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  1. #1
    Shredder's Avatar
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    Question Letrozole anti progesterone??

    Ive heard from different people that letrozole has anit progesterone properties. is this true. Will letrozole keep you dry on a Deca cycle? thanks.

  2. #2
    Lozgod's Avatar
    Lozgod is offline Anabolic Member
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    Philly - Better than you

  3. #3
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    A deca only cycle is a bad idea for a number of reasons. For all of you out there that will say, "I did a deca only cycle, and it worked fine for me", well, you can also drive your car in reverse, and you'll get to your destination....that doesn't mean it's the best way or good for you/your car.
    Deca is virtually all anabolic and virtually nonandrogenic. Deca will shut down HPTA via it being an AAS as well as via elevated prolactin levels, which is why it shuts you down "harder" than most. Since you won't be using test with it and have ceased your own test production, and therefore DHT too, your body is in a state where there is nearly no androgens....not so cool. Deca dick is the argument people most commonly use against a deca only cycle, although there are many more "issues" with a deca only cycle that make it ill-advised...the huge shift in androgen:estrogen ratio is one of them....this has ramifications in the libido department as well as on SHBG levels.....SHBG levels will increase due to the shifted androgen:estrogen ratio, rendering much of the deca in your body NOT bioavailable. there's also the elevated prolactin levels in the basence of androgens, namely test, which can have psychological effects due to influences on neurotransmitter levels.

    Will you gain on a deca only cycle? yes, you will, but it's the least efficient way to use AAS I could possibly think of.

    BTW, letro won't affect progestins nor progesterone itself.

  4. #4
    Shredder's Avatar
    Shredder is offline Associate Member
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    im not on a deca cycle bro. i just want to know if letrozole has a antiprogesterone properties because one of the liquid sources was telling me that there is studies that it blocks progesterone. I also found this literature.
    The use of drugs, which inhibit estrogen biosynthesis, is an attractive treatment for postmenopausal women with hormone-dependent breast cancer. Estrogen deprivation is most specifically achieved using inhibitors which block the last stage in the biosynthetic sequence, i.e., the conversion of androgens to estrogens by the aromatase enzyme. Recently, a new generation of aromatase inhibitors has been developed. Among these, letrozole (Femara) appears to be the most potent. When given orally in milligram amounts per day to postmenopausal women, the drug almost totally inhibits peripheral aromatase and causes a marked reduction in circulating estrogens to levels that are often undetectable in conventional assays. Similarly, neoadjuvant studies demonstrate that letrozole substantially inhibits aromatase activity in both malignant and nonmalignant breast tissues, and markedly suppresses endogenous estrogens within the breast cancers. These studies also illustrate anti-estrogenic and anti-proliferative effects of letrozole in estrogen receptor (ER)-rich tumors. Thus, tumor expression of progesterone receptors and the cell-cycle marker Ki67 is significantly and consistently reduced with treatment. Additionally, clear pathological responses as evidenced by decreased cellularity and increased fibrosis are seen in the majority of cases.

    Im trying to decipher it. but it sounds like it blocks both estrogen and progesterone.

  5. #5
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    I se how you could cocnlude this, but they are referring to a cancerous cell line, which isn't indicative of normal physiology. Actually, reducing estrogen can increase progesterone, which is a compound that can be used in the synthesis of estrogens, so it's a compensation mechanism to increase estrogen.

    This study is referring to ER positive breast cancer, where estrogen is necessary to mediate many of the "cancerous" effects, one of which is upregulation of progesterone receptors. However, this isn't indicative of normal tissue.

    maybe Doc M can add more to this.

  6. #6
    Shredder's Avatar
    Shredder is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for clearing it up. I guess when they said tumor expression of prgesterone receptors means just cancer cells. But maybe it has a small effect. Has any one ever used Deca /test cycle w/ famera? if they come out dry then more likely it did block some of the progesterone bloat activity.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredder
    Thanks for clearing it up. I guess when they said tumor expression of prgesterone receptors means just cancer cells. But maybe it has a small effect. Has any one ever used Deca/test cycle w/ famera? if they come out dry then more likely it did block some of the progesterone bloat activity.
    progestins don't really cause's the aromatizable compounds that lead to bloat. deca alone can be construed to cause bloat, but really it's the lack of androgens, so the gains appear "soft". A deca only cycle will a;so leave estrogen dominance, due to very low androgen levels, so the effects of estrogen, even though there really isn't more estrogen, may be more pronounced.

  8. #8
    Shredder's Avatar
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    In my last cycle. I went Fina/winny and in a week I had facial bloat. So your saying..the Fina depressed the Testosterone production and with the winny switch the dominance to Estrogen. That made the bloat. Right now i just started a cut cycle.

    Test 400mg qweek
    EQ400mg q week
    Fina 50mg/qd
    Winny 25mg/qd

    Famera 2.5mg qd
    B6 200mg qd

    Hopefully i will eliminate all signs of water bloat this summer.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredder
    In my last cycle. I went Fina/winny and in a week I had facial bloat. So your saying..the Fina depressed the Testosterone production and with the winny switch the dominance to Estrogen. That made the bloat. Right now i just started a cut cycle.

    Test 400mg qweek
    EQ400mg q week
    Fina 50mg/qd
    Winny 25mg/qd

    Famera 2.5mg qd
    B6 200mg qd

    Hopefully i will eliminate all signs of water bloat this summer.

    That's way too much letro IMO. It also takes 2 weeks to build up therapeutic plasma levels of letro, so if you haven't began the cycle yet, start letro before you do. Use the letro at 1.25mg EOD or E3D with 10-20mg/day of nolva. Always use nolva with an AI to combat lipid issues as well as to block estrogenic effects at the breast. Estrogen is very anabolic it, embrace it, but control it, or it will control you

  10. #10
    Shredder's Avatar
    Shredder is offline Associate Member
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    now u tell I just started today. ok boss, how bout if i take some armidex right now. I got some armidex. i dont really want to stop my cycle. How long does it take for armidex to start kicking?

  11. #11
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    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Shredder
    now u tell I just started today. ok boss, how bout if i take some armidex right now. I got some armidex. i dont really want to stop my cycle. How long does it take for armidex to start kicking?
    It's actually not a huge issue, since you're using long-estered test, but definitely add the nolva in there with it.
    Starting letro when you statrt a long-estered test actually works out, because they both take time to reach peak plasma levels, yet they both will still be working as they build to those levels.

  12. #12
    Shredder's Avatar
    Shredder is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for responding fast bro!

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