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  1. #1
    eclipse43613 is offline New Member
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    First Cycle Of Test 400 Weird Feeling

    Today I started my first cycle of test, The gear I got is called test 400 from denkall labs, it has 187 mg of cypionate , 188 mg of enantato, and 25 of propionate , per cc in oil. I did the injection in the ass, no problems, but about 3- 5 minutes after the injection, I started to feel realy nauseated, and like I was going to pass out, and it only got worse, for about a period of 3 - 5 minutes, I started to panic a little, so i sat in front of the ac and try to come down. I felt alot better, and after that about till now, i have had like very small pains or maybe it just me, in the chest area, there barly noticeable. But is this common to feel like this after you inject, because it wasn't the best feeling, thats for sure and I panic a little bit, which probably made it worse, and is this a good stack of test, I was told I would be fine, just start with a low dose, I only injected 1 cc which is a total of the 3 test to make 400 mg, also should I be using any thing else with these cycle I was told once again I would be ok, I'm starting to thionk maybe not, some info would be greatly appricated, I don't want to **** my self up or even die!! Thanks aaron
    Last edited by eclipse43613; 06-08-2004 at 09:51 PM.

  2. #2
    BodyMechanic's Avatar
    BodyMechanic is offline Senior Member
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    it is probably just your nerves since this is your first cycle. the idea of sticking yourself with a needle more than likely made you sick. t-400 is good imo but there are a lot of people who don't like it because they say it hurts like hell so they stay clear of it.But anyway you should be fine just calm down.

  3. #3
    ginzoguns502 is offline New Member
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    its deff ur nevers man. im on week 4 of the same gear u are and i havnt had anything go wrong.. but it does get allot more sore then anything else i ever did

  4. #4
    eclipse43613 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BodyMechanic
    it is probably just your nerves since this is your first cycle. the idea of sticking yourself with a needle more than likely made you sick. t-400 is good imo but there are a lot of people who don't like it because they say it hurts like hell so they stay clear of it.But anyway you should be fine just calm down.
    I had my frenid poke me, and I wasn't realy nervous about it, and to tell you the truth it didn't hurt at all, but it is real sore right now, and I wasn't nervous or anything after i did it, i was surprized that big needle didn't hurt, but then 3-5 minutes after i started to feel realy sick , and lite headed, and like i wanted to pass out, it had to be from the test, so are these normal side affects right after doing a injection of this stuff, because to me that didn't feel right at all, and I also have a very lite pain, in the chest area. barlty noticable, I don't know, Thanks for you rinfo thoe apppricate it alot

  5. #5
    eclipse43613 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginzoguns502
    its deff ur nevers man. im on week 4 of the same gear u are and i havnt had anything go wrong.. but it does get allot more sore then anything else i ever did
    Are you injecting in the same area or different spots and what size needle you using, and what is the doseage your taking and are you running anything alse with the test 400, thanks for your info!!! AAron

  6. #6
    Lozgod's Avatar
    Lozgod is offline Anabolic Member
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    Did you pull back on the plunger to make sure you werent in a vein?

  7. #7
    RollPlayer is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eclipse43613
    I had my frenid poke me, and I wasn't realy nervous about it, and to tell you the truth it didn't hurt at all, but it is real sore right now, and I wasn't nervous or anything after i did it, i was surprized that big needle didn't hurt, but then 3-5 minutes after i started to feel realy sick , and lite headed, and like i wanted to pass out, it had to be from the test, so are these normal side affects right after doing a injection of this stuff, because to me that didn't feel right at all, and I also have a very lite pain, in the chest area. barlty noticable, I don't know, Thanks for you rinfo thoe apppricate it alot
    Did your friend asparate when he pinned you? If not he might have hit a vein in your glute. Might explain the delay in feeling sick. Just a guess.

  8. #8
    adamw1's Avatar
    adamw1 is offline Associate Member
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    If your not liking the pain now dude wait till tomorrow ouch!

  9. #9
    RJM03's Avatar
    RJM03 is offline Senior Member
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    You probably passed through a vein during the injection, I have gotten that feeling a few times and i take it as an indication that I passed through a vein or hit a vein. Make sure you aspirate before injecting.

  10. #10
    eclipse43613 is offline New Member
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    Thats what I have been told, but I'm pretty sure we pulled far enough back, and seen no blood, I was also told that I might have over dosed, I should have started with a half of a cc which is 200 mg of test, and then went up to 400, , my buddy said I went into a state of shock, oh and is it normal to be having small pains, in the body like the chest area, and your balls, and a head ache, thanks for your info guys, aaron

  11. #11
    shadowman25's Avatar
    shadowman25 is offline Associate Member
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    I say nerves too. Some people pass out when they give blood. I'd say you'll be fine after awhile. Also I think you will be back in three weeks asking why the room is spinning when it all kicks in.
    You'll be fine its a strong drug thats all. Great luck to you.
    p.s. definately do your own injections don't let a friend do it. Its safer and way more convenient to tack yourself.

  12. #12
    toolman is offline Banned
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    No you didn't hit a vein as you would start coughing and taste the stuff. You described a classic panic attack. You did the right thing. Sit in front of the AC and stay cool. When they hit, you feel like your going to die, even when you know what it is. Yours was probably from sticking yourself for the first time. Stay cool bro, you'll do fine. It gets alot easier.

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