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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    cycle please

    cycle number 2. looking to get vascular veiny and dense, while packing on little more overall size.

    1-12 test prop 600 mg per week
    1-12 equipoise 500 mg per week
    6-12 winstrol 50 mg ED
    clen and t-3 thru-out cycle for some fat loss.

    have the nolvadex on board as well. runnig that thru the entire cycle. thinking about running tren also. need help on how to run it.
    any advice will be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Where I can find food.
    1-15 prop 170 mg EOD --> 85mg ED will be best for blood levels
    1-12 EQ 250mg 2x Wk --> or divide doses accordingly, mix with prop, and shoot
    9-15 winstrol 50 mg ED
    Nolva 10mg ED
    Ldex .25mg ED

    Pheedno's or Mudman's PCT 3 days after last prop shot.

    If this is a cutting cycle, than cut. However, if you cut dont expect to gain much mass because your muscles need calories to grow. Obviously, when reducing calories to cut than your not giving your muscles the calories you need. Nonethless, the juice will keep you from going catabolic and may even help you put on a small amount of mass while reducing calories.

    Dont run the clen and T3 unless you know what your doing. Read the clen handbook and use supps properly. Taurine, Potassium...etc.

    Run prop 21 days past the EQ because prop has a very short half life in comparison to EQ. Running the prop 21 days past will ensure the esters will clear at the same time. You can run the Winny up til the day before PCT if you wish. However, dont go more than 6wks because it is liver hepatoxic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    cycle please

    i was also looking to add tren to this cycle... how much would i need?

  4. #4
    hung-solo's Avatar
    hung-solo is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by jollygreenGIANT
    i was also looking to add tren to this cycle... how much would i need?
    keep it lower than your test at least by 100mg. you have to run it ed or eod like your prop. **** i would add the two together in the same syringe.

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