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  1. #1
    bduke is offline New Member
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    deca durabolin questions

    aight the bottle says Nandrolone Decanoate 250 mg/ml. exactly what kind of deca is this? is it deca 400 or is there only one kind of deca im knew to this. also i havnt started my cycle yet. my shots are measured with ml. should i pull it up to the 1 for 1 cc? and should i just do 1 shot a week or should i start 2 about half way threw they cyle. any advice and help would be appreciated. thanks

  2. #2
    Lozgod's Avatar
    Lozgod is offline Anabolic Member
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    The only Deca 250ml/mg I know of is British Dragon. Off the top of my head anyway. I would do 1 cc twice a week with 600mg/ml of test a week

  3. #3
    Illusion of size's Avatar
    Illusion of size is offline Junior Member
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    You should probably list your whole cycle for everyone. ALong with age wgt, height, cperience, shoe size(jk).

    DO it like this
    Drug 1 - xxxmg/ml/wk for week 1 to 10,12 14 however long you'll be running it.
    Drug 2- ditto
    drug 3-ditto

    Then we'll try again.
    Yeah BD250 deca , unless you got home-brew???

  4. #4
    bduke is offline New Member
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    im 175 6'3 worked out on and off for a while just now getting serious about it. 19 years old. i know nothing about cycles.when people say they are on 200 to 400 mg a week, how many cc's and shots is that? i havent learned any of the terms or anything like that. i was going to do 1 cc a week but ihave been told to do 1cc a week for about 5 weeks then start doin 2cc's a week after that, pretty much finish a 10 week cycle in 5 weeks.

  5. #5
    Lozgod's Avatar
    Lozgod is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bduke
    im 175 6'3 worked out on and off for a while just now getting serious about it. 19 years old. i know nothing about cycles.when people say they are on 200 to 400 mg a week, how many cc's and shots is that? i havent learned any of the terms or anything like that. i was going to do 1 cc a week but ihave been told to do 1cc a week for about 5 weeks then start doin 2cc's a week after that, pretty much finish a 10 week cycle in 5 weeks.
    19 is a little too young. I would sell it and make my money back. You might have consequences you aren't ready for. If you do decide to move foward learn more about Steroids before using it. Don't go by what "people" (who is usually some guy at the gym trying to make a quick buck) say. I fell victim to that first go 'round. Knowledge is power.

    You have enough natural test at 19 don't **** yourself up.

  6. #6
    Tattoo70's Avatar
    Tattoo70 is offline Associate Member
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    Eat my brotha! Get plenty of protien from steak and chicken and drink plenty of protien shakes. I put fruit in mine for added flavor. Like Loz said...You're just too young for gear yet. Your body can do it on its own now. Just work hard and eat...

  7. #7
    bduke is offline New Member
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    one more question then at least tell me this. are there different strengths of deca durabolin or is deca deca. my bottle says 250mg is it some pretty good stuff or is on the bottom of the latter. and so one cc a week should do me fine then. im not training for a competition or anything i just want to put on some mass and tone up nicely, not blow the hell up.

  8. #8
    Lozgod's Avatar
    Lozgod is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bduke
    one more question then at least tell me this. are there different strengths of deca durabolin or is deca deca. my bottle says 250mg is it some pretty good stuff or is on the bottom of the latter. and so one cc a week should do me fine then. im not training for a competition or anything i just want to put on some mass and tone up nicely, not blow the hell up.
    Deca is not gonna tone you up. The biggest point you are missing is you are about 2 or 3 years away from the age you should be doing steroids . YOU CAN **** YOUR SELF UP SEXUALLY. I am sure you don't want that. However if you want to do what you want to do anyway which is a huge mistake heres a link to teach you about Steroids.

    Also you shouldn't do Deca by itsself unless you don't need the use of your penis for the next 3 months.

  9. #9
    revie is offline New Member
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    what is the best thing to use with deca ?

  10. #10
    Lozgod's Avatar
    Lozgod is offline Anabolic Member
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  11. #11
    palumbo is offline Member
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    along with what everyone else said u area aalittle young eat and let yourself grow adn when u have reached ur getne4tic potential then consider the juice.

    by the looks of things all u r gonna do is hurt your progress for the future and waste alot of money

    if u still wanna go ahead then dont do deca alone throw in some test along with it

    just my 2.c

  12. #12
    beavertrap's Avatar
    beavertrap is offline Associate Member
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    Look....You need to learn the simple math if you are going to start using gear. Get out of the forums and go to the main page and look at steroid profiles. That will be your first step. 250 or400 deca is all the same stuff. 250 is 250mg per ml. and 400 is 400mg. per ml. As for deca, there are many names for it. The substance is actually nandrolone decanoate. They are all the same if they are labeled as nandrolone decanoate.

  13. #13
    legend is offline Associate Member
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    anyone who knows me here can tell you that i am a huge fan of deca . but i have to agree with some of the other brothers and tell you do not do it alone. i personally never had any of the sexual sides that some bros get, i actually get the opposite. you can stack deca with almost anything. i would suggest doing it with some type of test. that you'll have to research and find out about. i personally do not think your ready for this step. and by rushing into it your only going to regret it. your first cycle should be your best, do it right. **** it up and it is done. can't go back to the fist time again. do some research. do you know what pct is ?? if not then you are truly going to get screwed. ask questions, hit the search button, and be patient. stick around for a while and you'll get your answers. at 6'3" and only 175lbs, you definately need to grow alittle first naturally. eat , eat and eat. and train hard and consistant. good luck bro.

  14. #14
    kronik is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by legend
    anyone who knows me here can tell you that i am a huge fan of deca. but i have to agree with some of the other brothers and tell you do not do it alone. i personally never had any of the sexual sides that some bros get, i actually get the opposite. you can stack deca with almost anything. i would suggest doing it with some type of test. that you'll have to research and find out about. i personally do not think your ready for this step. and by rushing into it your only going to regret it. your first cycle should be your best, do it right. **** it up and it is done. can't go back to the fist time again. do some research. do you know what pct is ?? if not then you are truly going to get screwed. ask questions, hit the search button, and be patient. stick around for a while and you'll get your answers. at 6'3" and only 175lbs, you definately need to grow alittle first naturally. eat , eat and eat. and train hard and consistant. good luck bro.
    Best advice yet...

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