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  1. #1
    dieseL atC's Avatar
    dieseL atC is offline Member
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    Critique please, Test E only..

    Height: 6'3"
    Weight: 220 lbs.
    BF%: 14-15%
    Years Training: Almost 3 years..
    Cycle Experience: This will be #2..
    Goals for this cycle: Get HUGE..
    Brands of AS used in this cycle: Shanghai Labs Test Enanthate
    Cycle to be administered:
    Week 1-10: SL Test Enanthate @ 500mg
    Week 1-11: LN Liquid Femara @ 1.25mg EOD (I bloat like crazy..)
    Week 1-14: B6 @ 200mg ED
    Week 12-14: Anafarm Hellas Clomid @ 300/100/50
    Week 12-14: Nihfi Bulgarian Nolvadex @ 20mg ED

    I will be starting August 2, 2004. Until that time I will be taking Clen /ECY to get BF as low as possible. I pack on fat rather quickly, so I want to be as lean as possible before I start so I can just take in the calories I need and not worry about looking like ****. I'm aiming at 205-210, 12-13% BF by the time I start. Any suggestions or comments are welcome. I will take pics tomorrow and post pics before I start. Just to see how I do on my cutting phase.
    Last edited by dieselatc; 06-21-2004 at 02:41 PM.

  2. #2
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Excellent cycle, bro. Well-presented too. All the info we needed you gave us without us having to pull teeth for it.

    I'm curious...what was your first cycle and results?

  3. #3
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Good cycle. And that's a good idea that your dieting down first before starting, your gains will show alot better.

  4. #4
    1badcamaro's Avatar
    1badcamaro is offline Anabolic Member
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    cycle looks really good bro, just to help you out, some mods have told me to start femara about 4-6 weeks b4 you start the cycle so it has time to build up in your system, they said otherwise it isnt doing much.........just something to think about. GOOD LUCK!

  5. #5
    Diesel's Avatar
    Diesel is offline Anabolic Member
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  6. #6
    dieseL atC's Avatar
    dieseL atC is offline Member
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    Well, my first was Prop/Tren - 100mg Prop/100mg Tren EOD. I gained 15lbs, my strength went through the ROOF. After taking that, I realize why people say Tren is not for beginners. It wasn't the EOD pokes, but it was just the fact that I wasn't prepared to take care of the blood pressure related sides. Right at the end, I started getting crazy headaches and blurry vision. To make a long story short, I should have listened and done something like this for a first and probably would have seen alot better results with less sides.

  7. #7
    dieseL atC's Avatar
    dieseL atC is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1badcamaro
    cycle looks really good bro, just to help you out, some mods have told me to start femara about 4-6 weeks b4 you start the cycle so it has time to build up in your system, they said otherwise it isnt doing much.........just something to think about. GOOD LUCK!
    Yea, I know.. I was just told to start 2 weeks before hand - that's my plan, I have plenty, I just didn't put it on there..

  8. #8
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieselatc
    Well, my first was Prop/Tren - 100mg Prop/100mg Tren EOD. I gained 15lbs, my strength went through the ROOF. After taking that, I realize why people say Tren is not for beginners. It wasn't the EOD pokes, but it was just the fact that I wasn't prepared to take care of the blood pressure related sides. Right at the end, I started getting crazy headaches and blurry vision. To make a long story short, I should have listened and done something like this for a first and probably would have seen alot better results with less sides.
    Let the church say...AMEN.

  9. #9
    dieseL atC's Avatar
    dieseL atC is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE
    Let the church say...AMEN.
    Sometimes it just takes going through the experience to actually learn from it.. if I do run Tren again, which I probably will. I'll be more prepared..

  10. #10
    dieseL atC's Avatar
    dieseL atC is offline Member
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    Any of you guys used the SL Test E, lot 31575. There's my stash, it's no giant tackle box, but it does the trick

  11. #11
    dieseL atC's Avatar
    dieseL atC is offline Member
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