's because I'm a cheap bastard.