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Thread: starting young

  1. #1
    PressThis is offline Junior Member
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    starting young

    wanted to hear some feedback from you guys who started juice young.

    1. Do you regreat it? Why?
    2. how has it effected your hairline?
    3. once you started young, have you been pretty regular about your cycles. (two or more a year)
    4. how old did you start? How old are you now?

    Thanx bros!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    im more worried about my balls than hairline. but both are doing great with the use of nolvaldex, clomid, and proviron , and tons of over the counter stuff.

  3. #3
    Paingain is offline Banned
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    Jul 2004
    Did one 8 week cycle of a bottle of some shi*ty test depot200 by Brovel. I was 19 at the time and didnt know a thing about steroids . The guy totally took advantage of that and charged me 200 bucks for the juice, and 50 bucks for 8 syringes. I didnt know what clomid was or that it existed, and I tapered the dosages(looking back on it I should have run it straight arrow) My hairline was fine, my balls shrunk a little, and i did develop some acne on my shoulders and chest by the 6th week of the cycle. Even though it was 1 shi*ty bottle I still went from 203 lbs to about 220lbs in 8 short weeks. But I think that this was far more due to dedication than the test. Brovel is one of the shi*tiest tests you can get IMO. The next time i cycled wasnt until about a year later and it was one bottle of Reforvit B injectable d-bol, another worthless and sh*t drug IMO. I went through the 50ml bottle and maybe gained 5 pounds, the stuff was garbage. Didnt hit a cycle again for about 2 years. I wish I knew about chat forums back when I started taking steroids, I guess that would be my only regret. But I was nailing some pretty fine chicks in thier 30's when I was but 20 years old, so steroids were a good thing in my case.

  4. #4
    dumblucky's Avatar
    dumblucky is offline Member
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    sin city
    wanted to hear some feedback from you guys who started juice young.

    1. Do you regreat it?
    yea I regret it
    cause I didnt know what I wa sdoin and didnt have enough gear , also didnt know about PCT
    I would have rather been educated and had enough gear so I could have made some real gains
    **** I coulld have went pro by now
    2. how has it effected your hairline?
    it didnt
    3. once you started young, have you been pretty regular about your cycles.
    No after about 2 cycles I gave up and just went natural for the next
    5 years
    4. how old did you start?


    How old are you now?
    30 somethin

    Thanx bros![/QUOTE]

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