06-26-2004, 04:42 PM #1
20 Male from Cali needs HELP!!! check it
hey bros im on test cypionate 500mg a wk and deca 500mg a wk with sum dbol was wondering if i up the test to 750 mg a week will it effect me going bald i like my hair i dont wanna loose it man my dad is 54 and his hair is still looking good no sign of baldness going on with him so should i up the test to 750???? alsoive only gained 6 lbs off this stuff im starting my 5th wk of cycle on sunday the june 27 i feel strong but nothing monsterous people att the gym have even told me i look like im loosing weight...ive lost 4 pounds bc my stomach is getting real big and i feel like its the center of my body making my arms look like spaghetti but i think im gonna go with 5192 calories a day by the fitness calculators on this website ill start it up on monday so should be good i felt big this week with workouts i workout 5 times a wk i sweat a lot ive been drinking 180 ounces of water a day(.66 * lbs = ounces u need to drink a day) also ive been eating clean with little carbs and little fat in my diet...can anyone help with the gut i have its hurting my lower back thats y i stopped eating for a while...also is there any good websites out there to help with a mass diet or examples of bodybuilding diets....sorry about this long essay but i needed to get this **** off my chest thanks again for your advice bros best of luck in your programs and juices
06-26-2004, 05:00 PM #2
you need to decide if you are going to bulk or cut for your diet. I doubt seriously that you could gain weight and get rid of your gut at the same time on that cycle. The cyp. and deca is going to make you hold water too especially in the stomache area if you have fat there.
06-26-2004, 05:02 PM #3
Give it some more time! The TEST and Deca are now just kicking in. There is NO way you need to up your doses at your age!!!! Also, FYI, you better run your Test dose higher than your DECA.
06-26-2004, 05:18 PM #4
i would up the test to 600/week but no more
06-26-2004, 05:21 PM #5
I still feel like he will be fine with 500mg. Again, remember, it takes up to 4 weeks for TEST and DECA to kick in. Have patients. More doesn't always mean better. It just mean more SIDES...
06-26-2004, 06:25 PM #6
yeah i think i might go with test at 600mg i dont wanna go more than that also i was thinking you know since ima big guy 6'6 265 do i need more than your average dosage of 500mg of test its not like im 5'9 195 should i up the test to 600mg or just clean up my diet and concentrate harder on training ???? i was thinking about sinc eim bigger i might need more also since my size i can get away with more juice and less sides am i wrong on this theory of more steroids since im big anyway???? well thanks for your help bros appeciate it and im taking it to heart peace boys
06-26-2004, 06:27 PM #7
also i think i might be impatient with the juice i think im eating good throught the weeks 1-4 like i said i guess ill up the test to 600mgs but im afraid of more more sides plus the deca should be kicking in as well this week if not im sure in wk 6 ill see an improvement its just my stomach is like bloated which takes away from my body should i take sum nolvadex ???if so how much this is a 17 week cycle
06-26-2004, 07:50 PM #8
Nolva used at 10 mg ed with ldex @ .25mg ed. then follow proper pct procedures.
I would not up your doses. If you do not respond to 500mg then something is either wrong with your diet, training, gear, etc.
06-26-2004, 08:55 PM #9
sounds like your on the wrong plan. Anyways your a pretty big guy now. The thought I have about your gut is your diet. DO NOT EAT TILL YOUR STUFFED AND FULL. I say that for a reason. If you do that you are stretching the walls of your stomach. Being you are still young thats what Im sensing. Do you dring beer?? Its much more common for older guys to have that problem like myself although not bad. I may disagree with a previous post about upping your dose. Your 1st cycle keep it simple ,see how your body reacts. Also, to me 17 wks is too long. HPTA is supressed too long and at 20yrs if you dont have proper PCT the chances for future problems increase 2fold
06-26-2004, 09:34 PM #10
cool bro....thanks for the advice this is my second cycle my first was deca and sust the reason im making this one long is bc after thsi cycle im quitting steorids for a while bc ofthe acne on my face its not horriblle but it hink i see my face 10tiems worse than what people see it it bothers me i hate it but i only break out on my face last cycle i broke out on back i think it was bc of pct though i only took nolva at 20mg a day for 3 weeks
06-27-2004, 11:47 AM #11
im gonna up the test to 600mg bros
06-27-2004, 11:53 AM #12
You're 20 years old. If you need steroids to gain weight than you aren't eating or training properly. You're only doing yourself and your body a disservice to be using steroids, especially at the "idiotically" high doses you are running.
06-27-2004, 04:03 PM #13
bro arnold schwarzenegger was taking juice at 17 yrs old and he got huge i do admit he had good genes ive been lifting naturally since i was 15 i think im ready for this stufff of course there always risks involved but what the hell
06-27-2004, 04:18 PM #14Originally Posted by AustrianOAK14
06-27-2004, 04:18 PM #15
People like Arnold are rare cases. Lets not assume to be that well genetically gifted. Dont mean to offend, but just being serious here!
At the age of 20, I also dont think that you should be on gear, but you already are, so lets deal with that.
Since your on 500MG of both, cyp and deca , the exact same thing that Im on, with the difference being that I am 30, I would seriously recommend that you:
A. MAKE SURE that you have the proper ancillaries, Nolva adn ldex in the least. I'd throw in the B6 just to be safe and have bromo on hand.
B. Drop the DECA down to 400, not the test up to 600. PLEASE.
c. Watch your body for signs of what may be going wrong. The bloat could be simple overeating, but it couls be sign of worse things to come, jsut be careful.
D. Watch your diet, there is no need to OVEReat as long as you are eating right. There are some basic priciples to follow when it comes to how much you eat and of what.
E. Could you be seriously OVERTRAINING? This is a possibility, even on gear, which makes most people think that there is no such thing as exhaustion, but there is. The body does have limits.
Start a new thread in the cycle results section, keep a log of workouts, weight gain (or loss) and general feeling. Lots of guys will be able to give you better feedback than in this thread, which might turn into a lecture about doing gear at your age.
Like I said, I dont recommend it, but you already committed to it, so make sure you get the most out of the experience.
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