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  1. #41
    lfrisbee's Avatar
    lfrisbee is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by str8cubano
    For those trying to get jacked up, im not going to sit here and tell you to run anavar only cycle. You are wasting your time if your goal is to get huge quick. But if you have expereince, and want to concentrate on building quality muslce and want to do it for the long run, and not blow up like marshmellow man or look like you came from a pie eating contest , then anavar will definately give you what you want. Plus, look at the sides of the drug...awesome, its close to perfect in terms of side effects...

  2. #42
    HeavyHitter's Avatar
    HeavyHitter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey Str8Cubano.... its about time someone with some knowledge on Anavar can back me up.......

    So to all my prior arguments on var only cycles....... my reply-- What HE SAID BABY!! hahaha

  3. #43
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    That's great that it works for you guys. I, and others, do not believe that oral only cycles are that good. Orals are great products when used in conjunction with other products. What works for some...doesn't work for others.

    If I wanted to look natural I would stay natural. I'm not going to shut myself down and have to run a PCT to gain a few pounds or increase my bench by a few pounds. Different goals for different people.

    Great civil discussion though guys.

  4. #44
    brabus55 is offline New Member
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    everybody responds differently to every drug..i gained 29lbs of LBM on just an anavar only cycle,,i personally think var is one of the best ones out there..and i know others who have gained 10-15lbs just off var opinion

  5. #45
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by brabus55
    i gained 29lbs of LBM on just an anavar only cycle
    Nothing personal...but I don't buy it. 29 pounds from anavar !? You'd be lucky to get that on any cycle.

    Not saying you are...just generalizing...I've seen people make claims like that before...however they never had proper training or diet beforehand. Then they start taking a steroid ...begin training and eating hard b/c they're "on"...then claim the miracle drug theory. Kind of a placebo thing. Most of the gains could have happened naturally.

  6. #46
    str8cubano is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    You do not gain by sitting on the couch. No idea where that comes from.

    Regardless of the steroid gains can and will be lost. You're making anavar sound like the miracle drug. Does your strength stay? No. Vascularity? No. Like any other compound the FULL effects will be lost. Will you keep some of the gains. Yes. Like any other compounds losses can be mitigated.

    You keep mentioning water retention from test...some test esters will give you water retention. That's why most people use anti-e's to combat the bloat. There are test esters that will not cause water retention ie)test prop or test suspension. These are great for low water retention and cost much less than anavar.

    If you want natural keep able gains...stay natural. Why juice when you want to look natural. Why risk it? Remember even natural gains can be lost. There are too many variables to say test doesn't keep the gains yet anavar will.
    Yes full effects will be lost and your strength will not keep progressing after you take it, but it will stay the same.

    If you sit on the couch and take test you will gain weight. Wether its water or tacos stuck in your neck, you will gain your 10 lbs of water even with anti-E's I promise you.

    Wether you take anti-e's or not, when the cycle is over, sure you can minimize water loss or intake, but you will loose your strenght. Am I saying I wont loose strenght when anavar is over>? YOU BETCHA. Yes I am saying that. If you keep hitting it heavy, eating right, I will not loose my gains nor my strenght. "I WILL NOT KEEP GETTING STRONGER AT THE SPEED I DID WITH ANAVAR, BUT I WILL STAY STRONG". Of course my vascularity and pump will minimize, but not my strength. That is mines and mines to keep, and no one is taking that shit from me. That is from my exeperince, and expereince of my buddy's and other bros i know.

    I am aruging that the gains I will keep from anavar are more realistic than the gains from test.

    Hey boss, nothing beats test, and I can assure you it is the steroid of choice. And what you are doing makes sense. I did the same, and I would continue if i wasn't loosing my hair at a rapid pace right now, but thats another topic. I just want to let everyone on this board here know that you can make good and keepable gains off the anavar. Thats all.

    And to the comment of looking natural and being juiced, whats the point of the risk? I'll tell you this:

    IMO, everyone here strives to build muslce, so someday, they don't have to juice forever. Sure we are finding out new studies that test for older males is good and beneficial, but thats another topic. If your going to sit here and tell me that you can never keep your gains, and once you stop for a year or two you loose everything, then basically there's no point in taking steroids because the Myth is true. YOur balls shrink, and liver dies, and bodybuilders are bad people. But I choose to belive that used properly AAS can be utilized to optimize your body and enhance it and with proper diet and dedication you can keep what you have gained.

    You can't look like Ronnie coleman without being juiced up all year long, but dammit, I can build a decent body and keep my gains. If your saying that once you stop you loose your shit, then whats the point? I know the saying, if your going to be a monkey, might as well be a gorilla....but I know I can achieve that look in the long run little by little.

    In regards to money, hey find the right source. other than that, What you are doing is fine and I will be doing similar stack in the future. Good luck with that -str8cubano

  7. #47
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
    LeanMeOut is offline Community Veteran
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    One up on you
    Depends on your goals.... obviously if you are looking to gain 20 pounds doing an anavar cycle then you need to check yourself. However, anavar when used in conjunction with a good diet and cardio regimen can be great for cutting and retaining / gaining a little lean mass in the process, atleast from my experience.

  8. #48
    str8cubano is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    If I wanted to look natural I would stay natural. I'm not going to shut myself down and have to run a PCT to gain a few pounds or increase my bench by a few pounds. Different goals for different people.

    Great civil discussion though guys.
    DO a cycle of anadrol , inc your bench by 50-60 lbs, and stop using gear come back and tell me how much your bench is.

    BTW, i went up 20lbs on my bench, and that shit is hard for me I'm 6"220lb. But I kept that shit with the var.

    PS. shut yourself down? close to zero shut down with the var.

  9. #49
    str8cubano is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    Depends on your goals.... obviously if you are looking to gain 20 pounds doing an anavar cycle then you need to check yourself. However, anavar when used in conjunction with a good diet and cardio regimen can be great for cutting and retaining / gaining a little lean mass in the process, atleast from my experience.

  10. #50
    str8cubano is offline Junior Member
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    Again I am not putting down test. It is my fav AS. Test along with anavar or winstrol or some other oral is a great stack. Test is the way to go to put on muscle and used properly and proper PCT one can make great gains from it. But its nice to know that after going from 160lbs (back in 2000) to 220lbs (present) that I can take a break from test, use some anavar, and get great results that I can keep. I won't be doing 200lb incl dumbells anytime soon, but they are nice keepable gains.

  11. #51
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by str8cubano
    DO a cycle of anadrol, inc your bench by 50-60 lbs, and stop using gear come back and tell me how much your bench is.
    Why would I want to do this?

  12. #52
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by str8cubano
    PS. shut yourself down? close to zero shut down with the var.
    Yes. Anavar does slightly shut me down.

  13. #53
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
    Depends on your goals.... obviously if you are looking to gain 20 pounds doing an anavar cycle then you need to check yourself. However, anavar when used in conjunction with a good diet and cardio regimen can be great for cutting and retaining / gaining a little lean mass in the process, atleast from my experience.
    Exactly...little gains. I fully agree it is good for preservation while cutting...but not 29lb gains as stated earlier.

  14. #54
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yikes!!
    Try turanabol with test, I am in the 4th week with 500mg/wk of test and 50mg/ED of OT and its nuts... :spudniksh
    I believe tbol is better than anavar mainly because of no sexual sides and it's a hell of a lot cheaper. Anavar is good for women though.

  15. #55
    hulkzer's Avatar
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    balz deep in jessica alba
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    Nothing personal...but I don't buy it. 29 pounds from anavar !? You'd be lucky to get that on any cycle.

    Not saying you are...just generalizing...I've seen people make claims like that before...however they never had proper training or diet beforehand. Then they start taking a steroid...begin training and eating hard b/c they're "on"...then claim the miracle drug theory. Kind of a placebo thing. Most of the gains could have happened naturally.
    what he said

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