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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    subtle usage effects needed

    ok, im ready to give AAS a try again. I was on drol earlier this year and was cought within 2 weeks of beginning by my parents. They said i was "bloated, puffy, and very grumpy". I need to take something that will not give me the "puffyness" i experienced from drol. I was thinking oral winny since needles would be difficult to hide (not getting caught is a top priority). Would an average dosage of winny yeild mild side effects, yet give me decent gains? I have heard some of the oral winny isnt all that great, is this true? please advise me, im a newbie, so please excuse me, lol. im open to any ideas, any help is much appreciated.

    fyi: im 18, 5" 10', 177lbs (bf approx 15%)

  2. #2
    SV-1's Avatar
    SV-1 is offline Respected Member
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    You are not ready for AAS. You are *WAY* too young. Don't even think about touching steroids yet. Your test levels are the highest they're ever going to be right now, take advantage of that. Most people on this board have to take steroids to get the kind of gains that you can achieve naturally. Be smart, wait until you're older (at least 21).

  3. #3
    Tryin2getHUGE's Avatar
    Tryin2getHUGE is offline Senior Member
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    Bro...... first of all, IMO you are WAY TOO YOUNG to begin using cycles. Wait a few years until you are at least 21, that way at least you will have fully developed. Second, You REALLY need to do some research on your own, and follow procedures. Questions are cool and I will answer any that I can, but you should read the "eDUCATION FORUM" first, followed by "NEWBIES...This is for YOU" section. THEN you will be a little more knowledgable about what exactly you are sticking into and doing to your body.

    IMO, winny alone is a terrible idea and will not give you the gains you want.

    Aside from that, welcome to AR and good luck.

  4. #4
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    Jun 2004
    guys, appreciate the advise, but i gotta get big, ive been bustin my ass for 3 years in the gym, its competetive in atheletics around here, i actually have done a decent ammount of research on roids, and i have made the decision to use steroids , i am just hoping some of yall with experience can steer me in the right direction.

    if not just winny alone, what could i stack with to still keep the side effects minimal to none??

  5. #5
    SV-1's Avatar
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    Well you're going to fuse your growth plates, risk sterility and impotence, and possibly have to be put on HRT for life like me.

    No one on this board with a conscience is going to help you fu*k yourself up. When the people who are *PRO* steroid tell you not to do something, it's generally a good idea to listen.

    You can act like a *MAN* and do the right thing, or you can act like a typical teenage *CHILD* and not listen. It's up to you kid.

  6. #6
    Tryin2getHUGE's Avatar
    Tryin2getHUGE is offline Senior Member
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    Trust me Bro............ ANYTHING that SV-1 tells you, you should right it down on a piece of paper so you won't forget it. He is absolutely right. You are gonna ruin your life "because I have researched and I have made up my mind." You are a child. Listen to the voices of reason, get yourself on a good diet, and hit the gym hard. Thats ALL you need for now bro. AND he is right, noone is going to help you hurt yourself. Good luck.

  7. #7
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Trust me bro you can gain PLENTY naturally before youre 21... my guess is you turn to roids cuz your training or diet isnt in check. Take another look at all aspects of these.

  8. #8
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    You are way too young bro -- wait till you are 21. Stick woth supplements and creatine for now--you will see results.

    If you are not ready for darts then you are not ready for aas

  9. #9
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    Jun 2004
    never said i wont use inject, said id prefer oral bc of convience. living with my parents makes it hard to hide things.

    well, i suppose not using would be the best choice for me, but honestly i dont see that happening. guys, i KNOW using will be dangerous, but its a risk I am willing (and going) to take. when your coach tells you put on 30lbs over summer or you will never play college ball, that means you gotta do something. if you absolutely refuse to advise me on what to use, then i ask that you dont bash me for a decision i have made. hopefully someone will help guide me into the "safest" route so i wont increase the risks by using the wrong stuff.

  10. #10
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    How much do you weigh now? I gained a little over 20 lbs in 3 1/2 months naturally... well, with creatine and whey as supplements. maybe you should try a very strict diet and dedicated exercise routine instead of taking the easy way out.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    177lbs..........i eat like an animal and take cell-tech like its my job and ive only gianed like 3lbs in 2 months. what about maybe 1-ad or something not so harsh?? any ideas guys

  12. #12
    KAEW44's Avatar
    KAEW44 is offline Senior Member
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    At your age, the only thing mom and dad should be finding hidden in your room is porn!

  13. #13
    SV-1's Avatar
    SV-1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghstay05
    177lbs..........i eat like an animal and take cell-tech like its my job and ive only gianed like 3lbs in 2 months. what about maybe 1-ad or something not so harsh?? any ideas guys
    I think you should post your stats, diet and goals in the diet forum. At your age with a proper diet/workout routine you'll see faster gains then you'd ever get from just steroids . If you've only gained 3lbs in two months then something is *very* off. And until that's fixed, steroids wouldn't help anyway. As for PH's I'll have to let others give you advise there, I know almost nothing about them.

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